Capitán América: Civil War

Punisher y Spiderman son elementos "clave" de Civil War en el universo 616. Pero el meollo del asunto esta entre el Capitán América e Iron Man.

Spiderman es el ejemplo mas claro de la Civil War. El superhéroe que siempre ha estado bajo la máscara que se apunta al acta de registro de superhumanos y se desenmascara delante de las cámaras. Y ya sabemos como acaba. Por parte de Spiderman y del Capitán América.

Pero son historias que no son imprescindibles para explicar la Civil War. Es mas, no se si la Civil War del universo cinematográfico (y aquí pongo también la serie de Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) va a ser igual que la narrada en el universo 616.

No veo tal cantidad de superhumanos como para que sea necesaria el Acta de Registro. Ni me veo un Stamford en cines.
Y ya sabemos como acaba.

Yo no, cuenta, cuenta...

Antes de la Civil War, Spiderman entra a formar parte de los Nuevos Vengadores. Iron Man lo convence para que se desenmascare en público y de su apoyo al acta de registro.

Los villanos van a por el y lo dejan hecho una mierda (la imagen de Kam). Esto es posterior a que Spiderman visite el área 42, una mega cárcel en la Zona Negativa. Aquí, Spiderman cambia de bando.
Kingping ordena matar a la familia de Peter. E hiere de muerte a tía May. Peter y MJ hacen un pacto con Mefisto para que todo el mundo olvide que se desenmascaró, lo que tambien elimina todo lo acontecido durante... no se, mucho (la boda/relación entre MJ y Peter entre otros)

Al final de la Civil War, Steve Rogers viendo a que les ha llevado la lucha entre supers, se rinde y entrega a la policía. Cuando va camino del juzgado, lo matan.

En mi opinión, las dos colecciones (Spiderman y Capitan América) de Straczynski y Brubaker respectivamente son de lo mejorcito que hay.
Civil War me parece un coñazo infumable.... vale que quisieran algo que removiera todos los cimientos de Marvel, pero en serio, me aburrió soberanamente.
Me gustaria que marvel recuperara los derechos de spidey, que un universo marvel sin spidey no es lo mismo. Es curioso, pero marvel no tiene los derechos de su personaje estrella, de la franquicia que mas vende y de su franquicia mas longeva: spidey, mutis y fantasticos.
A ver tambien si recuperan los de los fantasticos; para ver a un doom en condiciones, otro imprescindible de marvel

La civil war es una chorrada de historia salvo algunos pasajes.

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¿Pues a que no adivinais a quien llamaron cuando estaban estancados con el final y no sabían cómo terminarla y a quien acreditan con darles la solución? A un tal Joss Whedon... :disimulo

Feige ya dijo que esta Civil War no tratará sobre identidades secretas sino sobre la cuestión de quien controla a los superheroes vs dejarlos andar por libre. Y si Stark es responsable de Ultron hay una buena base. Añadamos ex-villanos como los Maximov y que ya en AOS Tony está privatizando el sector y la base se amplía.
Última edición:
Me gustaria que marvel recuperara los derechos de spidey, que un universo marvel sin spidey no es lo mismo. Es curioso, pero marvel no tiene los derechos de su personaje estrella, de la franquicia que mas vende y de su franquicia mas longeva: spidey, mutis y fantasticos.
A ver tambien si recuperan los de los fantasticos; para ver a un doom en condiciones, otro imprescindible de marvel

La civil war es una chorrada de historia salvo algunos pasajes.

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Joder, anda que no lo de Spidey. Es una lástima. Anda que no molaría que, yo mantendría a Garfield, hicieran una tercera parte inmersa en todo lo que están haciendo con los Vengadores.

'Captain America 3' Start Date and Locations Revealed
Anthony Mackie reveals that 'Captain America: Civil War' will shoot throughout the globe beginning this Spring.

First appearing in Captain America: The Winter Soldier this past spring, Anthony Mackie will return as the Falcon in Captain America: Civil War, perhaps one of the most anticipated Marvel movies announced throughout the rest of this decade. Not only does the third chapter in the Captain America franchise promise more Marvel characters than ever seen in a single movie, it will also span the globe as shooting begins this April. Talking with B96 in Chicago, Anthony Mackie offered up a few interesting production details.

We've known for quite sometime that Captain America: Civil War would set up its home base in Atlanta, here in Cap's homeland, the good old U.S. of A. But it will also be heading to a few other locations outside of the country this spring. Anthony Mackie sounds pretty excited about the upcoming shoot, explaining:

"We start shooting in April. So, it's gonna be a lot of flying and fighting for about five months...And I'm not mad at all. [We'll be in] Puerto Rico, Berlin, and Atlanta."

The Captain America: Civil War storyline has Iron Man and Captain America feuding over the Superhero Registration Act, which forces anyone with super-human abilities to register themselves with the U.S. government, and agree to serve as part of a new police force. Stark supports the program, while Rogers does not, believing that it threatens the civil liberties of U.S. citizens. Rogers and others opposing the act are forced to go on the run. This story will also enable Stark to be a villain, of sorts, with his views going against the rest of his Avengers teammates.

Along with Anthony Mackie as Falcon, Captain America: Civil War will introduce Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, Daniel Brühl as the main villain who is rumored to return for Doctor Strange later in 2016, and it will bring Frank Grillo back as Crossbones, Robert Downey Jr. back as Iron Man and Sebastian Stan back as the Winter Solider. This may just be one of the most interesting casts lined-up yet for a Marvel movie.
Latino Review y otras webs dan por hecho que Spiderman aparecerá en Infinity Wars. Habrá confirmación en breves...

Los hermanos Russo confirman que Scarlett Johansson volverá para 'Captain America: Civil War'

Los directores Anthony y Joe Russo han revelado nuevos detalles de la nueva película del Capitán América que veremos en 2016, 'Captain America: Civil War'. Durante una conferencia de prensa en Pekín, los cineastas hablaron con (via CBM), a quienes revelaron que Scarlett Johansson retornará en su papel de Viuda Negra en la tercera entrega del Capi.

"Nos hemos estado preparando para la película desde que debutó el pasado año", dijo Anthony. "Por tanto, llevamos trabajando en ello mucho tiempo y estamos encantados de pensar en lo que está por llegar. Capitán América 3 se titulará 'Captain America: Civil War' y la protagonizarán Chris Evans y Scarlett Johansson, que volverá de nuevo. Soldado de Invierno estará de regreso y Robert Downey Jr. como Iron Man también se unirá a nosotros en la próxima película."

Con la inclusión de Johansson se suma a esta película otro importante personaje del universo cinematográfico de Marvel, donde también estarán Anthony Mackie como el Halcón, Chadwick Boseman realizando su debut como Pantera Negra, Daniel Bruhl en un papel por determinar, Frank Grillo como Crossbones y parece que también Jeremy Renner como Ojo de Halcón.

'Captain America: Civil War' llegará a las carteleras el 6 de mayo de 2016, contando con un guión de Christopher Markus y Stephen McFeely.

Anthony Mackie Talks Up Captain America: Civil War
'It's a wing-ding-doozy of a time...'

Anthony Mackie clearly got a kick out of playing Sam “The Falcon” Wilson in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And there are few more vocal cheerleaders for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and his character. But he seems even more pumped than usual for Captain America: Civil War, as he told Collider during a press day for Kevin Costner drama Black And White.

Mackie has read the most recent draft of the script and, while he couldn’t get too specific lest Marvel boss Kevin Feige spring out from a hotel couch and shoot him with a poison dart, he’s clearly ready to kick the hype machine into top gear. “Let’s just say it’s a wing-ding-doozy of a time,” he enthuses. “The great thing about it is, after seeing The Avengers I joked and said Captain America 2 was Avengers 1.5. Now with Avengers 2 coming out... Captain America 3 is so far beyond Avengers 2.5 and onto the realm of Avengers 3.8. It’s by far one of the most stupendous rides Marvel has put together.”

Given how well Captain America: The Winter Soldier turned out, with Mackie as a welcome addition, it certainly sounds like we’re in for a treat, and that’s before directors Joe and Anthony Russo have shot a single frame. Mackie will be back alongside Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson, with Chadwick Boseman making his debut as Black Panther and Robert Downey Jr. showing up to pit Tony Stark against Steve Rogers in a moral quandary over government regulation of superheroes in a post-Avengers: Age Of Ultron World.
2 noticias...

'Captain America 3': Is Daniel Bruhl Playing Baron Zemo?
Production on 'Captain America: Civil War' will start this April in Atlanta, with Daniel Bruhl's villainous character possibly revealed. has put out a new casting call for Marvel's highly-anticipated Phase Three sequel Captain America: Civil War, which not only reveals that production will begin this April in Atlanta, Georgia, but seemingly confirms the villainous identity of Daniel Brühl's character, after he signed on to star in November. While it has always been suspected that Daniel Brühl is playing the villain, this casting call claims to reveal that the actor is playing Baron Zemo, a nefarious Hydra villain from the Civil War comics. In addition, the casting notice also has the first synopsis for Captain America: Civil War, which reads as follows.

"In Captain America: Civil War, billionaire Tony Stark is pitted against Captain America aka Steve Rogers in an ethical face-off over the U.S government's Superhuman Registration Act, which requires all super powered individuals to register their powers and report to S.H.I.E.L.D."

What's interesting is that, at the end of last year's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. organization was disbanded, so its possible that either Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man or the TV series Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. may feature the agency being rebuilt in some manner, before Captain America: Civil War hits theaters in May 2016. Chris Evans will return as Captain America, alongside Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Frank Grillo as Crossbones and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther. The casting call also seemingly confirms that Scarlett Johansson and Sebastian Stan will reprise their roles as Black Widow and The Winter Soldier, respectively.

Robert Downey Jr. Talks Iron Man in 'Captain America 3'
Robert Downey Jr. teases how his character Tony Stark's views change drastically in 'Captain America: Civil War'.

Next year's Captain America: Civil War kicks off Marvel's nine-movie Phase Three, which will signal major changes within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. During the studio's October press event, Marvel confirmed the Civil War title, and that Robert Downey Jr. will star as Iron Man, alongside Chris Evans as Captain America and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther. The story will be based on the Civil War comics, where Tony Stark feuds with Steve Rogers over the Sueprhero Registration Act. The comic book essentially transformed Stark into a villain, as he found himself at odds with his fellow Avengers and even cloning Thor in the process. When asked about the possibility of playing a villain, in a new interview with Empire, Robert Downey Jr. had this to say, hinting that fans will start to see changes in his character in this year's Avengers: Age of Ultron.

"It's natural to change your views. The main thing to me is, what sort of incident could occur, and what sort of framework could we find Tony in? The clues about where we might find him next are in Ultron. But what would it take for Tony to completely turn around everything he's stood for? Joss (Whedon) brings this up all the time. It's kind of weird that these guys would have all these throw downs all over planet Earth and yet when the movie's over, nobody minds. What would the American government do if this were real? Wouldn't it be interesting to see Tony doing something you wouldn't imagine?"

When asked if he will play Marvel's next great villain in Captain America: Civil War, Robert Downey Jr. had this to say.

"I wouldn't put it that way. The biggest question is, for Chris and for Cap, how do we bring Cap to a place where people go, 'Man, I never thought I would see such a vast change in Steve.' After you see Snowpiercer, you're like, 'I want to see a little bit of that guy.'"

Robert Downey Jr. also talked about how Marvel wanted to bring him in for the Civil War story line, and how they would have to go in another direction if he wasn't on board.

"They said to me, 'If we have you, we can do this, or Cap 3 has to be something else.' It's nice to feel needed. And at this point it's about helping each other, too. I look at it as a competition and I go, 'Wow, maybe if these two franchises teamed up and I can take even a lesser position, with people I like and directors I respect, maybe we can keep things bumping along.'"
Seria de cajón. No se en que estado está la película, o si incluso escribieron el guión con un papel para Spiderman por si la cosa tiraba adelante. Sea como sea, sería la vía más lógica.

Solo podemos cruzar los dedos. Será divertido ver que candidatos hay para el papel.
Sí, cierto, pero al proceder del comic (pues los crossovers que vemos por lo que tengo entendido ya existían) no sabía de su existencia, la verdad.
Viven en el mismo universo, claro que hay crossovers. De toda la vida. Hasta que llegó Marvel Studios el genero de superheroes en cine y tv casi siempre era solo de nombre, el Zorro con superpoderes, y no el maravilloso amalglama de todos los generos y fantasias/sci fi de la historia de la humanidad con una centralización basada en el concepto del heroe grecolatino situado en un ambiente urbano moderno. ESO es el género de superheoes. En el género de superhroes ser uno es tan habitual como ser bombero. Están por todas partes.

¿De verdad os creeíasi que mil superheroes iban a aguantar en los comics más de 80 años con la formulita a X le pica un bicho y obtiene superpoderes, el único del mundo en tenerlos, y reacciona como si fuera un milagro y de la nada decide que lo va a usar para luchar contra delincuentes mientras, casualmente, otro tipo le explota una cosa y obtiene superpoderes, y decide, mira que casualidad, volverse malo? ¿Cuantas variaciones de personaje se pueden hacer así hasta aburrir a las ovejas?

Imaginate la diferencia en Spiderman en decidir usar sus poderes para comprarse un coche e impresionar a una chica que le gusta en vez de volverse un campeon de la ley en un mundo en el que no los hay y ocurrirsele a uno resulta bastante curioso, un salto de lógica algo importante, frente a un mundo donde serlo en cuanto recibes los poderes es tan normal como hacerse violinista si tienes talento y el mundo está llenito de supervillanos que solo pueden detener los superheroes. Imaginate la diferencia en impacto en una caso y otro de la frase "Un enorme poder conlleva una enorme responsabilidad."

Ya solo por esto, Marvel se merece un piso y medio.
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