Doctor Who

Hostia, tengo un compañero de trabajo Whovian. El tono que tengo en el móvil para el WhatsApp de mi mujer es Donna diciendo "Oi, whatch it, spaceman" ¡¡¡ y lo ha identificado !!! :lol

Gente rara hay por ahí... :chalado

Y al revés... a ella le tengo puesto Oi, whatch it, earth girl para cuando le contesto

Cuatro décadas entre un episodio y otro, ¡y apenas se nota la diferencia!

There is no new Who or classic Who. Its the same show!.-Steven-grand maker of lame excuses-Moffat.
Joder, yo iría, pero es que me lo han puesto en la otra punta de Madrid, tardo lo mismo que irme a Valencia...
"MADRID: Cinesa Proyecciones, Cinesa Heron City Las Rozas, Cinesa Méndez Álvaro"

Sera que aun no han puesto acceso a los tres.

Pues si es así, cojonudo. ¿Seguro que es vose? Porque si es seguro, me voy al proyecciones YA. ¿SE viene alguien?
Pues algo raro tiene que haber, porque que identifique una voz, en el comedor de un restaurante, desde un teléfono móvil metido en el bolsillo del pantalón,... muy normal no es...

Ah, y él lleva de melodía la sintonía de Sherlock...

Pues algo raro tiene que haber, porque que identifique una voz, en el comedor de un restaurante, desde un teléfono móvil metido en el bolsillo del pantalón,... muy normal no es...

Ah, y él lleva de melodía la sintonía de Sherlock...


A ver si voy a ser yo disfrazao... :cuniao
Moffat: Trying to assess Doctor Who’s audience from its online community would be like trying to assess world affairs from the comments section. I had this conversation with Gale Ann Hurd [of The Walking Dead] about how you cannot mistake Twitter for the voice of the audience. I’m aware of it and it can be a difficult thing, but let’s look at the positive side. Our beautiful new title sequence -- it’s absolutely stunning -- is from an online Doctor Who fan. Billy Hanshaw just decided to make a Doctor Who title sequence and put it up on YouTube. I happened across it and thought it was the only new idea for a Doctor Who title sequence since 1963. We got in touch and decided we were going to do that one. I suppose when we talk about Doctor Who fandom online, that’s what we should be talking about. We should be talking about the extraordinary creative response. We give them a show and they give us the show back, sometimes better. That’s cementing. There’s something magical about Doctor Who that makes some of the people actually want to do it.

Veo que se han filtrado los preairs de los TRES primeros episodios. :P

Se filtraron 6, pero han ido saliendo poco a poco. Más que pre airs son workprints.

Titulos y creditos de la octava temporada según BBC. Curioso, además de los 4 episodios de rigor, hat tres que comparten credito con Moffat. De los seis primeros el único sin the Moff es Gatiss. ¿Se habrá hartao de reescribir sin credito o ha metido más mano? Hizo lo mismo con Thompson en Sherlock.

Episode 1: Deep Breath.
Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by Ben Wheatley

Episode 2: Into The Dalek
Written by Phil Ford and Steven Moffat. Directed by Ben Wheatley
Introducing Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink.

Episode 3: Robot Of Sherwood
Written by Mark Gatiss. Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 4: Listen
Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 5: Time Heist
Written by Stephen Thompson and Steven Moffat. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 6: The Caretaker
Written by Gareth Roberts and Steven Moffat. Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 7: Kill The Moon
Written by Peter Harness. Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 8: Mummy On The Orient Express
Written by Jamie Mathieson. Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 9: Flatline
Written by Jamie Mathieson. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 10: In The Forest Of The Night
Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce. Directed by Sheree Folkson

Episode 11/12 Dark Water/Death In Heaven
Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by Rachel Talalay

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