Doctor Who

Respuesta: Doctor Who

Yo me meto un poco con él, pero en el fondo los troleos de narrativa de "vamos ahacer el agujero de guión más grande y a pasar cantando por en medio" y "Es absurdo pero ¿a que mola?" de Moffat son impagables, y sin embargo... La serie, por mucho que lo intenta el viejo troll con las estructuras, en muchos casos, se está convirtiendo en algo demaiado repetitivo y en muchos aspectos se está estancando...

Por mucho que me duela perder al trol entrañable, creo que es hora de que venga a llevar el timón alguien completamente alejado de aquel primer retorno en 2005 (y MOffat, con todas sus diferencias sobre Davies, trabaja en un mismo molde básico) y que al BBC permita que la esencia misma de la serie se revolicione porque se me está empezando a llenar un poquuito de rutina... Hace falta sangre nueva DE VERDAD.
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Bueno, la próxima temporada ya introduce nueva companion y nueva estructura (fuera el arco, fuera two parters)... en la parte mala es que los guionistas van a ser prácticamente los mismos. Pero se supone que el año del 50 aniversario es un revulsivo, así que a ver qué preparan.

PD: además a ti no debería importarte porque dejaste la serie en Let's kill Adolf.
Respuesta: Doctor Who

además a ti no debería importarte porque dejaste la serie en Let's kill Adolf.

Hombre... Aunque me lo imagino y tal...y me han contao... y tal... tal...

Si lo de la compañera y tal es lo de menos; es el tipo de historias, de villanos, de estructura dramática, de caracterizacion... Davies y Moffatt son muy diferentes pero a la vez trabajan bajo un concepto de Doctor Who bastante parecido; haría falta alguien con una idea de la serie bastante más radical y diferente porque la serie se está empezando a estancar; no mucho, todavía no es grave, pero se está empezando a ver que para un show que, según super-troll, puede ser cualquier cosa cada semana, ese cualquier cosa se parece bastante a un un par de cosillas nada más.

Moffat es un continuador, sui generis, pero continuador; hace falta un rebelde. Hace falta...

Conociendo a Moffat, estoy bastante seguro que apoyaría mi tesis de que a Who lo que le hace falta es más pelvis...
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Adiós a Liz Shaw

Ha fallecido Caroline John a los 72 años. Fue companion del Tercer Doctor durante su primera temporada y regresó para The five Doctors y Dimensions in time.

Podemos verla en papeles secundarios en Love actually, The woman in black, El filo de la navaja o El perro de los Baskerville junto a Tom Baker.

Descansa en paz, Liz.

Respuesta: Doctor Who

Algo más de classic para matar el mono.

THE ROBOTS OF DEATH, normalucho Diez negritos espacial con asesinatos misteriosos entre humanos y robots, con el Doctor como principal sospechoso. Demasiado largo y poco intrigante, pero tiene detalles majos como el original diseño art decó de los androides, la estación minera aislada a lo Dune o el concepto de xenofobia robótica.

Un clásico de la mano de Robert Holmes himself: THE TALONS OF WENG-CHIANG. El serial que hubiese escrito Sorel. Un pastiche desvergonzado de Sherlock Holmes (hasta el Doctor lleva el gorro), Fu Manchú, el Fantasma de la Ópera, Jack el Destripador y quién sabe qué referencias victorianas. Es quizá el serial que mejor mide lo de los seis episodios, hay villanos excéntricos, ratas gigantes en las cloacas, un secundario cómico que funciona, Leela empieza a aportar (la salvaje educada) y Tom ya tiene controlado al Doctor. Pues eso. Uno de los clásicos de la serie.

HORROR OF FANG ROCK tira por otro lado: un faro perdido en la costa, una noche de niebla, un grupo de personajes atrapados y una invasión alienígena inminente... material típico del Who clásico, pero Dicks parece no saber qué hacer muy bien; lo mismo hay buenos tramos, con los humanos enfrentándose y la tensión del encierro subiendo (buen detalle Leela abofeteando a una), o la conversación de Baker con el alien... como la trama se pone a dar tumbos y vueltas, a divagar, y con el Doctor luciendo poco. Interesante ambientación, con ese tono de leyenda marina siniestra (a veces recordé La niebla).

THE INVISIBLE ENEMY es una cosa un poco extraña, lo mismo pasa del terror puro (narrativamente) de un virus inteligente que posee mentes a un episodio 100% Viaje alucinante por la mente del Doctor o el clásico "guerrillas y tiroteos por pasillos" de la serie. Recordado sobre todo por ser el debut de K-9, al que temía más cansino; nostamal a ratos, y el interés en la evolución de Leela (sus conversaciones con el perro, escribiendo su nombre) siempre se agradece.


Respuesta: Doctor Who

A ver si me pongo con los classics que sólo he visto Robot pero a mi novia (que es mas whovian que yo) casi le dio un patatus con los desefectos especiales xD
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Más guest stars: Liam Cunningham (Juego de tronos, Hunger), Dougray Scott (Misión imposible 2), Steven Berkoff (The girl with the dragon tattoo, Los Borgia) y...

David Warner :hail :hail :hail

Se unen a los mencionados Rupert Graves, Mark Williams, David Bradley, Adrian Scarborough y Ben Browder.

PD: atención al título del primer episodio... ASYLUM OF THE DALEKS. :babas
Respuesta: Doctor Who


Moffat, troll. :lol

David Warner: :atope:atope:atope:atope:atope:atope:atope:atope

Yep; love the guy.
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Horror of Fang Rock fue además el adiós del dueto Hinchcliffe/Holmes, con Graham Wiulliams de productor y el alejamiento paulatino de Holmes, relegando en otros hasta marcharse defvinitivamente a final de temporada... Lo que más me gusta de ese serial, además de la ambientación en el faro de terror marino gótico tan Holmsiano es el momento en elqmue el doctor pierde la confianza y Leela le echa la bronca. "YOU ARE A TIMELORD!!!". :garrulo
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Estás de suerte Sorel...

También guest star Diana Rigg :palmas


Mítica Emma Peel y chica Bond, aparecerá en uno de los dos episodios de Gatiss junto a su hija Rachel Stirling, también actriz.
Respuesta: Doctor Who

:yes :atope

Ya era hora...

Mítica dama de la tele británica y quien tuvo que fingir sentir atracción por Lazenby, debe ser MUY GRANDE. Aparte, pocos lo recuerdan, pero extraordinaria actriz shakespaeriana.

David Warner, Diana Rigg... Ya sé de qué es el Asylum de los Daleks... ¡es un geriatrico!
Respuesta: Doctor Who


- "Y también fue mi hija. Diana saluda a estos chicos".



Y cómo lucía el mostacho tanto uno como el otro.

Si, pero se pasa media peli disfrazada de tio... ;)

También estuvo extraordinaria en The Hospital de Paddy Chayewsky y Athur Hiller frente a George C. Scott o frente a frente con Oliver Reed y Telly Savalas en El Club de los Asesinos, en la que ella era de largo lo mejor.

Alguien dijo... ¿zoom?

o encarando a Olivier en Lear.
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Qué mayor está la buena señora Rigg...


Atención al bombín de Matt, ¿guiño a la mítica serie de Rigg? I wear a bowler hat now, bowler hats are cool.

El episodio obviamente es de época y se ha visto en el rodaje a Jenny, la amante de la silurian victoriana lesbiana de A good man goes to war, por lo que probablemente la lagarta también se dejará ver por el capítulo.

El episodio es el 10 y se dice que se llama THE CRIMSON HORROR; otros títulos para otros episodios, el mencionado ASYLUM OF THE DALEKS y THE GUNSLINGER, CUBED, PHANTOMS OF THE HEX y THE HIDER IN THE HOUSE.
Última edición:
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Comic con:

(está al revés)

13:42 The clip looks amazing - with Rory's dad going on a bit of a trip, Queen Nefertiti making advances on the Doctor, and some really stonking dinosaurs on a spaceship, too! We wish we could watch the entire episode, but sadly, that's a wrap for the panel. We're counting down the days until Doctor Who is back!

13:33 Steven says the secret of television success is putting dinosaurs on a spaceship! Eeee! Clip time... (el episodio, escrito por Chibnall, se llama DINOSAURS ON A SPACESHIP)

13:33 Matt has a piece of advice - if you ever see him in an airport, don't say: "You didn't bring your TARDIS, then." He adds: "No I didn't. Because if I did, why the hell would I be queuing up?"

13:31 "More Daleks than you've ever seen in one place," Steven promises for the new season. "It's 'wow'. It's lots and lots and lots of Daleks. It's what we all see when we close our eyes in our TARDIS-wallpapered bedrooms." He says there's "absolutely everything" - comedy, a Western, tragedy - and stuff he's just not going to reveal. "I don't think we've had a bigger variety of episodes than the ones we're about to show you," he says. "It's truly exciting."

13:30 Matt and Karen agree Arthur turns into "dad mode" when he's grumpy. Arthur also reveals that he likes looking at Karen for ages until she realises he's looking. Matt also plays the "uncomfortable touch" with any new actor that comes on set - getting more and more tactile until they freak out!

13:29 Have the cast and crew got any weird or interesting habits? Matt reveals that when Karen's nervous she picks her lips. "It's my thinking face!" Karen protests. But Matt's not getting off easy - he brrs his lips like a horse. Matt didn't even know he did that!

13:27 What plays would the cast like to be in? Matt wants to be in The Crucible, while Karen says she'd love to play Lady Macbeth. Arthur says he could play Macbeth! Arthur admits he wants to get a villainous role.

13:26 Matt says his sonic screwdriver was never meant to flick - it just kind of happened by accident, because he thought it looked cool. (He thinks each Doctor should get to keep their sonic screwdrivers, by the way.)

13:25 The next audience member wants to know if any of the cast have been tempted to steal anything from the set. Karen has done it - she took binoculars! "We've robbed various bits of TARDIS," Matt murmurs, while Arthur says he's asked for bigger costumes so he can hide things!

13:22Karen says she really likes pianos, so something to do with playing a piano that traps people and they have to dodge all the hammers inside. Matt reveals that actually, Karen's a great classical pianist! Arthur's also feeling musical - he wants the Doctor to join a band.

13:22 The next fan asks what plots the cast would love to have in the show. Matt says it isn't affordable, but he's "really intrigued" by Atlantis. Steven says there have been at least three versions of Atlantis already... "But we could do it again. To hell with continuity!"

13:20 Have there been any scenes Caroline and Steven haven't been able to do? Steven says they mostly get the "really amazing" ones on screen. "If it's really extraordinary we'll find a way to do it," he says. He jokes that the writers - unlike him - know the limits and how to keep it restrained.

13:19 What have been the cast's craziest fan encounters? Matt says they were shooting in Wales once, and when they got in the car there was a lady there who told him he was "an exact replica of her pet hedgehog". Then she kissed him! Karen reveals the same woman grabbed her and asked if she was Matt's girlfriend! Arthur says the woman has pictures of Matt and hedgehogs on her wall. "Like that's going to flatter me!" Matt jokes. "A hedgehog!"

13:17 What are the characters' favourite costumes... and Matt's favourite bow tie? Arthur says his favourite is the Roman Centurion (getting so many cheers), and Karen admits her favourite is the Kissogram. Karen asks Matt if his favourite is the tweed and bow tie. "Maybe tweed, bow tie and fez," Matt replies. He jokes that he asked Steven for a hat... and ended up with a fez!

13:15 Are there going to be any more alliances between the evil guys, like in The Pandorica Opens? Steven says he thinks putting that alliance together must have taken so long... and then they accidentally blew up the universe. So, maybe not?

13:13 Arthur says he loves working with so many "great people" in the show, while Matt says Diana Rigg is "totally wonderful" in her upcoming scenes.

13:11 Steven says the question of who the Doctor is is "tremendously important", adding: "And only I know why!" Steven says he's found out the truth about the Doctor's name but he can't pass it on. Matt says this is their life - Steven knowing things, withholding them and smiling at them. "He won't tell me!" Matt complains.

13:10 A dalek has come to ask a question! Will there be a multiple Doctor episode? "I'm not going to tell you, not even for the Daleks," Steven says, as the crowd sighs as one.

13:07 First up? An adorable young girl wants to know what Matt's favourite gadget, button or screen in the TARDIS is. "In the TARDIS, each area has a particular job so when you get there, no word of a lie, you get a handbook of what it all does," he says. "My favourite bit is the gear and the lever that flies it because of the rhythm of it."

13:05 Aww, the clip is short but such good fun - lots of classic Who humour. Why can't we have the whole episode now? Still, it's time for fan questions now.

13:03 Steven reveals that Doctor Who is doing a Western - and for extra authenticity, they went to Spain! Ooh, we're going to get to see a clip! (el episodio, escrito por Whithouse, se llama A TOWN CALLED MERCY)

13:01 What's next for Karen and Arthur? Arthur puts on a Scottish accent to imitate Karen and talk about her new projects, Not Another Happy Ending and Oculus. Karen's got the giggles: "That was weird!" Karen worries she can't do an impression of Arthur, before doing an adorable: "I'm bumbling, that's just me." She reveals Arthur's going to do a play and a new series called Broadchurch with David Tennant and Olivia Colman, written by Chris Chibnall. Huge cheers!

12:59 Arthur says it's great playing characters you know well, and still getting scripts that surprise you. Matt praises the quality of the writing - "It makes our job infinitely easier."

12:58 Karen admits that she's going to miss running down corridors away from imaginary monsters! And she'll miss the cast and crew - "I've made some of my best friends on the show." Arthur adds that they spend so much time together, they can't have conversations between the three of them anymore - it's just noises and silly phrases. "We like to call them episodes," Steven jokes.

12:57Karen says she likes episodes which teach us about something we're familiar with, like with Idris.

12:56 Matt says the show is the star, and will continue without the current cast and crew. "It is about regeneration and it is about welcoming in Jenna and a new era and a new time and that's what's exciting," he says. He reveals that he likes how Doctor Who can be anything - it's not "bound by genre".

12:55 What kind of storylines does Caroline like? "I love them all!" she says, though she likes the historical ones because there's something "magical" about travelling. As for this season, all the episodes are "so different". "They're huge, these episodes, and I love them all for different reasons."

12:54 Steven unsurprisingly refuses to reveal any details about how Amy and Rory will exit! The moderator suggests there's no way to write out Amy and Rory completely in the world of Doctor Who. "You reckon?" Steven says. "Enjoy the episode..." (Aunque no se ha destacado, tras esa respuesta Moffat empezó a robar caramelos a los niños del público mientras reía maléficamente y una nube negra cubría el cielo)

12:53 Steven admits it was a "tough one", writing Amy and Rory's final episode. "It's not just fiction you're ending," he says. "You're actually ending a real life experience." He confesses it was "genuinely, properly sad".

12:52 What's the season been like for Caroline? "Incredible!" She speaks about Daleks, Weeping Angels, shooting in New York and Spain... but adds: "Saying goodbye to these guys was the big one."

12:49 Moderator Chris reveals that in the elevator, Matt turned to Karen and Arthur and joked: "Didn't you guys use to be in Doctor Who?"

12:48 But of course, we're saying goodbye to the Ponds. The audience cries out in sadness! "I didn't stop crying for two weeks," Amy says, revealing even tenderstem broccoli set her off! "I didn't hold it together" she says. Arthur agrees that it's been a "huge part" of his life but it was exciting to film the final moments. "And film them with the Weeping Angels as well," Matt says. "It's a climactic, fitting and I think brilliant end to what I think are my two favourite companions." But he jokes he's glad to see the back of them really!

12:46 The audience cheers when the moderator talks about the brilliance of the Doctor-Amy-Rory trio. "We've loved the way the dynamic between the three of us has developed," Arthur agrees.

12:45 Arthur reveals that he's spent the whole time at Comic-Con hearing people screaming and jokes that he likes sharing the lift with, say, Batman. "It's been very cool."

12:44 Karen's pleased a lot of people have worn ginger wigs when they've dressed up as her. "Power to the gingers!" she grins.

12:44 Karen says Comic-Con is "the most fun ever"! She says she came down in her hotel lift next to a girl dressed as a Dalek, but it took them a minute to register each other...

12:43 Matt's still waxing lyrical about Comic-Con. "It's just 100mph the whole time," he says, revealing he got to meet Peter Jackson. "You get to meet your heroes." And he admits to nerding out when he met Bryan Cranston!

12:41 Matt says his time on Doctor Who has transformed his life. "Working with these guys, who have become my firm, firm friends..." he says, before praising Caroline, too, who's joined the show. "I think if the world was a bit more like Comic-Con it would be a better place," he adds, raising a huge cheer! "Who fans shout the loudest," he says. That's just an invitation...

12:40 The moderator Chris Hardwick asks how Steven keeps the show fresh and keeps the details straight. "I try not to have a life, which as a Doctor Who fan is easy," he jokes.

12:38 A fan shouts that they want to have children with Matt! "We're here for an hour - I'm sure we can squeeze something in," he replies.

12:37 Everyone's on stage now, and the screams as they take their seats are deafening! "I feel like Jon Bon Jovi," Arthur jokes.

12:35 The atmosphere in Hall H this afternoon is amazing - no-one can wait for the Doctor Who cast to arrive! There are screams when the audience is asked how many people camped out overnight to queue for this. So without further ado, let's get this panel going!

BONUS: la serie vuelve en agosto, probablemente el sábado 25.

BONUS PLUS: Karen Gillan y las drogas, entrega 17:
Última edición:
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Es una puta epidemia. :inaudito

Adiós a Romana I

La actriz Mary Tamm acaba de morir tras una larga batalla contra el cáncer. Tenía sólo 62 años.

Romanadvoratrelundar, o Romana, acompañó al Cuarto Doctor en seis seriales antes de regenerarse en Romana II. Tom Baker habla: “She was a darling companion and wonderfully witty and kind. I’m so sorry to hear of her death.”

DEP, señora Tamm.

Respuesta: Doctor Who

Que descanse en paz.

Aristocratica, arrogante, eficiente, divertida, seguidora de las normas... Una maravillosa companion.
Respuesta: Doctor Who

Pero no salió Tennant portando la antorcha. Vaya mierda. Se ha reescrito la Historia :juas

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Respuesta: Doctor Who

Y la cosnpiración para que no salga Rory en la promoción continua 3-2-1... :cuniao
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