Doctor Who

Tiene buena pinta, aunque la serie hasta los 2 últimos specials de Tennat no está grabada en HD, ¿no? Vamos, que son blurays pero con un HD inflado.

El screwdriver tiene toda la pinta de ser el que venden suelto... que no pude resistir a comprar en su día. Es de plástico pero está bastante bien.
El screwdriver para comprar bueno es el que sacaron hace poco, ese que configuras para usar como mando de la tele, equipo de música, etc... ¡todo lo puedes solucionar con el sonic screwdriver! (como últimamente hace algún que otro guionista)

El Proms completo (dos horas y media) lo podéis escuchar aquí:

The Mad Man with a Box

I am the Doctor

Carmen (Suite No. 2) – Habanera

The Companions

Cyber Shard

Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565

The Final Chapter of Amelia Pond

The Rings of Akhaten


All the Strange, Strange Creatures

The Impossible Girl

La fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl with the Flaxen Hair)

Classic Doctor Who Medley

‘Create a Soundtrack’ Competition Winners

Then There Were Daleks

The Name of the Doctor

Song for Fifty

Vale Decem

Doctor Who Theme

También lo tenéis como pistas sueltas (pero la versión Proms 2013, claro) aquí:

Doctor Who Prom 2013 - 01 - A Mad Man In A Box - YouTube
Aviso: la siguiente imagen de Karen, durante la Comic con, puede ser traumática. Y no es fake.




Jajajajajajaajaja Moffat está ON FIRE en ese panel, cuando suelta pullas sobre Matt, sobre Firefly o sobre la exagerada despedida de Tennant oyes algún diente rechinando entre las risas.
Más imágenes oficiales del 50 aniversario. Veo ruinas gallifreyianas ahí. ¿Flashback de la Time War? ¿El Doctor-Hurt ha roto el time lock (rumores fuertes de que el cold open del episodio es McGann regenerando en Hurt)?



Por cierto, ayer se filtró el trailer de AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AND TIME. Parece que a la BBC no le ha sentado demasiado bien y lo han retirado de todas partes, pero pude verlo antes. Pinta muy bien, una cosa pequeñita y nostálgica, con bastante humor y muy centrada en Hartnell y su decadencia. Bradley parece que lo clava y ya sólo en el trailer hay mil guiños (me sacó la sonrisa el primerísimo plano de un Cybermen de Tenth planet o ver a los dobles de Ian, Barbara y Susan).
Los textos con los que se están haciendo las audiciones para 12º Doctor. Escritos por Moffat, pero no pertenecen a ningún episodio futuro.


The new Doctor is checking out the new body. Clara, watching. It’s been a few minutes, they’re both still adjusting.The new Doctor is checking out the new body. Clara, watching. It’s been a few minutes, they’re both still adjusting.

THE DOCTOR: Right then, eyesight. Not bad, bit blue. Ears – not pointy, right way up, more or less level. Face – well I’ve got one. Oh, no -French!
CLARA: French.
THE DOCTOR: I’ve deleted French! Plus all cookery skills, and the breast stroke. And hopping. Never mind hopping, who needs to hop. Ohh, the kidneys are interesting. Never had that before – interesting kidneys.
CLARA: Are you all right?
THE DOCTOR: I don’t know, do I look all right?
CLARA: I don’t know.
THE DOCTOR: How’s the face? Seems all right from the inside. Nice action, responsive. Bit less heft on the chin. How is it?
CLARA: It’s… okay.
CLARA: It’s a bit… you know.
THE DOCTOR: No I don’t, I haven’t seen it yet.
CLARA: Maybe it’s just new.
THE DOCTOR: Have you changed height?


The Doctor is facing down the Cyberleader, who stares balefully down from the screen. The bridge around the Doctor is burning, ruined.

THE DOCTOR: Ah, Cyberleader, hello!
CYBERLEADER: Do you have a response, Doctor.
THE DOCTOR: Yes, I do. Definitely got a response. And here it is. Yes, your ears look big in that! Sorry, did I misunderstand the question?
CYBERLEADER: You will return the stolen cargo.
THE DOCTOR: Yeah, well, two points. One, I didn’t steal it. No, actually, I did steal it, I was just hoping if I said that I’d think of a really good excuse before the end of the sentence. Didn’t happen, never mind. Point two – well, point one, second attempt – that isn’t cargo. Those are human beings.
CYBERLEADER: They are primed for conversion.
THE DOCTOR: I’ve unprimed them.
CYBERLEADER: You will return the cargo.
THE DOCTOR: No, I won’t.
CYBERLEADER: Then the cargo will be taken.
THE DOCTOR: Not going to happen, and do you know what’s going to stop you?
CYBERLEADER: We will not be stopped. The Doctor raises a finger.
THE DOCTOR: Tell it to the finger. See this finger? See what I’m doing with this finger right now. The Doctor moves to the screen. Starts drawing a line across.
THE DOCTOR: I’m drawing a line between this ship and you. Between all these people and all your metal men. And this line, it’s a magic line
CYBERLEADER: Magic is not logical
THE DOCTOR: I know – isn’t it great? Because I’ll tell you what. All these people on this ship are now, officially, under the protection of the magic line. Now, I’ll be honest, these guys in here are a bit annoying. They keep having their own opinions, and sometimes they take turns talking instead of me, which is just boring for everyone. But facts are facts, they’re behind the magic line, and that’s the way it is now. And to be clear, so we all understand the deal here, if any of your handle-heads happens to cross the magic line, even by accident, do you know what will happen to you then?
CYBERLEADER: What will happen?

3. The Doctor and a little boy. They’re sitting in the little boy’s bedroom.

Does everyone tell you it’s going to be all right?
THE DOCTOR: Do you believe them?
THE DOCTOR: Good man. Tell me what happens when the lights go out.
THE DOCTOR: Because you’re scared? (Silence) Because you think I won’t believe you. Because you think I’ll tell you everything’s fine, when you know it isn’t, and leave you alone like all the other grown-ups?
THE DOCTOR: Look at me. Am I grown up?
THE DOCTOR: Good! You’re the very first person I’ve fooled. Look, what if I promise I won’t tell you it’s okay. What if I just listen, and then try my best to help, and never tell you that I know better. How about that?
LITTLE BOY: …okay.
THE DOCTOR: Okay. So. You turn the lights out -then what?
LITTLE BOY: The room… changes. In the dark.
THE DOCTOR: You mean the room is different when you can’t see it.
THE DOCTOR: Every time?
THE DOCTOR: Different how?
LITTLE BOY: It’s wet. When 1 touch the walls, they’re all wet.
THE DOCTOR: Like damp. Like water running
down them?
LITTLE BOY: No. Wet like a mouth.
Ya empiezan a filtrarse imágenes del especial 50 aniversario:


¿Debería ir en spoiler la foto? ¿O a estas alturas ya sabemos todos que saldría Tennant?
Leyendo las audiciones para el 12º doctor, tan sólo puedo visualizar a Matt Smith. O a mí mismo, claro. Pero the world isn´t ready yet.
Puede ser intencionado, para descartar a los que imiten a Smith.

Dice Mofty que regenerará junto a varias caras familiares, para suavizar la transición. No parece que Vastra, Jenny y Strax estén en ese momento, pero confirma que regresarán en la temporada 8. De lo que no está muy seguro es de volver a sacar a River; que si encuentran una historia en la que encaja bien podría aparecer, pero que le gusta mucho cómo "cerraron" el personaje en The name of the Doctor y no está seguro de reabrir eso.
Bueno, ya he terminado la primera temporada de Dr Who... ;) Ha costado, pero he visto los 6 últimos episodios en dos días.

Me ha gustado mucho más la segunda mitad de la temporada, más "seria". Creo que el cambio de Doctor le viene bien, me gusta más Tenant que Eccleston.

Ya tengo descargando el especial de Navidad :ok

Tiene cosas muy buenas (la reintroducción moderna, Dalek, el díptico del Empty Child, la variedad de aventuras), pero en conjunto es la temporada que menos me gusta. Se me sigue atragantando el tonillo visual hortera, el camp demasiado chillón y los aliens pedorros.

La volví a ver este año y no recordaba lo odioso que era Mickey al principio. ¡Y lo joven que salía Jack!

Eccleston es muy bueno, pero Tennant es una máquina de energía y carisma.
El domingo, a las 8 hora española, en un programa especial en directo, sabremos quien es el decimosegundo doctor.

The time has finally come: the twelfth Doctor will be revealed this Sunday in a special one-off live show on BBC1. The half hour show, which will air at 7pm, is to be hosted be Zoe Ball who will unveil Matt Smith’s replacement in an interview in front of a live studio audience

The announcement, which has been long-awaited by fans, will also be backed up by special guests including old Doctors, companions and celebrity fans, who will speculate and recall their favourite Time Lords from across the show’s 50 year history.

Current Doctor Matt Smith and show-runner Steven Moffat will also both give interviews about what has become one of the biggest roles in television. The latter says of the special, “The decision is made and the time has come to reveal who’s taking over the TARDIS. For the last of the Time Lords, the clock is striking twelve.”

PD: The secret will be simulcast live on BBC America.
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