El Gobierno social-podemoide de Sánchez

The New York Times
Incompetence Can Be as Deadly as Covid-19
David Jiménez


Our politicians have little incentive to strive for excellence, because they know that Spaniards’ loyalty to their parties rivals their loyalty to their favorite soccer teams. Ideology and partisanship carry more weight at the polls than the candidates’ preparation, honesty and experience, sending them the message that their success doesn’t depend on their management or the results they obtain.


Our political parties have become organizations that are hermetically closed to outside talent. Spaniards do not elect individual candidates, but choose a regional party list with candidates selected by the parties in a process where intrigue and relationships count more than competence.


It is crucial that Spain reform electoral law so that voters choose their representatives directly, rethink the territorial organization that has caused a lack of coordination among regions, and strengthen the independence of the government institutions, which are filled with politicians who offer blind loyalty to their political parties.

No se puede decir más claro. Y el político que diga que ésto es mentira, o es un tarado o un sinvergüenza. O ambas cosas.
El turismo es caca para los de Podemos. El país tiene que ir hacia un modelo económino basado en el feminismo, el progresismo, la transición ecológica y no comer carne los lunes. Así que al turismo ni agua, que les den.
Esto como era... en las películas siempre cuándo se dice proteger, cuidar y demás es que te están secuestrando ¿no? O que los robots están dando un Golpe de Estado.

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