El Hobbit: Un Viaje Inesperado -CRÍTICAS-



Viggo Mortensen

The Acceptance Speech
"Thank you very much. You don't have to stand on ceremony, you can all leave now. Thank you Sean and thank you Jameson. I hope I've had a good time, because I've been given to understand that this award is a gentle nudge to go offstage, to just sort of fade away. I think I'm ready - I think a lot of other people are too. But what have I got to lose at this point? There were a lot of other candidates. For this, you can't send a video, you have to be here. For this (holds up Perspex award) you had to be here. I tried, I couldn't make the thing work. I kicked the first assistant director's ass, I told them all to fuck off, I kicked the camera over. Fuck it, I'm here. But the first candidate, full disclosure, was Russell Crowe: he was supposed to get the Icon award and I was supposed to get the best of all time forever, but I graciously said, sure, I'll trade with you. I think his award was best actor of all time but they had to downgrade the award when he said "I can't stay, I'll come for a second." There's a lot of pressure at the top. I know that a lot of you guys were probably 'what the fuck? He just left, right?" I was supposed to go first. But in fairness to all those who were maybe a little disappointed that after regaling us with his unfathomable literary aspirations... he had to go because he had to go tell his driver to take his Maltesers and his shampoo down to the Great Ormond Street hospital NOW! Because he knows a matter of life and death when he sees it.

Let's talk about Sean Bean. Empire magazine was an early and ardent supporter of Lord of the Rings before it even came out. I've been thinking, I don't know about you, they're going to try to make more money from it now. They've got a Mexican making it now, with Guillermo del Toro, who's very talented. Now as far as I know we're not in The Hobbit but they're going to try and find a way, just for fun. I'm not necessarily against the idea. They may try to link that book to the book we were in. But I was looking at Tolkien's version of the world. In order to do a prequel to The Lord of the Rings, I'd probably have to be changing Boromir's diapers because I live longer or whatever.

But seriously, I would like to dedicate this award to a great actor, Alan Howard. I know this is not the right crowd for that, with a few exceptions. I saw Alan Howard more than a quarter of a century ago in a play of Good, the role I play in the movie that's coming out soon, Good. He was remarkable, mesmerising. I only wish I'd seen him play Henry V, Johann in Scenes From A Marriage. But from what i understand, he's the sort of actor I really aspire to be: meticulous, professional, who was never in danger of being seduced by flattery or prone to grandstand like I'm doing right now. Unlike his peers and contemporaries like Anthony Hopkins and Ian McKellen, he never made the transition to fame and fortune in the movie business. But I think that his approach to acting is probably going to be more long-lasting and more valuable in some ways that some of his more celebrated colleagues. He was an actor, through and through, no bullshit, and I admire that. Anyway, enough. I thank you, and I thank Empire."

En ESDLA llevaba peluca hasta el apuntador. Todo el reparto principal llevaba. :yes

Peter Jackson dijo:

Vaya pinta de YONKARRAS. Pinta de irse a buscar papel albal en la papelera del parque.

Dussander dijo:
Ahora entiendo esas caras...


- "Hola pataliebres, aquí mi colega el Sean y yo saliendo de la Puzzle. Tú, tío el de la cámara, enfoca la entrada que llevo en la mano ¿Queréis que os cuente una cosa gambiteros? En el bolsillo de la americana, eso verde que se asoma... llevo una de esos expendedoras de caramelos Pez, pero que no son caramelos Pez ¡Qué son otra cosa! ¿No sabes? Te lo digo todo y no te digo na... ¡Otra cosa! Ahora es cuando, ahora es cuando..." :lol :lol

Creo que la foto sin explicación cómica era lo suficientemente graciosa...

Pero gracias por intentar.

http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2009/03 ... ittrilogy/

The Hobbit…..TRILOGY?!

For a few months now, we’ve all been wondering why there’s been such a cloud of secrecy from Guillermo and PJ regarding progress on The Hobbit. Well, today we got wind of what could be the biggest story so far about this much anticipated film: a report that negotiations are under way for a third film!

On condition on anonymity, our source revealed that some of the main sticking points include amendments to PJ and GDT’s contracts requiring an additional 3 months of principal photography, and temporarily suspending some of their other projects.

Our insider also mentioned some legal wrangling with the Tolkien Estate to acquire additional rights to materials not currently under license which would provide the bulk of the plot for the third movie. What specifically this could be is a guess, but our source seems to imply delving into the back-story of the Istari (Wizards) including Gandalf and Saruman’s youth in Valinor. The inclusion of other young wizards at the academy would provide an opportunity for cameos from LOTR actors who’s story arc doesn’t fit into The Hobbit. The latter would go a long way toward explaining recent cryptic quotes from LOTR actors about possible appearances in The Hobbit.

We’ll keep you up to date as this story progresses. Our source is sending us an update tomorrow.

Recordemos que hoy es el día de los inocentes anglosajón, así que cuidadín con lo que se lee por ahí :cuniao

ShangT_Tnf dijo:
Ha perdido sí señor:



Como casi todos lo hombres a cierta edad, no?

joder parce Austin Powers con ese pecho, tienes mas pelo que la bañera de chewbaca

Hobbit Movie Formats Confirmed: 1 Hobbit - 2 Films

From www.empireonline.com:

And the world exclusives from our 20th birthday issue – guest-edited by Steven Spielberg – continue to pile up… We’ve known for a while that Peter Jackson and Guillermo Del Toro’s eagerly-awaited adaptation of the Lord Of The Rings prequel, The Hobbit, would comprise two movies, due in December 2011 and 2012. But the make-up of those two movies has been up for debate… until now. We spoke exclusively to both Del Toro and Jackson for our birthday issue, and they told us the latest, which is…

“We’ve decided to have The Hobbit span the two movies, including the White Council and the comings and goings of Gandalf to Dol Guldur,” says Del Toro.

“We decided it would be a mistake to try to cram everything into one movie,” adds Jackson. “The essential brief was to do The Hobbit, and it allows us to make The Hobbit in a little more style, if you like, of the [LOTR] trilogy.”

So there you go. The second film will not, as had previously been suggested, a film that will bridge the 60-year gap between The Hobbit and the start of Fellowship Of The Ring.


Entonces la separación entre un film y otro no sería (como se rumoreó) la muerte de Smaug, sino antes... pero no veo un clímax adecuado en la trama antes de eso. :pensativo

Dol Guldur era... donde Gandalf conseguía el mapa y la llave, ¿no? No recuerdo más, leí el libro hace ya varios años...
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