A raíz del animado debate que tuvieron
Carrion y
Sorel hace un par de años acerca de la adscripción ideológica de John Carpenter (página 77), he encontrado por casualidad un apunte sobre ello que puede ser interesante en una especie de entrevista mutua (del año 99),
recomendable toda ella por otro lado, que se hicieron Dario Argento y Carpenter:
ARGENTO: I want now to ask Carpenter his opinion about a
debate still in progress, i.e.: is John Carpenter a man of the Left or
of the Right wing?
CARPENTER: Left or Right? What do you think?
ARGENTO: I think John Carpenter is a saint, so he's not a leftist nor
a member of the Right wing.
CARPENTER: Listen, I want to tell you something. I do love the country
where I live, but I'm not afraid to criticize it for the things that
don't work. we have too many McDonald's, we give too much importance
to the celebrities, there is a whole series of bad things.
But I am a capitalist too, I earn money, I'm attracted by money. If
there's someone in this room who wants to give me some money to make a
film, I will do it, if I am well paid. It will be a film of mine,
anyway, because this is what I want to do: it can be a bad movie, that
does not come out as I wanted to, anyway it is my film.
My parents were of the Democratic party, my grannies went through the
Great Depression, and we learnt to appreciate values as the social
security. On the other side in my father's family there was a famous
patriot, he was one of the revolutionaries that chased the English and
French away. We have never chased away the Italian, they are
welcome... So I am not interested to think in Right or Left terms, but
in humanity, in relationship terms.
I'd like one day if we could take all the prejudices and the hatred
that existed to throw them away and start from the beginning. It can
sound silly, maybe it is a bit pretentious, I apologize.
Carpenter / Argento