El Spielbergpost

“I’ve got three westerns in development but I don’t know that I’m going to make any of them,” he says. “Westerns are hard to make. The genre allows you to be very operatic. And it demands the audience made huge leaps of faith and bring a tolerance for the incredible. I would only make a western if it was mythological. I’m not interested in bringing any kind of social realism or social progress to the genre. I would only make something if it was as operatic as The Searchers or as audacious as Red River. But the idea of making a western as good as my forefathers have made scares me.”

Steven Spielberg: ‘I didn’t think anybody would go to see ET’
"Ready Player One" va a ser un taquillazo,si o si,todo lo contrario sería una sorpresa mayúscula. Después podrá hacer lo que le dé gana.

Me he colado! Fake news!

Tenía que haber leído con detenimiento la noticia antes de postearla :D
Aunque juraría que cuando la he posteado la he leído correctamente y no ponía nada de quien es la directora, solo que Spielberg estaba en Kilruddery. Mmm..

La dirige Floria Sigismondi y tito Spielberg es productor ejecutivo.

Podemos volver a nuestras vidas normales :D

Un saludo.
Arriba Pie