¡¡¡Es un proyecto artístico!!!
Me encanta...
Que los primeros que vuelvan a la Luna después de tanto tiempo sean artistas tiene su aquel. Me gusta mucho.
Cogido de la web del proyecto, escrito por Yusaku Maezawa:
A painter, musician, film director, fashion designer... Some of Earth's greatest talents will board a spacecraft and be inspired in a way they have never been before.
If Pablo Picasso had been able to see the moon up-close, what kind of paintings would he have drawn?
If John Lennon could have seen the curvature of the Earth, what kind of songs would he have written?
If they had gone to space, how would the world have looked today?
People are creative and have a great imagination.
We all have the ability to dream dreams that have never been dreamt, to sing songs that have never been sung, to paint that which has never been seen before.
I hope that this project will inspire the dreamer within each of us.
Together with Earth's top artists, I will be heading to the moon... just a little earlier than everyone else.
Estoy encantado.