Indiana Jones y El Reino de la Calavera de Cristal (2008) Opiniones y Seguimiento

El_Cizañas dijo:
Si Hitler fuera tia la tendriais en nude version en el techo de vuestra room.

Sólo si estuviese buena y no hubiese ordenado las muertes de millones de personas. En ese caso, ¡al turrón!
Peter Jackson dijo:
Joer Lao...esas teorias tuyas de atrás son basura!!!
IGNORANTES... INDY NO PUEDE PERDER UN OJO EN ESTA PELI PORQUE......En este episodio del joven Indy, The Mystery of the Blues, aun tenía ojo...
Ya. Lo que ocurre es que el prólogo de ese episodio tiene lugar en 1951, ...¡antes, por lo tanto, de los acontecimientos que veremos en la peli!


Sinceramente, Peter..., me ofende tu falta de confianza en mis conocimientos.
Toy apenao
John Hurt sigue largando:

"I am sworn to secrecy on the plot. But, quite frankly, it is just like the other three."
"Indiana Jones is a tried and tested franchise. Lot of build-up. Let's hope the public like it. It will be a guaranteed for the first weekend. Whether it has legs will remain to be seen."
No me lo creo, Lao, no creo que sea verdad. Y rezo porque no lo sea, ya que la sinopsis me parece apestosa.
Tranquis!, ...yo también creo que es falsa.

Aunque tiene un par de puntitos curiosos.



1. Raiders March
2. Call of the Crystal
3. The Adventures of Mutt
4. Irina's Theme
5. The Snake Pit
6. The Spell of the Skull
7. A Whirl Through Academe
8. The Journey to Akator
9. "Return"
10. The Jungle Chase
11. Orellana's Cradle
12. Grave Robbers
13. Hidden Treasure and the City of Gold
14. Secret Doors and Scorpions
15. Oxley's Dilemma
16. Ants!
17. Temple Ruins and the Secret Revealed
18. The Departure
19. Finale
Argh. NO puede ser esa sinopsis. Es más, no quiero creerla. Me suena a que el tío que ha escrito eso se lo ha sacado de la manga.

No quiero, no quiero, no quiero.

Por favor, en cuanto descubrais que es un fake (y de los gordos) lo decís, por favor. Es que no me lo creo, así de sencillo.

PD: Después de leer todas las pistas del CD me vienen unas cuantas dudas (que prefiero esperarme, todo sea dicho) a poder averiguarlas.
Además, te supero sin problemas.
¡¡¡Átate los machos!!!


"The adventure begins in 1957. The Cold War is in full swing. We are reintroduced to Dr. Henry Jones Jr, AKA Indiana Jones, (Harrison Ford) as he’s being pursued by Soviets in the Midwest American desert with his friend and sometimes competitor, the unscrupulous Archaeologist, Mac (Ray Winstone). Indy and Mac stumble across a facsimile of a town filled with manikins, and realize they are on a bombing range; they manage to survive a nuclear blast, and escape the scene.

Later, Jones returns to his life as a Professor of Archaeology at Barnett College/Yale. He makes his way to class, attempting to teach despite the turmoil of an “Anti-Red,” rally on the campus outside. After his class, Jones is approached by a young “greaser,” a rebel who arrives on a large motorcycle. The young man introduces himself as “Mutt Williams,” (Shia LaBeouf), and much to Jones’ surprise, reveals that Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), is his mother. Mutt states that his mother has recently disappeared while looking for the Lost City of Gold, a mythical kingdom related to the 13 crystal skulls, mysterious artifacts of unknown origin. Also missing is an old friend of both Indy’s and Marion’s, Professor Harold Oxley, (John Hurt), an expert in both the Lost City and the Crystal Skulls, who apparently found the city several years ago but also went slightly insane. Jones agrees to help Mutt find his mother; however their meeting is interrupted by Soviet Agents, leading to a chase through the bustling college campus as Indy and Mutt are pursued on their motorcycle by several dark Soviet sedans. The pair slip away, and head off to find Marion.

Indy confers with a friend of his, a fellow professor at the college, (Jim Broadbent). Afterwards, the pair heads to Connecticut, then New Mexico (where they visit Area 51), and Mexico City as they head for South America. Unfortunately, Indy and Mutt are being followed by a large contingent of Soviet soldiers, lead by the devious Agent Irina Spalko, (Cate Blanchett), and her officers, (Pavel Lychnikoff,
Igor Jijikine). It seems the Soviets want the 13 Crystal Skulls because these artifacts are “psychic amplifiers,” allowing the Russians to controls others completely, (thereby allowing for the dominance of the Soviet Union).

Eventually, Indy and Mutt make it South America/Peru, and seek assistance from Mac and Harold Oxley in their search for Marion. At one point, they find that Spalko and the Soviets have captured Marion, and try to use her to blackmail Jones into helping them find the skulls. Later, Indy is captured by Spalko and interrogated, while the Soviet soldiers dance around a bonfire in celebration of capturing the skull. Indy has to deal with giant ants, but escapes, resulting in a sword duel between Mutt and Spalko through the jungle.

Now, the race is on for Indy and his friends to find the Lost City of Gold before the Soviets in the jungles of Peru. There are a number of large confrontations between Indy and the Soviets, including a chase on a river involving crocodiles (and possibly piranhas), where Indy and Marion steal an amphibious truck; finally, Indy and his friends are chased by a number of Soviet trucks and “tree-mulchers,” large vehicles with saws on the front to clear trees from their path, which Indy and Mutt have to hide from until Indy gets his hands on a bazooka. Towards the end of the second act, Indy, Mutt and Marion are captured by Agent Spalko’s Soviets, and left over a hill of flesh-easting ants/quicksand, where it is revealed that Mutt is in fact Indiana Jones’s son from a tryst he had with Marion shortly after “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”

Indy, Mutt, and Marion escape and finally reach the Lost City of Gold, AKA the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The Russians also reach the city, and enter a massive pyramid called the lost Temple of Akator. Indy and Mutt have to solve the mysteries of the Temple. Once they enter, the characters find that the pyramid is populated not with mummies, but with hibernating “aliens,” who were the original creators of the skulls. The presence of the Crystal Skulls causes the aliens to awaken, and the pyramid turns out to be an ancient spaceship. The spaceship/pyramid lifts off from the ground, entering a portal in the sky and returning to another dimension. Indy and his friends just manage to escape, while Agent Spalko and her Soviet forces suffer a gristly fate.

The film ends with the marriage of Indy and Marion. After the ceremony, the happy pair rides off into the sunset, while Indy’s fedora falls off his head and lands at Mutt’s feet. Mutt picks up the hat and looks at it with wonder, implying that Mutt will continue Indy’s adventures.

Este último, Lao, me huele a que es más fidedigno a la realidad que no el otro. Más o menos, también, plantea el argumento como yo me lo imaginaba (más o menos, tampoco es que fuese plano a plano).
Esto SÍ coincide, esto sí.

Y me sigue pareciendo igual de patético, todo demasiado felizoide. No hay ni parche.
El track 11: ORELLANA'S CRADLE hace referencia a Franciso de Orellana (c. 1511-1546), navegante y descubridor español, protagonista de la primera navegación completa del río Amazonas.

La espada de Mutt es la de Orellana SI o SI.
Yo también creo que esa sinopsis puede ser la buena en un 75% (hay un par de cosas que me parecen "excesivas", ...y por eso no entiendo que no te guste, Mo: SPOILER ¡Ese comienzo!, ¡¡Aliens hibernados!!, ¡¡¡Una nave alienígena!!!), y lo cierto es que contiene un dato que ha sido confirmado por la lista de temas de la BSO:
La frase Also missing is an old friend of both Indy’s and Marion’s, Professor Harold Oxley, ...queda confirmada por el corte nº 15 del disco.
Sí, Lao, pongo la mano en el fuego por esa sinopsis...que me convencería si tuviera algún elemento crepuscular, alguna putadita para indy...pero NADA.
Arriba Pie