Respuesta: Japón tiembla
aquí la noticia original del NHK :
High radiation levels in waters off Fukushima
The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says radioactive iodine in excess of 3,300 times the national limit was found in seawater near the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Tuesday afternoon. This was the highest measured in waters off the plant.
The level of radioactive
iodine-131 found
330 meters south of a water outlet of the plant was
3,355 times regulated standards at 1:55 PM on Tuesday.
The outlet is used to drain water from the plant's No. 1 to No. 4 reactors.
Radioactive iodine-131 measured
50 meters north of the water outlet of the No. 5 and No. 6 reactors was
1,262 times the regulated standards at 2:10 PM on Tuesday.
This was also the highest reading at this location.
An agency official told reporters on Wednesday morning that people in a 20-kilometer radius area from the troubled plant have been ordered to evacuate and the radioactive substance will be significantly diluted in the ocean by the time people consume marine products. The official added that efforts need to be made to prevent the contaminated water from flowing into the sea.
Airborne radiation levels continue to decline in most prefectures, including Fukushima and nearby Ibaraki.
Municipalities measured the radiation levels between 00:00 AM and 9:00 AM on Wednesday.
El iodo-131 ese es el que se descompone solo en 2 semanas. Parecerá una chorrada pero yo contaminaría químicamente los alrededores de la central.
Mataría a todos los peces en un radio de 15km de la central. Ahora a ver como le vendes la idea a los verdes
En el peor de los casos morirían un 1% de peces por cáncer y no se podrán pescar el 100% en X tiempo. Los humanos salimos perdiendo , pero no tanto los peces.