May convoca elecciones para el 8 de junio.

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EU Trolling nivel supremo:

European Union leaders promised on Saturday to embrace the British province of Northern Ireland into the EU if a referendum in the future were to unite it with the Republic of Ireland.
Hay jaleo en Palacio, han llamado en Londres de forma urgente al personal de los Windsor.

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La noticia es que a los 95 años, Philip of Edinbourgh se jubila. Se retira de la vida pública.

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Ha aparecido un jarrón roto y de ahí no se mueve nadie hasta que no salga el culpable.
Jarrones de Ginebra es lo que beben en Palacio.

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Por suerte para la industria Harry llegó a tiempo de cubrir la caída de demanda provocada por la pérdida de la granny.
Parece que la amiga May se está gustando tanto que se ha pasado de frenada, un poquito.

Tories most controversial policy added behind the backs of Cabinet ministers
The “dementia tax”, as it has been dubbed by critics, would see thousands of pensioners who own their properties having to pay for care they receive in their own homes.

Their homes would then have to be sold to pay their bills, after their deaths, after the Prime Minister axed a commitment to impose a cap on lifetime care costs of around £72,000.

The policy has been criticised as unfair because older people would receive free NHS care for conditions such as cancer – but be forced to pay for conditions treated at home, including dementia.

Over the weekend, several polls cut the huge Conservative lead to single figures, with evidence that the proposal has backfired on the doorstep.
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