PC Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Manu101 asias. Voy a echar un ojo a ver si me aclaro para comprar una cámara reflex.
La gráfica ya está vendida jeje, a ese precio no iba a durar mucho tiempo.

Pondré a la venta mañana posiblemente 2x Spinpoint F1 de 320Gb (1 solo disco) con unas semanas de uso, un Seagate 7200.11 de 500Gb nuevo (viene de RMA) y una Corsair HX620 tambien con varias semanas de uso. Estais avisados :juas

Sobre el Iracing... como se nota la falta de la controladora de Le0, sobre todo a la hora de frenar, ahora bloqueo muuuucho más amenudo, pero... por otro lado el no tener que ir pendiente de si el coche va con el pedal al fondo o no a hecho que este finde haya recuperado 400 puntos de irating y haya hehco mi mejor tiempo en Laguna Seca con el Solstice (sin setup): 1:49:572 :palmas
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Se me olvidaba, he pillado este volante de Sparco por 40 euros !!

3 Radios, 300mm de diámetro, alcántara y un grosor de tubo en condiciones, para poderlo agarrar bien. A parte es menos pesado que el default del G25 y tiene la tornilleria para encajar en el G25 sin hacer nada de bricomania :atope
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

A este paso creo que te dejarías menos pasta si te compraras un carraco y alquilaras un circuito para correr :lol ;)
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

genoma siempre igual!!!!

pon el link donde compras las cosas que igual nos interesa :juas


Por otro lado vuelve a haber esperanza en Net-Kar Pro a pesar del odio que le tengo al desarrollador. El bueno de Jaap Wagenvoort ha publicado info sobre el eterno patch que parace que por fin saldrá en breve (aunque breve pueda significar 3 meses).

La info es ésta, sacada de Racesimcentral:


Finally, a new community update!

It has been silent from the netKar PRO team for a while. However, the netKar PRO has been working hard. The netKar PRO team has worked on various projects, for example on a big promotion campaign for the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix. The result of this work was a free public download including the Formula SingTel car on the Singapore track, allowing everyone to have a 'taste' of what 1.0.3 is looking like. Besides the projects, the team also worked on improving the customer version of the netKar PRO simulator. Since the SingTel release, a lot of things have happened and 1.0.3 became more mature. Some new features appeared, and with them came new bugs which needed to be removed.
I will take this chance to inform you about the key changes that will appear in 1.0.3 and what the current status of the new release is.

The changes in 1.0.3 compared to 1.0.2
Improved online performance
A big problem of the current netKar PRO release is the performance in online racing. This has been widely reported by netKar PRO users all over the globe. The netKar PRO devteam acknowledged this and therefore improving the online performance was a key issue to address in 1.0.3. Huge FPS (framerate) drops occur, which lead to weird behaviour (flying cars, lots of warping, wrong physics due to too low FPS). This is a major problem and a big focus of improvement for 1.0.3.

Some big improvements have been made, enabling a huge performance gain overall. In some builds framerates were perfect and then, after some finetuning it turned out to be worse again. It took a lot of time and effort to find the right balance. Currently, 1.0.3 finally has the right balance between quality online racing and good client performance. In a full field (15 cars), framerates do not drop to critical values anymore on a decent machine. Framerates are higher compared to 1.0.2, but not a lot. The key difference with 1.0.2 is that the framerates are much more consistent, finally allowing solid and stable online racing, regardless of your position on the globe or internet connection speed.

With the latest 1.0.3 build, about 6 hours of online testing has been done over the past 4 days. Never in those 6 hours a huge lag or warp moment occurred to any of the testers. Close racing was possible at all times and some of the testers described it as ‘the best online racing experience I’ve ever had’. The FPS improvements have enabled this, combined with a new and very efficient way of calculating the position of the cars (this is called the prediction code).

Helped by the improved online code, collisions are improved as well. They are also more realistic. In 1.0.3 a small tap of a front wing against a rear wheel sends the car in front into a spin (and most probably damages both cars!), This helps creating a fantastic racing atmosphere where drivers really want to stay out of trouble, especially with Full Mode enabled!

Removal of join lag
Another point of frustration of netKar PRO users with the current nKP version was the join lag. Join lag is the ‘freeze’ that happens when a new driver connects to an online session. It can destroy laps and breaks the concentration that is required to get great laptimes. Join lag has been reduced to a minimal in the current build. In the current build you hardly notice a new client connecting and it is never causing problems for the driver. An important step forward for online ‘pickup’ racing.

There were quite a few issues with this new feature after it was implemented. It took a long time to finally make this feature working completely error-free, but it is now. What happens after a new client connects is that the car and livery of this new driver will only be loaded when you are standing still (0 km/h). Then a ‘Loading new car models’ screen appears. Until that moment, the new car will display as a ‘box’, similar to what has been seen in other simulators as well.

Never again will your perfect lap be ruined by a new driver connecting to the race just when you are driving to perfection!

Amazing car feeling!
Seriously, the cars drive amazing now. netKar PRO was already regarding has a high quality simulator from a physics and car feeling point of view, but the bar has been raised yet again. The entry-level car, the Formula1600, is now a fantastic low-downforce open-wheel racing car. You can really slide the car in control into and through the corners, just like it should. A highly rewarding and very entertaining experience. During testing we had numerous races with Formula1600’s all over the place, overtaking each other corner after corner, burning rubber all over the place!

The Formula2000 and FTarget are real racing beasts, feeling very realistic and highly demanding. Especially the FTarget is so much better than in 1.0.2. It sounds fantastic, has amazing traction and grip. You will love this car instantly!

Some nice little new details only improve the experience. Locking wheels is now very realistic. You lock the wheel and notice that the car will slow down, but you also notice that you need the wheel to rotate again in order to make the corner. You are really balancing the brakes in order to hit the apex.

Simply put: the cars are a real pleasure to drive now!

Other things
Of course, a lot of other, smaller improvements have been made as time progressed. netKar PRO now includes a topbar which displays the current qualifying or race standings. This provides you with information of where you are in the race and how far behind or ahead you are compared to the rest of the field.

You can edit, load and save a setup now from inside the cockpit. No longer you will have to exit to the menu to load a different setup, allowing a better user experience. The same applies to car liveries, you can select a different livery whilst sitting in the pitlane.

“Doom Mode” (the ability to step out the cockpit and walk on the track) now also works when you are out on the track, allowing you to take different positions to view the action on-track! Also perfect for action videos from different perspectives. In “Doom Mode”, you will not be able to walk through walls anymore, offering a higher level of realism.

The setup options have been improved as well. You can select different fields of view (to support multi-screen setups in a better way), perform asynchronous setup editing (left and right) and see how much laps you can do with a specific fuel amount.

netKar PRO’s amazing “Full Mode” (damage your car and you will have to wait until your car is repaired) is even better now. Even refueling your car will cost some time now (even though it is only 20 seconds). The pitcrew time other setup changes require have been finetuned to more realistic levels, all improving the realism and immersion.

The “Replay Mode” has been improved as well. Car movement is more smooth, various bugs have been resolved and it is now even better suited to make impressive simracing videos.

With 1.0.3 also comes more admin control of online servers. The admin can now restart sessions from inside the simulator or decide to move to the next session immediately. This was a much-requested feature from the community.

That sounds perfect! Is it too good to be true?
It indeed sounds great. But, don’t expect a perfect simulator now. A perfect simulator will never exist, because there are always boundaries (like time & resources). 1.0.3 is still not a perfect sim, but it is a huge improvement compared to 1.0.2. It is improved on so much areas that you can’t actually call it a patch, it’s really a new version of this sim.

If you are looking for a more stable simulator, smooth online racing and fantastic car physics, you will love 1.0.3. If you want more content, the ability to race with more than 15 cars online, you will not find it in this version yet. All these things cost time and 1.0.3 has been delayed more than enough already. Therefore this version is going to be released as soon as possible, allowing everyone to enjoy the current state of this simulator. Besides, it enables the netKar PRO devteam to focus on adding new features and work on future releases.

So, when can I get it?
At the end of July 2008, Release Candidate #1 was presented to the beta test team. This release still had some major problems (performance, stability). These issues were revealed, analyzed and solved. The result was Release Candidate #2 which was ready at end of August 2008. Currently, the feedback from RC#2 is being processed by the devteam and work is being done on the final Release Candidate before 1.0.3 will be ready for release.

So, we all just need a bit more patience to finish 1.0.3. After that, you can start crowding the servers and enjoy the huge improvements that this new version brings for the highly realistic simracing experience that is offered by the netKar PRO simulator!


si se cumple es una alternativa decente para no estar el 100% del tiempo sólo con el REY Iracing.

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Muy interesante, pero.... yo ya perdí esperanzas en el Netkar.. y eso que era de los que más confiaba en él.

Mirad la página de Iracing:


Chevy Silverado to Launch Oct 15!
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

qué horror :mosqueo

Qué les cuesta sacar un coche europeo tipo GT... estos americanos...
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Se me olvidaba, también van a sacar este :juas


Que varía un poco :lol
Esl que se utiliza actualmente en la Nascar.

Y un video chulo:

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Otro video chulo, el Williams Group en su simulador preparando la próxima carrera:

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Acabo de volver a bajar mi tiempo con el Solstice Rookie en Laguna Seca a 01:49.173, ya casi llego a los 48.
Creo que con la controladora de Leo llegaría sin problemas, he notado mucho el no usarla a la hora de frenar, ahora chirrian mas las ruedas, y calibro menos el punto en donde no se bloquean.
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

se nota que genoma anda liado, justo igual que yo que tengo un mes de octubre infernal...

De todas formas de actualidad tenemos la promera de Jaap Wagenvort (del que me fío) que al fin el patch para NetKar Pro sale antes de que acabe este mes.

Para los que no lo conozocáis será una buena oportunidad de probarlo ya que el juego se va a relanzar (para cuando salga la actualización) ofreciendo un coche y un circuito gratis y además on-line.

Y por otro lado también antes de acabe el mes Iracing se actualizará por fin con normas de banderas y entradas en pits más reales y alguna sorpresa más.

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Una preguntilla para los enamorados del olor a gasolina ( :cuniao ): he visto un volante con embrague bastante económico y me preguntaba que me podéis decir sobre él. Es el Thrustmaster RGT Force Feedback Pro Clutch Edition. Imagino que no es el G25, pero por 100-120 euros podría estar bien ¿no?
http://www.thrustmaster.com/product.asp ... atformID=5
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

tiene embrague pero un recorrido de giro de 270º...

Por ese precio te recomiendo el logitech driving force pro que aunque no tenga embrague es un volante "legendario" por su calidad/precio (con giro de 900º).

Además, el Drinving force PRO hay un revisión reciente con motivo del GT5 Prologue de PS3 que mejora un poco el volante manteniendo el precio en el presupuesto que comentas.

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Lo tendré en cuenta si finalmente me decido por un volante.

Gracias! :hola
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Chicos, ¿cuando acaba esta temporada?

Porque me gustaría subir de Licencia, estoy a 21 puntitos (2 carreras ganadas) y no quiero queme pille el toro.
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

estoy un poco perezoso, cuáles son los requisitos de para subir a la siguiente licencia? (hablo de nuesto caso).
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Creo que solamente es llegar a SR 3.00, aunque ya no lo tengo del todo claro.

Edito: Ya tengo SR 3.43 :atope
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Ya tengo el volante:

Una delicia, es increible lo que pueden cambiar las sensaciones solo cambiando el volante... :hail
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

porfaaa dónde lo compraste y precio?

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

King, lo compre en un foro de segunda mano, perdido. Me toco busar muchísimo.
Sabía que solo este modelo de todos los volantes de competición coincide con los agujeros por defecto del G25.

Es un volante perfecto en diámetro, creo que son 29 o 30cm (25 tiene el G25 por defecto) y no muy caro. Me salió por 40 euros.
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

os recuerdo que el 2 de noviembre acaba la presente temporada de Iracing y para promocionar es suficiente con tener 3.0 de SR. Ya sé que todos estamos muy ocupados, la crisis y tal, pero un empujoncillo y ya podréis pilotar las bestias más potentes...

A ver si nos juntamos de nuevo.

Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Nuestro último update:


The garage screens for most cars now include a fuel level setting. You can set the amount to "Fill To:" before you get in the car. This is the only way to remove fuel from the tank.

The <Baseline> tab has been changed to a <Defaults> tab, which brings up a list of built-in setups for the car. There is still a baseline setup in the list, but there are now additional setups for each car.

The Load and Save As tabs operate as before. Load displays a list of only those setups you have saved, not any of the built-in setups.


Green flag should now only stay up for somewhere around half a lap at all tracks.

Number of resets available has been reduced to just 1, and then you get locked out of the race. Use sparingly.

The pace car is now a ghost, it will pass through other cars.

Full-Course Cautions

During Oval races full course cautions are now possible.

On ovals, a Yellow flag will signal a full-course caution. The pacing order will be frozen at the moment the full-course caution begins. Cars involved in causing the caution or otherwise seen as out of control may, however, not be awarded a place in the pacing order until they are detected to be on course and under control. Race Control will instruct the leader to follow the pace car. All other drivers must line up in single file in accordance with instructions from Race Control.

In the pacing instruction display, a green up arrow indicates that you should pass cars until the green arrow goes away. A red down arrow indicates you should slow down and let cars by until the red arrow goes away. An orange bar indicates that you are in the right spot in pacing order. You will also be shown when there are two laps to go until the restart, and one lap to go, and to get ready for the restart.

When there is one lap to go until the restart, Race Control may restructure the pacing line from single file. If there are 10 or less laps to go, the restart will stay single file, but lapped cars will be shuffled behind lead lap cars. If there are more than 10 laps to go, the restart will be double file if there are lapped cars. The lapped cars will be instructed to move to the inside line, while the lead lap cars will be on the outside line.

Most penalties that you get while under a full-course caution will send you to the end of the longest pacing line, and do not show a black flag. These penalties will clear when the race restarts. Penalties you achieved under green flag racing that require you to stop in your pit stall to clear do show a black flag. These types of penalties can not be cleared while the race is under a full-course caution, you must wait for the race to restart before you can try to clear them. The 4 lap limit for serving these penalties is delayed for the duration of a full-course caution.

When a full-course caution begins, Race Control will indicate the closure of all pit lane entrances in the pacing instruction display. Pit lane will open for cars on the lead lap on their first lap after crossing the start/finish line under full-course caution. Pit lane will open for lapped cars on their second lap after crossing the start/finish line under full-course caution. Entering a closed pit lane will result in the driver being sent to the end of the longest pacing line for the restart.

The exit of pit lane may be closed, as indicated by Race Control in the pit lane display. This closure can occur at the beginning of a race and continue until after the race has started, or it can occur when a full-course caution is in progress and the pacing field is passing the pit exit. Leaving pit lane while the exit is closed under green-flag conditions will result in a Stop-and-Go penalty. Leaving pit lane while the exit is closed during a full-course caution will result in the driver being sent to the end of the longest pacing line for the restart.


Pitting functionality has been added for most cars (not the Rookie cars, but including the Advanced Rookie cars). For most of the cars, only tire and fuel changes can be made, but for the Late Model and Silverado wedge can be adjusted in the pits. If you prefer to forget about pit strategy, you simply need to stop in your pitstall to receive fresh tires and refill your fuel tank. If you wish to exert more control over your pit crew, keep reading!

The pitting functionality is accessed through some additional pop-up windows using the function keys F4 (fuel), F5 (tires), F6 (tire info), and F7 (wedge, if available). The windows operate the same way as the F1, F2, and F3 displays--pressing the function key displays the window if it is not currently being displayed, and pressing it while it is displayed removes it. These pit request windows are intended to be car-specific, they will not always have the same information or settings available--wedge may become wing angle on a formula car, for example. Fuel and tires are likely to remain the same for all cars that allow pit changes.

Requests to change these items can be made while out on track, or in your pitstall. If made while on track, the changes will not be done until you stop in your pitstall (in front of the lollipop man--he shows you where to stop). If there are changes pending, you will not be able to leave your pitstall until they are completed. The lollipop man will show you a green signal a few seconds before your crew is done, so you can get ready. When he withdraws the signal, you are free to go.

Penalties are served after pit service, if you have any black flag penalties. Your car will continue to be held for the duration of the penalty in that case.

For pit displays that have multiple items (for now, just the tires: LF, RF, LR, RR), the down and up arrow keys move from individual item to item (from tire to tire). These are also called the Select Next (down arrow) and Select Previous (up arrow) controls.

The left and right arrows change the quantity for the highlighted item (tire pressure for selected tire, fuel to add for fuel, RR spring perch offset for wedge, etc.). These are called the Decrement (left arrow) and Increment (right arrow) controls.

The space bar toggles a checkbox for the highlighted item, if there is one. The checkbox generally means to apply a change to this item while in the pits--e.g. for the tires, the checkbox means change the selected tire, for fuel, the checkbox means add the fuel (unchecking the fuel checkbox is a quick way to ask for no fuel to be added). This is also called the Change/Toggle control.

The down/up, left/right arrow controls and the space bar toggle control can be reassigned to buttons on your steering wheel, as can the function keys themselves. You can do this on the Options->Other page within the simulator. This allows you to view and control your pitting requests without needing to use the keyboard.

Fuel Display (F4)

The fuel display allows you to specify the amount of fuel to add, which differs from the garage fuel setting, which simply sets the amount of fuel in the tank. The garage setting is the amount that will be in the tank when you get in the car. The pit display amount is simply added to the current level in the tank, stopping either when the amount requested has been added, or the tank is full.

The fuel display also shows the fuel remaining and an estimate of the number of laps remaining. The engine will likely start to starve before this reaches zero. The estimate is a running average, so it's best to check it at the same point each lap, as it varies from place to place.

The amount to add will automatically be set to max fuel once you leave pit road, and the checkbox is checked. That way, nothing needs to be done in order to refuel on your next stop. If you don't want to refuel, you will need to either lower the amount to add, or clear the checkbox.

Tires display (F5)

The tire pressure that is adjusted on the pit display is the cold pressure, just as in the garage. It is possible to ask only for a tire pressure change, and not a tire change, by changing the cold pressure requested, but unchecking the checkbox.

The change tire checkbox is automatically checked for all four tires once you leave pit road. That way, nothing needs to be done in order to change tires on your next stop. If you don't want to change tires (or don't want to change a specific tire), you will need to clear the checkbox for each tire you do not want to change.

Tire Info display (F6)

The tire info display shows the Inside, Middle, and Outside temperatures and hot pressures when the car last had this information recorded. It is not a real-time display, but is there to allow you to see the state of the tires at the last pitstop (so if you had them changed, it is the information for the old tires). This display does not have any changes that can be requested, it is informational only.

Wedge display (F7 - Late Model and Silverado only)

The wedge display simply allows you to request a change to the right rear spring perch offset; it is the same change as in the garage. In order to know how much of a change in % wedge each increment makes, you will need to make a note in the garage as you change the RR spring perch offset. Note that just as in the garage, a lowering of the spring perch offset is actually compressing the spring more, so tightening the jack bolt is done using the left arrow (less spring perch offset).


A couple small changes have been made to the drafting tables which should give a bit more advantage in speedway racing.

The Radical SR8 now has wing drag and rear downforce closer to what is "correct" based on our limited data from Radical UK. Body downforce is higher and the drag induced by the rear wing is less of an issue at higher speeds. I think it still might need a slight tweak to get the balance better, but it's much improved as it stands now.

The Formula Mazda now has much more appropriate drag and downforce available in both front and rear wings. You shouldn't need to run 13° front and rear wing angle at all tracks, all the time. The total difference in top speed from running minimum wing to maximum wing is now 8 mph, which should give a much better opportunity to have widely varying setups without any one having the absolute upper hand. This change will be released in a separate update at the end of this week.

The car no longer slides slowly across the ground while stopped, and the auto brake when stopped operates better.

The engine can now be damaged by over revving, especially on early downshifts. There also may be very rare engine failures even without significant abuse, so don't feel too bad if your engine gives up (but try not to over rev). Keep an eye on the water and oil temps -- water shouldn't exceed about 220 F, oil shouldn't exceed 240-250 F, or you'll be starting to take chances. Those temps may start to climb if you are spending a lot of time in the draft.


Playback of your car’s engine and wind sound has been improved significantly when surround sound is enabled.

The sim runs correctly on systems with more than 10 sound devices. Up to 100 devices may be selected from in-sim.

Updated Radical SR8 in-car engine sounds.


Names are sorted reasonably in-sim. Accented characters are collated adjacent to the equivalent non-accented character.

The fully-depressed mark on pedal meters is easier to see at low screen resolutions.

Driving Screen

When you get in your car, the previously opened black box will be shown by default. This persists across sessions.

Hiding or showing the FPS/Network display or the Speed/Gear/Pedals display persists across sessions.

Voice chat and/or text chat can be disabled while driving.

Replay Screen

Replay playback rates have been simplified to 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 12x, and 16x.

You may not enter the garage during a race.

Options Screen

Most keyboard controls can be rebound on the Other tab.

Added next/previous black box control to cycle through black boxes.


Phoenix International Raceway has been added

The Infineon IRL2 configuration has been added


The Chevrolet Silverado has been added

The Late Model has been re-branded the Monte Carlo SS late model
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Y por otro lado: John Henry y Dale Earnhardt Jr fueron juntos a un programa de TV (Wind Tunnel) y anunciaron el nuevo coche.


:babas :babas :babas :babas :hail :hail :hail :hail :palmas :palmas :palmas :palmas
Re: El Post de los Simuladores de Conducción (PC)

Tras haber tenido el mes de octubre más ocupado de mi vida, no he podido dedicarle apenas tiempo a nuestro vicio...

El resultado ha sido que no he tenido tiempo de llegar a 3.0 en Iracing y por lo tanto no he subido de categoría. Todo un golpe porque tenía ganas de correr con el Mazda... Más adelante será, me temo.

Esta semana sí que he podido correr un poquito y la verdad es que me apetecía salir del sistema encorsetado de Iracing y hay algunos movimientos interesantes ahí fuera:

Por un lado me he llevado una grata sorpresa por parte de Simbin, resulta que a los que hicimos el preorder del GTR-Evo ahora nos han regalado en Steam la nueva expansión STCC que se trata de el campeonato de turismos Sueco. Los coches son los de siempre con un par de modelos nuevos como el Audi A4 y el Volvo 60 pero lo que se agredece es el pack de circuitos nuevos (7 u 8 creo) que la verdad es que están muy majos para relajarse on-line contra guiris locos.

Por otro el patch del NetKar Pro está a punto de salir y todos podréis probar una demo on-line del mismo. Es la otra alternativa hardcore al Iracing. Ya contaré cuando salga...

Y por último el eterno desarrollo del mod más ambicioso de Rfactor está cerca de salir también. El famoso CTDP 2006 que recreará de forma enfermiza los F1 de esa temporada. Les tengo ganas a estos!

Y ojalá lo del Corvette para el Iracing se confirme porque necesitamos "coches de verdad" para disfrutar más del mejor simulador!
Arriba Pie