J.J. Abrams Wants a Cast of Unknowns for 'Star Wars 7'. Dominic Monaghan was recently interviewed and discussed how J.J. Abrams is casting for the upcoming sci-fi sequel.

Actor Dominic Monaghan recently sat down with DweebCast and discussed how director J.J. Abrams is approaching the casting of his upcoming sci-fi sequel Star Wars: Episode VII.

Here is what he said when asked if he was approached for a role in the sequel.

"We talked about it a few times. Once I know that he was doing Star Wars I sent him a little congratulatory message and stuff."

He went on to discuss the director's possible casting strategy for the project.

"We've talked a few times about it and he said "We're putting together a cast of unknowns - we want to follow the '77 New Hope cast because obviously Harrison Ford wasn't well known at that point, Mark Hamill wasn't and Carrie Fisher wasn't either. What he said was, we don't want to fall into that mistake of people going "Oh it's that guy from that thing!" and then you're completely out of the Star Wars universe.

He jokingly remarked that he would accept any role in the film, if offered.

"Give me a lightsaber, I'll do anything."

With little known about the storyline and casting details swirling in rumors, is this another way for the director to misdirect fans and uphold the secrecy behind the project? Do you think a group of fresh faces would bring new life to the franchise?

'Star Wars. Episode VII' podría comenzar su filmación el 14 de mayo en Marruecos

Poco a poco se siguen conociendo detalles de la próxima película de Star Wars dirigida por J.J. Abrams, 'Star Wars. Episode VII'. Hoy hemos conocido que la cinta podría comenzar su rodaje el 14 de mayo en Marruecos, fecha que no nos pilla de sorpresa puesto que Disney ya había anunciado que mayo era el mes elegido para dar inicio a la producción. Sí resulta curiosa la elección de Marruecos, se supone que para rodar algunas escenas de Tatooine (planeta ficticio del universo de Star Wars).

Desde Badass Digest también informan que el rodaje se ubicará en Marruecos durante dos semanas, para después pasar a Túnez donde George Lucas grabó la mayor parte de las escenas de Tatooine. La localización de Marruecos podría ser para dar un estado de deterioro al planeta, teniendo en cuenta que el Episodio VII tendrá lugar 30 años después de 'El Retorno del Jedi'.

Otra localización de la que se viene hablando -aunque tampoco es oficial- es Islandia, lo que indica un posible regreso a Hoth, un mundo aislado, desolado y enterrado bajo los hielos perpetuos de una era glacial.

En cualquier caso, 'Star Wars. Episode VII' llegará a los cines el 18 de diciembre de 2015.

Disney's Alan Horn Says Star Wars: Episode VII is Already Shooting

The Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn was interviewed on April 2nd by The Hollywood Reporter's Stephen Galloway at Loyola Marymount University School of Film and Television in Los Angeles and was asked about the status of Star Wars: Episode VII.

As far as casting, Horn said "we have a lot of them, it's just not completely done yet." Of course, no one has officially been announced yet. He did add that casting has been the toughest part.

He was also asked about the rumor that filming starts in six weeks (on May 14th to be exact), but Horn revealed that they have already started. "Actually, we're shooting some of it now," he said.

He said getting the script right has been very important, considering the movie takes place after the events of "Return of the Jedi" and that was released over 30 years ago. "It's all about the screenplay. It has to be screenplay, screenplay, screenplay." He assured that the screenplay is now where it needs to be. The script was written by Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams, following an early draft by Michael Arndt
eso fidedigno???

Aquí en blogdecine lo tienen calzado también...

Ya queda menos. Oficialmente, el rodaje de ‘Star Wars. Episode VII’ arrancará en mayo, sin embargo, el presidente de Walt Disney Pictures ha revelado que, de hecho, J.J. Abrams ya ha comenzado a filmar algunas escenas de la séptima aventura de la saga galáctica.

Alan Horn aprovechó una charla con estudiantes de cine para revelar la información, consciente de que provocaría el entusiasmo de los allí presentes. Fue a raíz de una serie de preguntas sobre su tarea de supervisión en la franquicia adquirida por Disney tras la compra de Lucasfilm. “Lo más duro es el casting“, dijo el directivo, antes de subrayar que el guion, escrito por Michael Arndt, Lawrence Kasdan y Abrams, ha sido el otro gran reto. Por supuesto, el guion es siempre importantísimo en Hollywood…

Si no estuviera en manos de Abrams resultaría muy raro, por no decir sospechoso, que a día de hoy todavía no se haya anunciado oficialmente la contratación de ni un solo actor —se da por hecho el fichaje de Adam Driver y la vuelta de Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher y Harrison Ford— pero hablamos de un cineasta que adora el secretismo, rodear a sus proyectos de intriga y mantener al público expectante hasta el último momento. Y en el fondo, nos encanta.

Peter Mayhew volverá a interpretar a Chewbacca en 'Star Wars. Episode VII'

Hace unas semanas comenzaron unos rumores que hablaban de la posibilidad de que uno de los personajes más queridos de la trilogía original de Star Wars, Chewbacca, volviera a ser interpretado por Peter Mayhew en la nueva entrega de la saga dirigida por J.J. Abrams, 'Star Wars. Episode VII'. The Hollywood Reporter informa ahora que, efectivamente, esta información es cierta y el veterano actor de 69 años de edad volverá a interpretar a Chewbacca en la película que veremos en cines a partir del 18 de diciembre de 2015.

El guión, escrito por J.J. Abrams y Lawrence Kasdan se establecerá 30 años después de los sucesos acontecidos en 'El Retorno del Jedi', en una historia que seguirá a un trío de nuevos protagonistas junto a algunas caras muy familiares de la saga.

Entre estas caras podríamos encontrar a Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher y Harrison Ford, mientras que como nuevos fichajes suenan entre otros Adam Driver, Lupita Nyong'o y John Boyega. Sin embargo, hasta el momento Walt Disney Pictures y Lucasfilm sólo habían confirmado a R2-D2 como protagonista.

Puesto que está confirmado que en mayo comenzará la producción del episodio VII de Star Wars, es seguro que pronto tendremos más novedades en lo que respecta al reparto del film. Les mantendremos informados.
lo que no sonara es la fanfarria de Alfred Newman para la FOX.... que hasta en algunas ediciones de los scores de Williams abren con ella, de lo mitico que es oirlas seguidas.
Lo de Bad Robot si lo veo un poco más, pero vamos que saldrá directamente Lucas Films, eso seguro.
Independientemente del castillito de las pelotas, ya hay que ser muy ingénuo para pensar que ESE vídeo es "oficial".

Si ya da penasco cómo están integrados los sonidos, por favor...
Obviamente no es oficial. No he dicho que lo sea, son cosas frikis de fans. Pero están con el puto castilliot como cuando cayó ese mito de ver Marvel en manos de Disney con películas exclusivamente de crios por lo tanto.

'Star Wars: Episode VII' Will Shoot Tatooine Scenes in Abu Dhabi. Production will begin in mid-May as this highly-anticipated sequel returns to Luke Skywalker's homestead on the planet Tatooine for 4 weeks.

Following yesterday's report that Star Wars: Episode VII will utilize locations in Morocco to recreate Luke Skywalker's home on Tatooine, The Hollywood Reporter is now confirming that the shoot will actually take place in the United Arab Emirates city-state of Abu Dhabi.

The production begins in mid-May, and will last for four weeks. Our original report from last week claimed shooting would only last for two weeks, but it seems that the cast and crew will need to spend additional time on the desert planet. The sequel will also be shot at Pinewood Studios in London.

George Lucas used the country of Tunisia for the Tatooine locations, but sources claim that the political climate there is now too dangerous to host a big-budget Hollywood movie. Tatooine was the home to both Anakin and Luke Skywalker in the original and prequel trilogies, along with the Mos Eisley Cantina in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope and the pod racing sequences in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Tatooine also served as the headquarters of Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, and was the homeland of the Jawas and Tusken Raiders.

We reported last month that Star Wars: Episode VII will take place 30 years after Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, featuring a cast of, "some very familiar faces along with a trio of new young leads." The only character that has been confirmed to appear in the sequel is R2-D2. Though it has been widely reported that Peter Mayhew is reprising his role as Chewbacca. Neither Disney nor LucasFilm have confirmed that to be true.

Disney and LucasFilm has not confirmed Abu Dhabi as a shooting location, or a return to Tatooine. Universal's Fast & Furious 7 recently shot in Abu Dhabi when production resumed earlier this month, following a long delay after the death of franchise star Paul Walker.

Benedict Cumberbatch Says Star Wars: Episode VII Appearance 'Won't Happen'

Long rumored to be taking on a role in the franchise, Australian site The Iris (via Metro) was present for a Q&A session with actor Benedict Cumberbatch at Oz Comic-Con where the actor shot down any hopes that he might appear in Star Wars: Episode VII.

"I would've liked a part in JJ's new Star Wars but it won't happen sadly," the actor reportedly said, before also shooting down any potential appearances in the BBC series "Doctor Who."

Scripted by Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan, Star Wars: Episode VII will be set 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi and will follow a trio of new young leads along with some very familiar faces. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew and Harrison Ford are all heavily rumored to appear as older incarnations of their beloved characters from the original "Star Wars" trilogy, while names like Adam Driver, Lupita Nyong'o and John Boyega are believed to be among the project's fresh faces. At this time, however, Walt Disney Pictures and Lucasfilm have only confirmed a single star: R2-D2.

It was recently revealed hat Star Wars: Episode VII is already in production, so expect some additional confirmations regarding the much-anticipated release in the very near future and check back for full details as they become available.
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