Pero ahora en serio, ¿interesa ésto? Además hablando de siths por aquí y siths por allá, que son conceptos instaurados por el Papadas en su trilo infame... Qué jodida rémora, dios :notok

Todo depende de la manera en que se enfoque, siempre he tenido mucha curiosidad por conocer más acerca de los sith,

Pues para mi tiene mucho sentido. Tras la destrucción de la Academia Jedi todas las personas con exceso de midiclorianos se quedaron sin guía, o sin nadie que les vigile, según lo mires, con lo que fácilmente han podido caer en el "reverso tenebroso" :p Evidentemente, esta en contra de la instauración de una nueva Academia que les ponga límites.
Además el tema Sith no es exclusivo de Palpatine. Desde luego no los inventó él.

Tom Cruise, estrella invitada de 'Star Wars VII'. La estrella de Holywood y el director de la séptima entrega de la saga negocian un cameo en el esperado film

Tom Cruise está en tratos con el director J.J. Abrams para intervenir en la séptima entrega de Star Wars que empezó a rodarse en los estudios ingleses de Pinewood en Buckinghamshire y saldrá a las pantallas en diciembre del año próximo. La participación del galán no sería protagónica sino todo lo contrario, al parecer pactan un cameo de esos que basado en la popularidad el actor ni aparecería su nombre en los títulos de crédito. Esta es una fórmula usual: Penélope Cruz no constaba en los de Sexo en Nueva York 2 ni Javier Bardem en los de La teta y la luna, por poner dos ejemplos dispares. Cruise y Abrams ya han trabajados juntos en Misión : Imposible 5, cuyo estreno está previsto también para las Navidades del 2015.

El rodaje se ha complicado por el accidente sufrido por Harrison Ford (Han Solo) que se ha roto el tobillo y estará unos seis meses sin poder rodar. Con el actor han recuperado sus papeles Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill y se ha añadido a nueva estrella de Hollywood, Lupita Nyonh’o.

El actor sufrió un accidente en el rodaje del Episodio VII de Star Wars, donde una puerta hidraúlica del Halcón Milenario cayó sobre él. Ford tuvo que someterse a una intervención quirúrgica el pasado sábado en un hospital de Londres, y ha salido rumbo a Estados Unidos. Su representante ha anunciado que la operación ha sido un éxito y que comenzará la rehabilitación pronto: "Se encuentra bien y está deseando volver al trabajo".

Sith Witches and Mandalorians to Appear in 'Star Wars: Epsiode VII'?. New rumors claim that the Jedi Hunters in 'Star Wars: Episode VII' are actually Mandalorian Warriors, and they may be aided in killing the Jedi by the Nightsisters of Dathomir.

There have been plenty of rumors about the villains in Star Wars: Episode VII. First they were said to be Jedi Hunters. Later reports called them Mercenaries. Now it's being reported that the villains are actually Mandalorians, the race that Boba Fett's armor hails from. The bounty hunter clone, himself, is from Camino as revealed in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (though still considered a Mandalorian). The Mandalorians will be joined by a Sith Witch, or a group of Witches, intent on taking down the Jedi. Could they be the Nightsisters of Dathomir?

The official Star Wars Wookieepedia describes the Mandalorians as a race of fierce warriors who often side with the Sith, but will also align themselves with the Jedi if the cause is rigtht.

In their early years, Mandalorian culture revolved around battle, with war being a source of honor and pride in their community. The leader of the Mandalorians, known as the Mand'alor, translates to "Sole Ruler" and presented as "Mandalore" in Basic. Throughout their history, the Mandalorians often allied with the Sith, perhaps most notably the Sith Lord Exar Kun, and held a certain distrust and general dislike for the Jedi Order.

However, they wouldn't hesitate to cooperate with the Jedi if a partnership between the two groups was mutually beneficial. In later years, the Mandalorians moved away from their obsessively war-like and conqueror ways and instead, most became bounty hunters and mercenaries, selling their skills to various individuals and factions in the galaxy.

This description matches up with what has been said about the villains for months now. While earlier reports indicate that the 'Jedi Hunters' will be wearing black and silver armor reminiscent of the original trilogy Stormtroopers, Latino Review is unable to confirm if this description still fits the Mandalorians, or if the black and silver soldiers are actually a new breed of Imperial Stormtroopers.

Latino Review does go onto confirm that a Sith Witch, or Witches, will figure prominently in the storyline, though its not yet known if they hail from Darth Maul's home planet Dathomir. The characters could be loosely based on the Nightsisters of Dathomir, but as Star Wars: Episode VII is not relying on any expanded Universe storylines or characters, its possible that concepts and background details revolving around this particular set of villains is being changed or slightly altered to fit this new saga's overall arc.

The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magicks. The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law-the governing holy text of the Dathomiri. These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the notion of "good" and "evil", and instead chose to call upon the twin energies of the Winged Goddess and the Fanged God in order to utilize their Magicks and communicate with the spirit realm. They focused extensively on the art of casting Force illusions through "illusion spells." Witches found guilty of practicing these heretical techniques were banished into Dathomir's wilderness and left for dead. However, in the final decades of the Galactic Republic's reign, the exiled witch Gethzerion used her superior powers to unite the wandering outcasts into a new clan-the Nightsisters.

Asajj Ventress is the most infamous of the Nightsisters, a character that featured heavily in the ongoing saga of Star Wars: Clone Wars. This has lead to many speculating that Asajj will appear in the movie. Of course, none of the above is stated as fact, with Disney and Lucasfilm refusing to comment on these latest story details.

What do you think? Do you want to see Asajj rise in Star Wars: Episode VII? Will seeing new characters wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor of Jango and Boba Fett get you excited for this J.J. Abrams installment of the franchise? Or do you simply wish Rian Johnson was directing all three installments of this new trilogy?
Nah, personajes que salen en la serie de cartoon network y cosas de esas. De algún universo tendrán que sacar material y como el otro lo chaparon pues claro...
Que pesaditos con los amiguitos..

- Voto porque aparezca como barman de una cantina fronteriza, miembro de la raza de los Descokonadores, una raza caracterizada por la continua risa histérica y suelte entre risotadas aquello de: "¿Quéreis un poemaaaaa?".

- Por estatura un Ewook daría el pego. Pero tiene que hablar, aunque sea sólo una frase. Hemos de oír a Brau diciendo algo que nos haga saber que es él más allá de las toneladas de maquillaje: "Usted no me ha visto cuando estoy realmente enfadado" o similar.

-"joder Fen Xing esta espada láser no funciona"

-"Yo cambio, otla cosa, dose eulo"

Is Oscar Isaac Getting an Expanded Role in 'Star Wars: Episode VII'?. Disney denies that Oscar Isaac will have a larger role in 'Star Wars 7' due to Harrison Ford's injury, while another source debunks a report that production may be shut down completely.

Since Disney hasn't released any official statement about how the production on Star Wars: Episode VII will be affected after Harrison Ford's on-set injury, a number of rumors have been circulating, including yesterday's report that Disney and LucasFilm are considering a production shut-down until the actor can get back on his feet. Today, we have a new report from Page Six, which includes unconfirmed details that Oscar Isaac may have an expanded role in the sequel because of this injury, although Disney and other sources contradict these claims.

While it still hasn't been confirmed who exactly Oscar Isaac is playing, there are rumors that he is playing a descendant of Harrison Ford's Han Solo. Regardless of who he is playing, one source claims that Oscar Isaac's role will be "beefed up" due to the injury.

"They are now beefing up Oscar's role to be bigger with Harrison injured."

However, a second source said that no roles are being expanded, although the shooting order for certain characters may be shifted in Harrison Ford's absence. This source also claims that it would be impossible to shut the whole movie down, contrary to yesterday's report.

"Shutting down the movie is impossible. The basic story line will not change that much. The order of filming scenes could be shifted."

A representative for Disney also shot down the allegations of Oscar Isaac's expanded role.

"This is categorically not true."

All we do know is that production on Star Wars: Episode VII is still under way in London, under the direction of J.J. Abrams, that is, until the next unconfirmed rumor tells us otherwise.

'Star Wars 7' Won't Be Delayed; Plot Rumors Explain Han Solo's Mission with Luke Skywalker
Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams want a May 16, 2016 release date for 'Star Wars: Episode VII', but Disney refuses to budge on the upcoming plans for the franchise.

Warning! Major Spoilers Ahead!​

It's not immediately clear whether this is good news or bad news. Star Wars: Episode VII will not be delayed, according to numerous sources close to the production. While shooting continues, it seems to be a known fact that director J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy have both been pushing for a May 16, 2016 release date. But Disney refuses to budge and plans to keep their December 18, 2015 release date firmly in place.

Shooting had begun in early May, and the production seemed to be moving along just fine. That was until actor Harrison Ford had his leg slammed in the cockpit ramp of the Millennium Falcon. At first it was being reported that he broke his ankle. Disney and Lucasfilm remained cagey about the incident, only later revealing that Harrison Ford broke his leg, and needed surgery, which would put him out of commission for 8 weeks. This led to many reports that production was being delayed altogether.

Harrison Ford is reprising his role as Han Solo and is the protagonist in the movie. Which is certainly cause for concern. Multiple new reports claim that Han Solo will actually be on a mission to find a missing Luke Skywalker, gathering a search party and taking them on a galaxy-wide hunt for the Jedi Master.

Here is a new synopsis that has popped up online, though it hasn't been confirmed by Disney or LucasFilm.

Old smuggler Han Solo takes a group of new characters on a journey across the galaxy to find an old friend who has gone missing.

That seems to be the central plot of the story. With Harrison Ford out of commission, J.J. Abrams has had to rearrange some of the actors' schedules and shoot things out of order.

More plot details have arrived, giving some idea about the B storyline in the movie, which involves John Boyega's character, currently going by Thomas, and Daisy Ridley's character called Rachel. These names are subject to change. Here is what Making Star Wars believes they know about the plot:

We have heard that Thomas starts the film on the side of the villains. Thomas is shot down over Tatooine and he is injured from the crash. The things we heard from Abu Dhabi about a crashed ship is rumored to have been Thomas' fighter. Rachel rescues him from the wreckage and the elements of the sandy planet. Over the course of their "unlikely pairing," Thomas sees the reality of the universe and he defects from the side of the villains and decides to help Rachel for saving his life. However, things are not easy for the character because unlike most of the rebels we've met in the series, none were traitors, they were always on the side of right from the beginning. However, it appears Rachel and Thomas have an innocent flirtation in their first film with hints at romance in the future episodes. I often hear Thomas is a Jedi in the film, but I am beginning to think he might start that journey midway through Star Wars: Episode VII, which is why he has a lightsaber according to many reports.

All of this is to be taking as rumor at this point. That said, what do you think of the current state of affairs on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII? Should the movie be delayed?
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