La primera foto del reparto de “Star Wars: Episodio VII”, versión LEGO

LEGO ha colgado en su cuenta de Twitter una imagen que homenajea la primera foto del reparto de “Star Wars: Episodio VII” adaptada a sus famosísimos muñecos. «Conociste a los actores, ahora conoce el elenco de minifiguras».


Andy Serkis May Be Playing a Motion Capture Character in 'Star Wars 7'. Andy Serkis' company The Imaginarium is involved with all of the performance capture on 'Star Wars 7', but it isn't know if the actor himself is playing a motion capture character.

When LucasFilm and Walt Disney Pictures announced the cast for Star Wars: Episode VII back in April, Andy Serkis was one of the actors mentioned in the announcement, although no character details were given. The actor is best known for his motion capture work as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the title character in King Kong and as Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes and next month's sequel Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Many fans have wondered if Andy Serkis is playing a motion capture character, which the actor hints at in a new interview with Sci-Fi Now.

While he doesn't confirm that he is donning the motion capture suit once again, Andy Serkis did reveal that his company, The Imaginarium, will be involved in all of the performance capture aspects of Star Wars: Episode VII.

"The Imaginarium is now involved in all of the performance capture on the Star Wars projects, and I'm playing a character in that."

Sci-Fi Now points out that it, "isn't necessarily a given" that Andy Serkis' role requires performance capture, but the actor also revealed that director J.J. Abrams reached out to him and said he would "fit really well in this universe."

"It's extraordinary. I grew up with Star Wars and was a massive fan of the original films. I never imagined in a million years that I'd be engaging with this. It's just come about so organically. J.J. Abrams and I met, and we just had this incredible kind of vibe between us. He said, 'You'd fit really well in this universe,' and I said, 'I think I probably could.' We're working very closely, as I say, in two ways: the Imaginarium is providing all of the performance characters, and I myself am playing a character in it. I'm thrilled, deeply excited. Sitting at that read-through the other day was just extraordinary. It was an amazing event; being with the original cast was just incredible. I just think the script is so wonderful, and both the old and the newbies in the cast are just so thrilled and excited to get together."

Production on Star Wars: Episode VII is currently under way at Pinewood Studios in London, under the direction of J.J. Abrams. Are you excited to learn more about who Andy Serkis is playing in Star Wars: Episode VII? Stay tuned for the latest updates as filming continues.

Is Carrie Fisher's Daughter Playing a Young Princess Leia in 'Star Wars 7' Flashbacks?. A new rumor suggests that J.J. Abrams has planned a series of 'Star Wars: Episode VII' flashbacks that will utilize Carrie Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd, keeping the role in the family.

Right before the weekend, it was reported that Carrie Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd will be making her feature film debut in Star Wars: Episode VII. At the time, no information about her character was revealed, with some sources speculating that it might just be a cameo. Now a new rumor claims she is actually playing a young Princess Leia.

If we're to believe this new report from the U.K.'s Daily Mail, Star Wars: Episode VII will feature a number of flashbacks. J.J. Abrams is said to have cast Billie Lourd because of the visual similarities to her mother. This has not been confirmed by Lucasfilm nor Disney.

The 57-year-old Carrie Fisher began shooting her returning role as Princess Leia in early May, with production continuing on at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, southeast England. She was 20 when she first took on the iconic role in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, and its possible the flashbacks could take place a year after the events seen in that movie, but before the story picks back up in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. Its not clear if other characters, like Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, will also be a part of these flashbacks. Billie Lourd is 21, a year older than her mother was when Carrie Fisher first donned the infamous buns.

Is it possible that the actress is being set up for one of the spin-off movies?

Daily Mail goes onto claim that Billie Lourd will be sporting Leia's iconic hairstyle.

"Billie flew into the UK to join her mother earlier this month. She will even have her hair tied up in Princess Leia-style buns. She's an aspiring actress and singer so she grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Carrie backed the move as she wanted somebody in her family to play her most famous role."

Billie Lourd isn't the only family member taking a role in . Director J.J. Abrams also created walk-on roles for his father and his father-in-law, both of whom appeared in his Star Trek reboot.

Are you excited to see the return of a young Princess Leia in her infamous buns? Or do you think these flashbacks are unnecessary? Let us know how you really feel.
Sí se parecen, y mucho.

Pero un flashback en Star Wars sería anatema. ¿Que sería lo próximo, quitar las cortinillas?
Yo me imagino el roll crawler del inicio...



Son tiempos apacibles para la Republica Galactica, Luke Skywalker, Han y Leia Solo se reunen como cada viernes alrededor de una fogata en Coruscant...

- "¿Te acuerdas Luke cuando papa abordo mi nave hara casi 40 años?"

Yo me imagino el roll crawler del inicio...



Son tiempos apacibles para la Republica Galactica, Luke Skywalker, Han y Leia Solo se reunen como cada viernes alrededor de una fogata en Coruscant...

- "¿Te acuerdas Luke cuando papa abordo mi nave hara casi 40 años?"


- "Claro que me acuerdo ¿Y tú Han?... ¿Han?... ¿Han?... ¿Han?".

(Quitándose el pinganillo)

- "¡Me acuerdo, me acuerdo, me acuerdo vale niño! Y ahora dejadme seguir oyendo el partido. Ese uruguayo muerde más que Chewie cuando le mete el diente a las hamburguesas... esperad... ¡GOOOOOOOOOOL!".
He leído por ahí que han contratado a Rian Johnson (el de 'Looper') para que dirija el Episodio VIII ... joder, tengo más ganas de ver ese que el de Abrams.

Un saludete.
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