Isaac: Hola que tal, soy Poe Dameron en la nueva peli de Star Wars
Driver: y yo soy Kylo Ren
Timberlake: y yo soy Obi Wan no te jode

Pues para mi la imagen del teaser de la bola rodante es un CGI como una casa. Que diga Hamill que es un invento, pues vale. Puede ser una bola y la cabeza CGI, o que en algún primer plano salga, o vete a saber. Pero lo que se vio era un CGI
Yo también creo que es CGI, otra cosa es que tengan una que se mueva a poca velocidad, de todas formas todavía veo muy dudosa la forma de conexión de la cabeza y el cuerpo

Oscar Isaac sostiene que las teorías sobre el argumento de “Star Wars: El despertar de la Fuerza” están lejos de la realidad

«Las teorías formuladas en base a las filtraciones no podrían estar más lejos de la realidad». Son palabras de Oscar Isaac a los compañeros de Yahoo! Movies acerca de los rumores sobre los detalles del argumento de “Star Wars: El despertar de la Fuerza” (ver tráiler). Y es que al actor, que interpreta a Poe Dameron en la película, no le gusta mucho todo este revuelo. «¿No preferís esperar y ver el resultado final y real?». En este tipo de proyectos, complicado. Estreno el 18 de diciembre de 2015.

J.J. Abrams: Making 'Star Wars 7' Is Intense and Terrifying
Director J.J. Abrams talks about the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' trailer reaction, and praises his cast.

Director J.J. Abrams recently took some time out from his busy Star Wars: The Force Awakens post-production schedule to chat briefly with MTV about his experiences in making what is surely the most anticipated movie of 2015. Fans are still talking about the first trailer released in November, and when asked about what it's been like to see fans worldwide react to the trailer, the filmmaker had this to say.

"It is without question an intense and terrifying prospect. It's also the opportunity, I think that's greater than the fear. Greater than the risk, and so I'm more excited about the work that everyone has done on the movie and this incredible cast."

He also described Oscar Isaac's performance as X-Wing fighter pilot Poe Dameron as "remarkably great," adding that there was "a weird buzz" on the set when making this movie.

"It was an amazing experience making this movie for everyone. There was a sort of weird buzz in the air when we were making this movie, but we were all just aware of how hard we had to work to make it something worthy of people's time."

Unfortunately, when asked when fans may see the next glimpse of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams wouldn't divulge any details, joking that he would show new footage to MTV's reporter if they turned the camera off. What do you think about the director's comments? When do you think fans will get to see the next footage from Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Chime in with your thoughts and check out J.J. Abrams' full video interview below.
La semana pasada ví la primera de Star Trek y me gustó, pero el tema flares llega a cotas enfermizas. Menos mal que el diseño de la nave, tan blanca, pulcra y con bombillitas hace de cierta justificación, vamos que no es que los reflejos salgan de cualquier sitio pero... Creo que el mismo reconoció que se pasó.

George Lucas Wanted to Make 'Star Wars 7' Before Selling LucasFilm
Before selling LucasFilm to Disney in 2012, George Lucas wanted to make 'Star Wars 7' and then sell his company afterwards.

When Disney paid $4 billion for George Lucas' company LucasFilm in October 2012, most fans were unaware that he was already developing a new trilogy before handing over his beloved franchise. With 11 months and change left until Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters, and Star Wars Rebels currently airing on Disney XD, the Star Wars franchise is more popular than ever. But, years before J.J. Abrams took the helm, George Lucas was planning on making the seventh Star Wars movie, and then sell off his LucasFilm company. As it turned out, Disney came along at just the right moment for George Lucas.

"It's better for me to get out at the beginning of a new thing and I can just remove myself. The time is more important to me than the money."

George Lucas added that he knew another trilogy would require a 10-year commitment, but he still planned on releasing the new Star Wars in May 2015 before selling LucasFilm. That was before Disney offered to buy LucasFilm, though, and shortly thereafter, George Lucas got married and had a child less than one year after the LucasFilm purchase was announced. He also revealed that his one regret with making the first six Star Wars movies is that he never got to enjoy them as a fan, which will be rectified when Star Wars: The Force Awakens arrives in December.

"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the ship came over the screen. The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybody else."

The filmmaker did reveal that he is currently writing smaller "experimental" films, but no details for those projects were revealed. Would you have liked to see George Lucas direct Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Chime in with your thoughts below, and stay tuned for more Star Wars details.
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