Transformers 2: la venganza de los caídos (Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen)

Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Coño ADC, ciclar a un tío en el gimnasio hasta que todos los músculos se le inflamen hasta la frontera del estallido no es estar en forma.

Para el tamaño, la edad y el tiempo que le dejen las juergas al Labeouf sí que me parece que está en forma. Lo mismo que para su cuerpo no me parece que tenga mala definición.

Apartandome un poco del hilo diré que estar en forma viene a ser:



Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Perdona Dawson, bueno, en realidad pido perdón a todos, si queréis podéis borrar estas últimas aportaciones mías.
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Y alguno que lleve la muletilla "2000" o "3000". DEVASTATOR 3000.

Buah, que flipe macho. Como mola.
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Peter Jackson dijo:
Me encantan los nombres...por favor uno que se llame ANIQUILATOR o MUTATOR o VIOLATOR o DESTRUYETATOR...

No, gracias, ya tuvimos un Violator, y me gustaría olvidar que existió.


Atreyub dijo:
Y alguno que lleve la muletilla "2000" o "3000". DEVASTATOR 3000.

Buah, que flipe macho. Como mola.

Y ya sabes cómo lo traducirán.


Un devastator de pelotas
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Según la fecha que ha dado Paramount España, se estrenará el mismo día que en USA (el 26 de junio). :hola
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Shooting 3 Scenes in IMAX!

September 29, 2008

by Alex Billington

Inspired by Christopher Nolan's choice to shoot scenes with IMAX cameras in The Dark Knight, Michael Bay will be shooting 3 separate scenes for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen with IMAX cameras. The news was buried in a Variety article published tonight that looked at the growing trend to use IMAX in big tentpole films. "Michael Bay will film at least three action setpieces using IMAX cameras forTransformers: Revenge of the Fallen, which is lensing." This is news is incredibly exhilarating to hear, especially because I proclaimed the IMAX scenes in The Dark Knight to be one of the aspects that made the film revolutionary. Plus it's exciting to think about seeing full-size robots fighting in glorious 70mm IMAX!

Just to clarify what this means, Michael Bay will be shooting at least 3 action scenes with IMAX cameras. The remainder of the film will be converted to IMAX for the official theatrical release on June 26th, 2009. As far as we know, this means we'll at least get to see Optimus Prime, Megatron, and the Constructicons bigger than we've ever seen them before (on screen). Shooting with IMAX definitely is turning out to be the next revolution in Hollywood and it seems like that trend will continue with Iron Man 2 and Y: The Last Man as well. I was already looking forward to seeing what Michael Bay was planning with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, now I really can't wait to see what scenes will be shot in IMAX!

Update! We've added a little quote from Michael Bay about his interest in IMAX. "The extraordinary level of detail and intensity captured by the IMAX camera creates many exciting possibilities for us with this film. IMAX’s all-encompassing format will take this story to a new level, and I am once again very excited to share The IMAX Experience with Transformers fans around the world." As most may remember, Transformers was re-released in IMAX late last summer with a few new scenes. Excited? ... s-in-imax/
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Oscar Night TF2 Trailer?

November is the rumored time that the first official trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen might come out. Now Variety is suggesting that Oscar night on February 22nd could be a good day to premiere a TV trailer for the movie with a change in advertising rules for the program.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences board of governors voted Tuesday night to ease its longstanding ban on movie advertisements running in the Oscar telecast.

The board voted to allow a limited number of spots for movies that will not open until the last week of April at the earliest — meaning that none of the nommed pics can be tubthumped during the telecast, Acad prexy Sid Ganis told Daily Variety. Ads for sequels or prequels to pics in contention in the picture, docu and animation categories will not be allowed.

The showcase of never-before-seen spots for, say, next year’s tentpoles like "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," "G.I. Joe" and "Terminator Salvation," could be a highly promotable element for next year’s telecast — especially as the Oscars are looking to rebound from this year’s record-low aud of 32 million viewers.

Next year’s telecast is set for Feb. 22 on ABC. The "Dreamgirls" duo of Bill Condon and Laurence Mark have been tapped as first-time Oscarcast producers.

Among the Academy’s other rules for accepting movie ads:
- Will allow one spot per distributor, either 30 or 60 seconds in length.
- The spot must not have run anywhere else prior to its debut on the Oscarcast.
- The spot may not use the terms "Oscar" or "Academy Award."
- The spot may only promote one pic, not a slate of pics.
- There will only be one movie spot per commercial break during the three-hour telecast.

Pues, ojalá lo veamos en febrero. Crucemos los dedos :)
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Yo pensé que esperarían a la mítica Super Bowl para los pepinos veraniegos, ahora ven factible los Oscars. Mejor, mejor. Cuanto antes vayamos atisbando estos robotitos mejor.
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

La Superbowl es a finales de Enero, así que no os sorprendaís si emiten un trailer durante el partido, y otro diferente (además, que según las nuevas normas de la Academia, TIENE que ser diferente y no haberse emitido antes) en los Oscar.
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Ah, entonces cambia la cosa. Yo pensé que la Super Bowl era en Marzo, cosa así. Entonces sí, antes es el partidito de Rugby y luego los Oscars. Así que antes, si es que es en la superbowl, veremos teaser o trailer o lo que sea en el partido.
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Es que la Super se ha convertido en imprescindible para aquellos que nos gusta el cine palomitero. Sus avances cada vez son más importantes. ;)
Re: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Recordad que hará unos 10 años, el trailer de una tal THE MATRIX tuvo mucha aceptación :juas
Cómo pasa el tiempo.
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