Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks y Denis Villeneuve, hoy en Barcelona


Se lo fockan
Uy, creo que ya están mostrando demasiado.

Lo de las imágenes de este flin es una cosa muy, muy seria. Y el mundo que han recreado se va sintiendo cada vez más Blade Runner. Pero espero que aparte del diseño de arte chulo, las panorámicas de situación molonas y demás, consigan captar la textura, el grano, el sudor y la suciedad palpable de la anterior.
por lo que veo podemos ir olvidándonos de suciedad...esta todo muuuy limpio, y muy iluminado...supongo que su punto fuerte estará en el guión o yo que sé
"Blade Runner 2049" To Answer Deckard Question - Dark Horizons

Ridley cebolleta...

“Oh, it was always my thesis theory. It was one or two people who were relevant were… I can’t remember if [screenwriter] Hampton [Fancher] agreed with me or not. But I remember someone had said, ‘Well, isn’t it corny?’ I said, ‘Listen, I’ll be the best f–king judge of that. I’m the director, okay?’

So, and that, you learn – you know, by then I’m 44, so I’m no f–king chicken. I’m a very experienced director from commercials and ‘The Duellists’ and ‘Alien.’ So, I’m able to, you know, answer that with confidence at the time, and say, ‘You know, back off, it’s what it’s gonna be.’

Harrison [Ford], he was never – I don’t remember, actually. I think Harrison was going, ‘Uh, I don’t know about that.’ I said, ‘But you have to be, because Gaff, who leaves a trail of origami everywhere, will leave you a little piece of origami at the end of the movie to say, ‘I’ve been here, I left her alive, and I can’t resist letting you know what’s in your most private thoughts when you get drunk is a f–king unicorn!’ ‘ Right? So, I love ‘Beavis and Butthead,’ so what should follow that is ‘Duh.’

So now it will be revealed [in the sequel], one way or the other.”
Ridley Gagá...

Scott Plans To Franchise Out "Blade Runner" - Dark Horizons

franchising out both properties so they can expand and have a life well beyond him:

“Yes. I think that, you know what, George has always proved that. Of course there’s always something. George Lucas. You know, and the way he’s handled ‘Star Wars’ has been spectacular.

It’s what I’ve been trying to do to really evolve ‘Alien,’ because in those days I wasn’t into making sequels, but now suddenly you realize, ‘Well, that’s stupid.’ I’ll use the word ‘duh’ again, right? You’d better get into sequels, duh. So that’s in a way what I’ve been doing.”

Scott also teased a fan theory that the two franchises share the same universe: “Well, I think if ‘Alien’ is in the air, ‘Blade Runner’ is on Earth. And probably is a very good reason why you wanna leave Earth.
El look de la peli será forzosamente más blandito y pulcro que la de Scott, porque aunque Villeneuve tuviese la misma atención al detalle que el yayo, que no la tiene, de haber hecho currar a su equipo a la manera en que lo hizo Ridley en 1981, habría provocado la Segunda Revolución Húngara ...

Un saludete.
Pinta todo... raro. Y mucho va a depender si el libreto urdido tiene interés. La Llegada no me gustó, espero que ahora toque la arena.
Arriba Pie