Respuesta: El post de los discos SSD: los discos del futuro ya están aquí
En el último que he montado con el iMac - un Mercury Electra 6G de OWC - he seguido el consejo del fabricante y a pesar de que OS X muestra que no soporta TRIM, la recomendación de OWC es no activarlo y dejar al Garbage Collector de la controladora SandForce del disco realizar su trabajo.

En el último que he montado con el iMac - un Mercury Electra 6G de OWC - he seguido el consejo del fabricante y a pesar de que OS X muestra que no soporta TRIM, la recomendación de OWC es no activarlo y dejar al Garbage Collector de la controladora SandForce del disco realizar su trabajo.
Así que cuidado con el famoso Trim Enabler y los discos SSD, que no siempre es la mejor solución.If you have an OWC SSD, though, you don’t need TRIM. The SandForce controller in our SSDs takes care of this “garbage collection” as well as performs various other tasks that keep your drive running at optimal speed, without the drop-off that you see with other brands. Especially note page two of this performance testing expert’s report where he feels so strongly about TRIM’s inefficiency that he calls call it “half-baked”…and that’s the kid friendly version of the phrase.
In fact, enabling TRIM could actually hurt the performance and reliability of your OWC SSD, rather than help it. As OWC customer Scott Gosling recently said in an email to us,“I used the trim enabler 1.1 initially, then realized that your self maintenance was far superior to using TRIM so I disabled it. It made a huge difference in terms of reliability.”Our in-house testing has also shown that the TRIM Enabler hack has proven to be unreliable. So bottom line, we highly recommend not using TRIM when using OWC SSDs; all you need is what’s already inside.