Astronomers plan to soon turn Webb's mirror to these galaxies again to, this time, obtain light spectra of those distant dots. Spectra break down the observed light according to its wavelength composition and thus reveal the chemical and physical properties of its source.
"The most important thing is that spectra give very precise distances to these objects," said Leja. "The "distance" and the "identity" of these objects is correlated: if we know the distance, we can pin down the identity, and vice versa. So a spectrum will pretty immediately tell us if our hypotheses are correct."
The James Webb Space Telescope discovers enormous distant galaxies that should not exist
Giant, mature galaxies seem to have filled the universe shortly after the Big Bang, and astronomers are
¿Archie? ¿Cómo que Archie?Iba a poner la misma noticia, pero Archie se me ha adelantado. :OK
James Webb Space Telescope spots galaxy from early universe rich in star formation
'We found this galaxy to be super-chemically abundant, something none of us expected.'
@LoJaume, me he vuelto a adelantar. Pero yo, ¿eh? Nada de Archie.
Siempre puedes reportar.Por cierto, si alguna vez no contesto no me lo tengas en cuenta. Ya no entro al foro, porque siempre sale el idiota de turno a recordarme -aunque no venga a cuento- que soy independentista (y por consiguiente, adoctrinado, intolerante, sectario,) y ya estoy bastante cansado.
No sé si parece un culo o un glande![]()
Qué feo es @deimos.
New research puts age of universe at 26.7 billion years, nearly twice as old as previously believed
Our universe could be twice as old as current estimates, according to a new study that challenges the dominant cosmological model and sheds new light on the so-called "impossible early galaxy problem."