El Megapost de las bandas sonoras

Thomas Newman por aqui

Thomas Newman por aca
Viendo hace unos días ese atractivo western fantástico, “El Desafío del Búfalo Blanco” (1977), me di cuenta (no la recordaba) lo buena y misteriosa que es la BSO de John Barry.

Igual es demasiado variada/dispersa, pero "Steve Jobs" de Daniel Pemberton es un sí con trackazos.
Pues al final la verdadera razón de que Thomas Newman sustituyera a John Williams era porque le tenían que poner un MARCAPASOS...y el médico le dijo que NADA de actividad física durante 7 semanas...de ahí también que el proceso de composición y grabación de la nueva peli de Star Wars se esté alargando hasta estas fechas...

Aquí el extracto de la entrevista a Spielberg donde lo dice:

“Well, the music was by Thomas Newman, who has done a number of films for DreamWorks. He did American Beauty and Road to Perdition, a film that we made called How To Make An American Quilt, and he’s done a couple of scores for us… one especially, American Beauty, was a wonderful score. But John Williams, uh, you know, who is… John and I have worked together on every single movie until now. And John was writing Star Wars, and the deal we had with J.J. was that when I needed John, he’d stop writing Star Wars and he’d do the score – ‘Cause I only wanted 35 minutes of music. And John knew I needed, you know, 35-40 minutes of music in the whole film. I always wanted the entire opening to be no music at all, just the sounds of New York. [...] Music always elevates something, but I didn’t want any of this to be elevated at all, except for what we’ve all seen and experienced ourselves.

So John called me up, and it was the hardest phone call John ever had to make, and the hardest phone call I’ve ever had to hear. All I cared about was his health, but he had to have a – what do you call it – pacemaker put in. And the Doctor said – and his procedure went great, there was no complications, everything was fine – But the doctor said ‘you can’t write, you can’t conduct, you can’t do anything for seven weeks.’ So John called me and said “What am I gonna do, because I can’t do anything for seven weeks, and then I gotta get back and finish the Star Wars score”. So this is the… that’s the reason.

But I hired Thomas Newman because I always loved his music, and loved him as a person. But, John Williams is part of the Newman family! Alfred Newman, Tom Newman’s father, discovered John Williams, and John’s first job was – Alfred Newman, out of all the session pianists, Alfred Newman said “John I want you to play the piano on South Pacific with Mitzi Gaynor.” And so it was John’s first job, he was the session player on keyboard for South Pacific. And then Alfred started using him again and again, and then Alfred started getting him composing jobs. So John is a part of the Newman family, so it was like I didn’t go out of the family when I didn’t use John – I stayed in the family!”

The full interview (video) and pictures of the event can be found at DGA.org (the Williams/Newman part starts at 47:20)
¡35 minutos sólo de música! ¡INTOLERABLE!

Y Thommy hizo los arreglos cuando suena la marcha imperial en el momento que Luke le está quitando el casco a Vader.
¿Por qué ni el propio Spielberg recuerda que ya hubo una película suya sin música de John Williams?

Ojo que el señor Roque Baños sustituye a Hans Zimmer en la siguiente película de Ron Howard.
Algún día Jackson, nos contarás de donde sale el sarpullido que te provoca CX.

Destrozo algún trabajo tuyo?
ya circula la de Spielberg sin Johnny

oigo trompeta "americana" y cuerdas & madera mas pianito tytpical Tommy. Voy al final... noble pero sin triunfalismo. No acaba de despegar/concretar... Coros rusos en los End Titles??
Última edición:
No veo por qué no puede hacer algo muy bueno en una peli de este tipo. Y haciendo algo para este tipo, siendo quien es, imagino que Newman se podía crecer un poco y dejar de ser un muermo musical.
No digo que no pueda ser bueno, pero que tampoco va a hacer algo muy "¡escúchame!" como pueden serlo otros proyectos.
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