El Megapost de las bandas sonoras

Parece un Fake en toda regla pero ahi lo dejo...


Bubishon the Leaker here.

The Force Awakens score is still recorded, but I have early draft of the soundtrack tracklist (movie is already in rough cut, some parts are scored and JJ and editing team is working with that music). I have also some SAMPLES of the music.


John Williams - Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

1. Star Wars and The Force Awakens
2. Kylo Ren and The First Order
3. Rey's Destiny
4. The Awakening
5. Pirate Transport
6. [untitled]
7. Millennium Falcon and the Escape From Jakku
8. Trouble in the Castle
9. Battle on Takodana
10. Han Solo and Chewbacca
11. Return to Yavin IV
12. [untitled]
13. [untitled]
14. Immune to the Light
15. A New Begining and End Credits

Titles and track order are subject to change ofc, so don't be surprised if that happens. You should get this officialy in October.


Immune to the Light: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/at8l4u7w4n7v4xd/14_1.mp3
Kylo Ren and the First Order: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/7djph2avpghgg6p/02_1.mp3
The Awakening: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/93k78m73e79by5c/04_1.mp3

I'm not going to post full tracks. And please NOTE: editing/mastering is not finished on those tracks! Some layers might be missing, some parts migh be currently replaced by digital sound before recording session. I don't know any details because I don' work in sound/music department. I might have more today.

Download them and share them before Disney is going to delete them (if they will you know it's legit).
Conciertazo ayer de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia en Coruña, tocando temas de películas. Grande la suite de Star Wars con la que acabaron.
John Williams - Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

1. Star Wars and The Force Awakens
2. Kylo Ren and The First Order
3. Rey's Destiny
4. The Awakening
5. Pirate Transport
6. [untitled]
7. Millennium Falcon and the Escape From Jakku
8. Trouble in the Castle
9. Battle on Takodana
10. Han Solo and Chewbacca
11. Return to Yavin IV
12. [untitled]
13. [untitled]
14. Immune to the Light
15. A New Begining and End Credits

Falta claramente...

16. Luke's Funeral
Parece un Fake en toda regla pero ahi lo dejo...


Bubishon the Leaker here.

The Force Awakens score is still recorded, but I have early draft of the soundtrack tracklist (movie is already in rough cut, some parts are scored and JJ and editing team is working with that music). I have also some SAMPLES of the music.


John Williams - Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

1. Star Wars and The Force Awakens
2. Kylo Ren and The First Order
3. Rey's Destiny
4. The Awakening
5. Pirate Transport
6. [untitled]
7. Millennium Falcon and the Escape From Jakku
8. Trouble in the Castle
9. Battle on Takodana
10. Han Solo and Chewbacca
11. Return to Yavin IV
12. [untitled]
13. [untitled]
14. Immune to the Light
15. A New Begining and End Credits

Titles and track order are subject to change ofc, so don't be surprised if that happens. You should get this officialy in October.


Immune to the Light: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/at8l4u7w4n7v4xd/14_1.mp3
Kylo Ren and the First Order: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/7djph2avpghgg6p/02_1.mp3
The Awakening: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/93k78m73e79by5c/04_1.mp3

I'm not going to post full tracks. And please NOTE: editing/mastering is not finished on those tracks! Some layers might be missing, some parts migh be currently replaced by digital sound before recording session. I don't know any details because I don' work in sound/music department. I might have more today.

Download them and share them before Disney is going to delete them (if they will you know it's legit).

Samples que suenan a midi.


"Fuí a la casa de John Williams un día y el me tocó en el piano música que él va a dirigir...y era como estar escuchando música de los DIOSES."

Yesterday at Disney’s biannual fan convention D23 Expo 2015, during which the company announced the creation of two Star Wars-themed parks, The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams spoke about going to composer John Williams’ house and hearing the music for the first time:

“It’s more exciting than I can put into words. To see the thing come together is truly remarkable. To hear the music that John Williams is writing… to hear themes… I went over to John Williams’ house one day and he played me on the piano music that he was going to conduct… and it was just like hearing music from the gods. It was an incredible thing.”
Gia también se CORRE VIVO. No problema. Y pronto le llegará por fin uno de sus sueños HÚMEDOS, que es poner música para una película de Star Wars.
Fuí a la casa de John Williams un día y el me tocó en el piano

Yo creo que Giacchino no está para nada a la altura de lo que ha hecho Williams para Star Wars. La música de Giacchino aunque entrañable, se basa en temas muy simplones y en mucho relleno. Nada que ver con la brutal improvisación de temas complejos y profundos de la que es capaz Williams. Cchino se basa mucho en lo falaz y en la sensiblería.
El futuro de las BSO en Hollywood pasará por la factoría de Zimmer, poco a poco se están haciendo con las MARVELADAS y en algún próximo episodio o spinoff de StarWars pondrán a algun juntapentagramas tipo Brian Tyler...

A menos que una película y su BSO revolucione el concepto como lo hizo SW en 1977.
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