Independence Day 2: Emmerich is back (2016)

Tontoooo... ¿y no quisiste el rol de Django por no ser el prota? En fin.

"Esto, eh. Hola, Roland. Que estaba pensando que podría salir en la nueva ID4... sí, ya sé que dije que estaba muy ocupado y que no podía pero son cosas que se dicen, ya sabes. Pero que vamos puedo hacer un hueco en la agenda, que aunque la tengo apretadilla por un amigo lo que sea... ¿Hola? ¿Roland? ¿Hola, hay alguien ahí?".
Empire online:

Emmerich: Independence Day Sequel May Not Be Trilogy. He's planned one sequel, will take the other as it comes

With a nickname like 'the Little Spielberg from Sindelfingen', Roland Emmerich has earned a reputation as both a showman and ringmaster in Hollywood. He's got big visions - often spelling doom for a landmark near you - but just as importantly, he knows how to make them happen. Having just trashed the White House for the third time, he shared some of his plans for global destruction over the next few years with the Empire Podcast.

Currently taking shape like an errant neutrino are celebral sci-fi Singularity, and, on a smaller scale, a dramatisation of the New York Stonewall riots of 1969 that he may end up self-financing. Looming largest, though, is a (potentially) Will Smith-less, two-part sequel to Independence Day for 20th Century Fox.

ID4EVER, or ID4-Ever (or possibly ID4EVS) or Independence Day 2, has a release date scheduled for July 3, 2015, but as Emmerich points out, that's more a reflection of tentpole politics than the readiness of the project. "You have to set a release date otherwise another film moves into it," he explains. "[But] Independence Day is my next movie, if I get the right script. I should get the script pretty soon, then I'll try to get it into good shape for one or two months, and if that happens, we'll announce it and start production."

According to Emmerich, the plan remains for a cliffhanger to divide the two sequels. Intriguingly, he'll eschew the Peter Jackson approach of shooting both films at once in favour of a costlier suck-it-and-see strategy. "We'll only do the first part," he says, "because we want to have the audience decide if they want to see the second, otherwise it feels arrogant. But I'm pretty confident, with the right script..."

With James Vanderbilt and long-time collaborator Dean Devlin helping with that side of things and some key cast members already committed, this looks a lot like a go-project. Now might be the time to start moving valuables to an underground bunker. "The idea for it came out of 2012," Emmerich enthuses of the likely carnage, "and what you can do with technology these days." And the setting? "It's a parallel history," he explained. "Humans rebuild whatever they have - bigger, newer, shinier - and then they forget. Maybe, 20 years later, [the aliens are] never coming back..." And if they do, can we assume they'll have better virus protection? "They won't fall for that again."

Expect plenty more insight into the alien threat, and its motivation, than we got from the squidy villainy of Independence Day. "We've created a mythology around these aliens," says Emmerich, "which is really cool. You have to create a mythology because people want to see a bigger picture."

And what of Singularity? "That is on very, very good grounds again. We just overdid its complexity, we packed too much in it, but we lost two or three subplots and suddenly realised, 'Oh my God, this works!' I definitely want to make this movie."

Another project that has been lodged in the Emmerich in-tray for some time is a planned adaptation of Isaac Asimov's sci-fi epic Foundation. If it happens, and a stymied Emmerich is doubtful that it will, it will be a small screen concern. "We're trying to do it as a big mini-series, but even there you would have to change the story itself and set it in a time when the galaxy has fallen apart - and then you're pretty much making a TV show with all these characters and playing all the scenes out. You can [do that] and we'll see what happens. We tried so hard [to make it into a movie], honestly, because it's one of my most favourite books. I just love it."

His intriguing Asteroids project, meanwhile, "is not happening" - at least, not with him behind the camera. "[Producer] Lorenzo di Bonaventura offered it to me first and it had exactly what I like - a two brothers story that was very interesting for me - but I had so many other projects and they didn't want to wait around for me."
Sólo iré a verla si repescan al gran Randy Quaid y resucitan a su personaje y consiguen que un tío tan malo como actor como Bill "no sé como pude tener éxito durante unos años" Pullman salgan. :juas

'Independence Day 2' se va al 2016

La nueva secuela de Roland Emmerich, 'Independence Day 2', ha movido su fecha de estreno nada menos que un año. Prevista inicialmente para llegar a la gran pantalla el 3 de julio de 2015, la cinta de ciencia-ficción de 20th Century Fox llegará finalmente el 1 de julio de 2016.

Por el momento desconocemos si la estrella Will Smith volverá como el capitán Steven Hiller, aunque Emmerich dijo hace unas semanas que tienen una reunión pendiente. Además, el director dijo que tienen dos guiones preparados, uno contando con la presencia de Smith y otro sin ella. Si finalmente no está Will Smith, todo apunta a que será Michael B. Jordan ('Chronicle') quien le sustituya.

Quienes seguro sí repetirán en sus respectivos roles serán Jeff Goldblum y Bill Pullman. Seguimos pendientes de la posible trama de esta secuela de la cinta de 1996 que recaudase 817 millones de dólares en todo el mundo, lo que por entonces la convirtió en una de las películas más taquilleras de la historia.

New Writer Hired For Independence Day 2. Carter Blanchard plotting the next invasion

Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin have been talking up the possibility of an Independence Day sequel almost ever since the first film destroyed a landmark near you, but it’s the looming 20th anniversary of the gung-ho sci-fi that has finally kicked Independence Day 2 into gear. Emmerich and Devlin initially wrote their own screenplay draft, before James Vanderbilt swooped in for a pass. Now the project has gained its third screenwriting round, with the latest draft to be hammered out by Carter Blanchard.

Blanchard's is one of those names not yet tested by the box office but suddenly much sought after in Hollywood. He currently has at least half a dozen completed screenplays in the works, ranging from the simply-optioned to the well-into-pre-production. He's worked on thrillers Diver and Near Death, the horror Dead Asleep, the Simon Kinberg-produced family film Kindergarten Heroes, and Ruben Fleischer's videogame adaptation Spyhunter. He also sold his spec script for the sci-fi Glimmer to Dreamworks, earning himself a personal call from Steven Spielberg in the process.

Plot-wise, what we think we know about the possibly-titled ID4-EVER is that it involves the alien reinforcements summoned by a distress call in the first film finally arriving after the long, wormhole-assisted journey to our planet. They are somewhat miffed, on arrival, by the destruction of their first wave. That ignites a new battle for an Earth on which the surviving humans have haphazardly learned to harness the left-behind alien technology. Visits to the alien homeworld are not on the agenda: "It's always about the Earth getting invaded", says Emmerich.

Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum have both indicated their willingness to come back, but Will Smith has proved more of a sticking point. Initially Fox categorically ruled him out as being, these days, both too busy and too expensive. Since the disappointment of After Earth, however, there have been hints that his casting may not be impossible after all.

It’s not all returning cast though: two decades on, there are strong indications of a Next Generation element. “It’s still some of the same characters, but also new younger characters; it’s a little bit like the sons take over,” says Emmerich. Michael B. Jordan has been in talks for an unspecified role. Son of Smith?

Independence Day 2’s current release date is July 1, 2016.

'Independence Day 2' Script Turned In; Jeff Goldblum Has a Role
Jeff Goldblum says that he has been written into 'Independence Day 2', with a draft of the screenplay finally turned in to the studio.

The long-awaited sequel Independence Day 2 is finally be coming to fruition, with actor Jeff Goldblum revealing that his Independence Day character David Levinson has been written into the script, with a draft finally being turned in to the studio.

Here's what the actor had to say about his meetings with filmmakers Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin over the past year.

"I had a meeting and have been talking over the last several months or year with Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, the producer, and they've been cooking up and say they have a part for me in what they hope will be a plan to make another one pretty soon."

The actor revealed in February that he was excited for the project and anxious to see what they put together in the screenplay. We also reported earlier in February that original Independence Day star Will Smith passed on the project, and that screenwriter James Vanderbilt was working on two versions of the script, one with Will Smith and one without. Screenwriter Carter Blanchard then came on in May for rewrites, focusing on ways to continue the story without Will Smith's Stephen Hiller.

Jeff Goldblum went on to add that the rewrites may be complete.

"They're still talking about it and I've heard recent rumblings here and there about it, and 'Oh, there's a scripting coming in' - maybe last weekend there was a script handed in, so it's brewing."

If this script is approved by 20th Century Fox, it isn't known when production may begin on this highly-anticipated sequel.
...long-awaited sequel...

...highly-anticipated sequel...


'Independence Day 2': Is Randy Quaid Set to Return?
Director Roland Emmerich hints that Randy Quaid is returning as pilot Russell Casse in 'Independence Day 2', but is that even possible?

While no official cast members have been announced for Independence Day 2, which 20th Century Fox is releasing June 2016, director Roland Emmerich is teasing one heck of a surprise return. Yes, judging from his latest Tweet, Randy Quaid may be back as kamikaze pilot Russell Casse. But this seems improbably for a couple of different reasons.

Russell Casse is a fan favorite Independence Day character known for his surprise assault on the alien mothership. He blows the giant, deadly craft out of the sky by ramming his plane up inside of it, supposedly killing himself in the process. Does this Tweet indicate that Casse survived the attack against the invading extraterrestrial forces?

While its possibly that Casse either survived off screen, with that reveal to come in the sequel, or the aliens somehow brought him back to life, there is another reason to cast a huge shadow of doubt on Randy Quaid's return in Independence Day 2. Randy Quaid and his wife Evgenia have been embroiled in legal troubles that saw their passports revoked. The couple have been stuck in Canada since 2010, and Randy Quaid hasn't made a movie since the 2010 comedy Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach. It was believed that Randy Quaid was unable to secure work due to his issues with the law. But perhaps his role is being shot in Canada. That's entirely possible.

Or perhaps Roland Emmerich is just having a little bit of fun and trying to evoke some nostalgia for the original 1996 sci-fi classic Independence Day. While it has been reported that Will Smith will not return for the sequel, it sounds quite likely that Jeff Goldblum will return as David Levinson. And its even possible that Bill Pullman may return as President Thomas J. Whitmore, though none of that has been confirmed by the studio.

Liam Hemsworth negocia para ‘Independence Day 2′
Bajo la dirección de Emmerich, y sin Will Smith.

The Wrap informa de que Liam Hemsworth está negociando con 20th Century Fox para protagonizar la secuela de Independence Day que dirigirá Roland Emmerich.

El guión de ID Forever ha sido escrito por James Vanderbilt (White House Down) y revisado por Carter Blanchard (Glimmer, que no Glitter, porque esa es la de Mariah Carey) y se comenta la posibilidad de que Michael B. Jordan (la Antorcha Humana en Los Cuatro Fantásticos, Fruitvale Station) podría comparecer en el film.

Will Smith NO regresará a la franquicia.

Independence Day 2 tiene protagonista
Jessie Usher, protagonista de 'Survivor's Remorse'. Creedme: es mejor que Jaden Smith. UPDAIT: Jeff Goldblum confirmed.

Jessie Usher protagonizará Independence Day 2 o ID Forever, como también es conocida. Usher dará vida al hijastro de Will Smith en la primera entrega, ya crecidito, y antes de que cerréis la noticia, dejad que os comente un poco de Usher, porque tiene su gracia.

Usher es el protagonista de Survivor’s Remorse, una serie de Starz que narra la transición que efectúa un chaval de barrio cuando se convierte en estrella del baloncesto. Survivor’s Remorse (La culpa del superviviente) es una serie producida por LeBron James que realmente respeta el contenido de su título: por cada joven del barrio que lo consigue, otro puede acabar perfectamente en una cuneta.

El piloto, que es todo lo más que he visto… es majo.

Roland Emmerich dirigirá el film, que se estrenará el 24 de junio de 2016.

UPDAIT: Emmerich ha confirmado en Tuita a Jeff Goldblum
y a otro pavo.

'Independence Day 2' contará con Charlotte Gainsbourg

La película de Roland Emmerich, 'Independence Day 2' contará con la actriz francesa Charlotte Gainsbourg tras el anuncio realizado por The Hollywood Reporter. La protagonista de 'Nymphomaniac' formará parte de un elenco que también incluye a Liam Hemsworth, Jessie Usher y Jeff Goldblum.

Se espera además que Bill Pullman esté en el film, si bien su presencia todavía no ha sido confirmada. Golblum repetirá su rol de David Levinson, mientras que Hemsworth interpretará al hijo del Presidente Whitmore, interpretado por Pullman. El protagonista será Jessie Usher interpretando a Dylan Hiller, hijo del Capitán Steven Hiller (Will Smith en la cinta original), que fuera interpretado por Ross Bagley en 1996.

Prevista para llegar a los cines el 24 de junio de 2016 (casi 20 años después de la original), la película comenzará su producción el próximo mes de mayo. La última versión del guión ha sido escrita por Carter Blanchard, un libreto que anteriormente habían perfilado Emmerich y Dean Devlin y más tarde James Vanderbilt.

Vivica A. Fox volverá para 'Independence Day 2'

Continúa el casting para la película de Roland Emmerich, 'Independence Day 2', después de anunciar que Vivica A. Fox, quien interpretó a la pareja de Will Smith, Jasmine Dubrow en la cinta original de 1996, retornará para esta secuela cuyo estreno llegará en junio de 2016. El anuncio fue hecho por el propio Emmerich a través de un tweet que tienen disponible tras el salto.

Fox se une por tanto a un reparto que ya incluía a Jeff Goldblum, Liam Hemsworth, Jessie Usher y Charlotte Gainsbourg. Otro actor que se espera regrese es Bill Pullman, si bien su participación todavía no ha sido confirmada. Golblum repetirá su rol de David Levinson, mientras que Hemsworth interpretará al hijo del Presidente Whitmore, posiblemente interpretado por Pullman. El protagonista será Jessie Usher interpretando a Dylan Hiller, hijo del Capitán Steven Hiller (Will Smith en la cinta original), que fuera interpretado por Ross Bagley en 1996.

Prevista para llegar a los cines el 24 de junio de 2016 (casi 20 años después de la original), la película comenzará su producción el próximo mes de mayo. La última versión del guión ha sido escrita por Carter Blanchard, un libreto que anteriormente habían perfilado Emmerich y Dean Devlin y más tarde James Vanderbilt.

'Independence Day' llegó a los cines el 3 de julio de 1996, recaudando la friolera de 817 millones de dólares en todo el mundo. Emmerich también hará las veces de productor de esta secuela junto con Dean Devlin y Harald Kloser.


Y si Harald Kloser es productor... imagino que también se encargará de la música. Por tanto, nos quedaríamos sin David Arnold, a la postre lo único interesante de todo esto.
No sé porqué mi mente enferma ha leído/entendido "nos quedaríamos sin Tom Arnold, a la postre lo único interesante de todo esto" y mi cerebro ha hecho pum.
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