James Cameron - Post Oficial

Filmmaker James Cameron is reportedly looking at crafting not just one new “Terminator” film, but a whole trilogy.

The news was revealed in an interview with News.com.au discussing the franchise’s relevance in an age in which technology has caught up with such ideas. Cameron, who will regain the rights to the franchise in 2019, says:

“The question is — has the franchise run its course or can it be freshened up?. So I am in discussions with David Ellison, who is the current rights holder globally for the Terminator franchise and the rights to the US market revert to me under US copyright law in a year and a half so he and I are talking about what we can do. Right now we are leaning toward doing a three-film arc and reinventing it.”

Cameron, who previously announced plans for a new film with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s involvement in some capacity, stepped away from the franchise after the release of “Terminator 2: Judgement Day” in 1991.
Otro como Ridley. Volviendo a sagas que no tocan hace décadas y que ya los han dejado atrás, diciendo NO OIGA, QUE ESTO SE HACE ASÍ.
Y va a continuar a partir de la 5?, si no la vio nadie, qué perezota, no se la pueden saltar como Halloween?

P.D: en imdb dice que es un reboot ???
He leído que continúa a partir de los eventos de terminator 2 e ignorará por completo todas las secuelas y/o mierdas relacionadas que salieron después de aquella.

Huele a que Cameron necesita financiar sus pitufos como sea.

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