Xbox Kinect (Project Natal)

Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

La que te ha puesto Dr. X y he aprovechado yo. Por lo que vi está en todos los comercios importantes, El Corte Inglés, MediaMarkt, FNAC...
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

He visto el video de lanzamiento y sigo pensando lo mismo, esto no va conmigo... igual podría sacarle provecho cuando me junte con amiguetes, o con los juegos para hacer entrenamiento deportivo (que hay muchos, y son los que más me han gustado), pero no veo que la inversión valga la pena por ahora...
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Pues he estado viendo vídeos de los juegos de lanzamiento y jodó, no hay casi nada interesante. Aunque no me llame tiene pinta de que el Dance de Harmonix va a ser lo mejor con diferencia. También puede ser curioso el Fighters Uncaged, sobre todo para resolver conflictos domésticos. Jugarse si el domingo se ve Pekin Express a hostias con la wat puede ser memorable.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Ya ha salido en USA y viendo las primeras reviews de juegos destacan: Dance Central, Kinectimals y Kinect Sports.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Luego lo leo con detenimiento pero por encima en joystick lo ponen a caldo.

The first time I ran Kinect ID, it took about 20 minutes. I was constantly being prompted to keep my face visible and, several times, had to dismiss a warning that the sensor couldn't see my face at all. When it was finished, my console could not recognize me when I stood in front of it and waved (the gesture used to tell it you want to start using gestural input).

I was puzzled by the situation. The Kinect ID process was obviously taking far longer than intended and basically wasn't working in the end. I tried a variety of what I thought would be potential solutions; I turned on more lights, made sure there wasn't anything totally blocking the sensor's view (I was standing behind my rather large, very heavy glass-and-metal coffee able at times to be far enough away for the process) and even slicked back my hair so it wouldn't cover my forehead. None of this worked.

As it turned out, removing my glasses was the fix. I performed the Kinect ID setup again and sped through it in a flash. The console recognized me. All was well. Except for the fact that I need my glasses to see, and didn't really care to take them off every time I wanted to be recognized. I tried things again wearing an older pair of glasses that had a thinner, matte metal frames. Kinect was fine with them. My conclusion: the frames of the glasses I wear on a daily basis are too reflective for the Kinect sensor to handle, basically bringing the system to its knees.


Kinect demands a lot of space.


there's a delay as an extremely simplified version of, say, your friends list comes up. Navigating further into the menus is just as slow, as is navigating back out.

I find the technology itself fascinating, but the fact that I know a lot of people who simply won't get Kinect to work in their rooms beyond troubling. Given that Microsoft conducted a beta program with actual consumers, this issue is doubly surprising, but it could just be that Kinect just works that way (or doesn't, given your room) and there's no way short of redesigning the sensor to fix it.


it just seems like Kinect was born prematurely.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Me he leído la review de Eurogamer así por encima y parece que la impresión general ha sido bastante positiva. De todas maneras, yo hasta que no lo pruebe por mi mismo no le hago mucho caso a las reviews, porque probablemente la mayoría sean muy parciales (ya sea a favor o en contra), según las tendencias de la web en cuestión.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Los peques también tienen derecho a ediciones coleccionistas.

Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Hay que reconocerlo, Microsft de medios van sobrados. Qué brutos.

Y por cierto, no ha pasado el filtro en casa para comprarlo por los pelos (gracias a la nefasta elección de temas en el Dance Central). Y no sé si alegrarme o no, la verdad es que el adventures pinta la mar de simpático (para un rato)...
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Cuando la semana que viene Kinect se ponga a la venta se podrá adquirir mediante 3 formas; Kinect (sensor) + Kinect Adventures, Consola Xbox 360 4GB + Kinect + Kinect Adventures o Consola Xbox 360 250GB + Kinect + Kinect Adventures. Las dos últimas opciones que incluyen la consola Xbox 360 S, no contarán con un adaptador AC, haciendo al periférico incompatible con las Xbox 360 pre Slim, así que aquellos que tengan pensado usar ese dispositivo en una consola no slim, no podrán.

Por el momento Microsoft no ofrece de forma oficial ningún adaptador AC y la única solución ofrecida por el fabricante en sus foros es la de comprar un sensor Kinect de forma individual si va a usarse en una Xbox 360 fat.

Tan mamones como siempre.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Pero a ver, los packs que no llevan el adaptador son los que llevan consola. Por lo tanto, si te compras la consola nueva, no necesitas el adaptador, a no ser que quieras aprovechar y jugar también en otra Xbox.

Yo no lo veo taaaaaaaaaaaaan mal.....
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Yo acabo de venir de una demostración del Kinect en Madrid (había que ir con cita y todo)
La cosa pinta bastante bien y el sensor por lo que he podido comprobar funciona estupendamente...
Tenían varios juegos como uno de deportes, de coches, de animalitos y otro que no he podido probar.
Yo me lo he pasado fenomenal (y eso que no soy muy consolero) y los niños con los que iba se lo han pasado "teta"...
Vamos, que ahora mismo pienso en los sensores de la Wii y los de la PlayStation y me da la risa tía felisa.
MS acaba de meter un gol de los gordetes a los demás porque el aparato pinta muy muy bien.
Ideal sobre todo para jugar con demás gente.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Pues le siguen lloviendo palos de paginas serias como ars technica. Otras como eurogamer. O kotaku pues tampoco están muy entusiasmadas.

Space. Unless you don’t have a coffee table or much furniture in your Xbox room (and you do have an Xbox room, don’t you?), you are probably going to need to rearrange most of your furnishings in order to clear space to play. Microsoft recommends at least 6 feet of unobstructed space, but reviewers are finding that 8-10 feet is better, especially for multi-player games. If your room isn’t that big to begin with, you might be out of luck. Mounting your sensor bar high up seems to improve matters a bit, but you’ll have to pay extra for a stand or mount.

Time. The use of the Kinect seems to slow down the boot process and can make navigating through menus a bit slower than when using a regular controller (though the voice commands do seem to work well for most people). But even though it is sometimes noticeable, lag does not seem to be a factor when playing games.

Recognition. After an initial setup, the Kinect is supposed to recognize your face on later visits, automatically signing you into the system. The accuracy of that Kinect ID feature has been spotty at best for most reviewers, with anything from wearing glasses to ambient lighting to skin color seemingly throwing off the sensor.

Interface. Want to use the Kinect to navigate through the console’s menu system? You can, but only using a separate, more minimal Kinect Hub, which critics found too limited and Kinect controls too inconsistently implemented from application to application. On the other hand, using voice commands to control the applications? That seems to be a hit (when they work).

Physicality. Though this could be a benefit rather than a complaint, prolonged Kinect-ing is a real workout (even if you aren’t playing one of the several games actually designed for exercise), and many reviewers reported being sore the next day. (Having to move all your furniture around probably won’t help matters.)

Games. Much as when the PlayStation Move launched, critics are complaining about a lack of solid launch titles for the new control system; only Dance Central seems to have anything to recommend it.

If there is a consensus, it is as expected: the Kinect is a piece of cool technology that certainly has potential to be a game-changer down the line, but at launch, it is an expensive novelty that will be of little interest to hardcore gamers.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Me quedo con esto:
Physicality. Though this could be a benefit rather than a complaint, prolonged Kinect-ing is a real workout (even if you aren’t playing one of the several games actually designed for exercise), and many reviewers reported being sore the next day. (Having to move all your furniture around probably won’t help matters.)

Esta claro q las barrigas cuentan. :garrulo
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Pues le siguen lloviendo palos de paginas serias como ars technica. Otras como eurogamer. O kotaku pues tampoco están muy entusiasmadas.

Space. Unless you don’t have a coffee table or much furniture in your Xbox room (and you do have an Xbox room, don’t you?), you are probably going to need to rearrange most of your furnishings in order to clear space to play. Microsoft recommends at least 6 feet of unobstructed space, but reviewers are finding that 8-10 feet is better, especially for multi-player games. If your room isn’t that big to begin with, you might be out of luck. Mounting your sensor bar high up seems to improve matters a bit, but you’ll have to pay extra for a stand or mount.

Time. The use of the Kinect seems to slow down the boot process and can make navigating through menus a bit slower than when using a regular controller (though the voice commands do seem to work well for most people). But even though it is sometimes noticeable, lag does not seem to be a factor when playing games.

Recognition. After an initial setup, the Kinect is supposed to recognize your face on later visits, automatically signing you into the system. The accuracy of that Kinect ID feature has been spotty at best for most reviewers, with anything from wearing glasses to ambient lighting to skin color seemingly throwing off the sensor.

Interface. Want to use the Kinect to navigate through the console’s menu system? You can, but only using a separate, more minimal Kinect Hub, which critics found too limited and Kinect controls too inconsistently implemented from application to application. On the other hand, using voice commands to control the applications? That seems to be a hit (when they work).

Physicality. Though this could be a benefit rather than a complaint, prolonged Kinect-ing is a real workout (even if you aren’t playing one of the several games actually designed for exercise), and many reviewers reported being sore the next day. (Having to move all your furniture around probably won’t help matters.)

Games. Much as when the PlayStation Move launched, critics are complaining about a lack of solid launch titles for the new control system; only Dance Central seems to have anything to recommend it.

If there is a consensus, it is as expected: the Kinect is a piece of cool technology that certainly has potential to be a game-changer down the line, but at launch, it is an expensive novelty that will be of little interest to hardcore gamers.

Pues el análisis muy serio no parece ya que casi todo el rato está haciendo referencia a lo que se dicen "otros reviewers".

Los de kotaku han puesto a Kinect en situaciones comprometidas a ver que tal se comporta.
Respuesta: Kinect (Project Natal)

Boomer, metacritic es de eso, reviews resumen de los análisis.

Anda, baja hasta el final de la pagina de metacritic y ves todas las fuentes agrupadas en categorías, incluyendo a kotaku of couse.

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