Al final, 500 asistentes y porque han cerrado la puerta.
Suerte que no interesaba a nadie
Mirando los titulares de la prensa de estos dias, pregunto: estäis seguros de que os cuentan la verdad?
El Govern ha acudido invitado por tres eurodiputados catalanes (Terricabras, Tremosa y Solé), igual que buena parte de los asistentes. Cada diputado dispone de varias decenas de invitaciones cada año para que ciudadanos de sus circunscripciones (o en general, de sus países) visiten Bruselas y conozcan el Parlamento, para lo que reciben una ayuda de varios cientos de euros).
Puigdemont se dirigió a Europa, pero la sala era casi en su totalidad española. Entre los presentes, casi todos entregados, apenas un par de decenas de eurodiputados internacionales, algún reportero extranjero y funcionarios comunitarios entre los presentes. Ana Miranda y Jon Juaristi, Lidia Senra, Ernest Urtasun, Izaskun Bilbao. Xabier Benito, Francesc Gambús o el escocés Alyn Smith, por ejemplo. El 'popular' húngaro Laszlo Tokes, que desoyó la petición de Esteban Gonzalez Pons. Y la figura más importante en términos de la Eurocámara, la flamenca Helga Stevens, que fue la candidata conservadora la semana pasada para presidir la cámara. Así como el presidente del Parlamento flamenco, Jan Peumans
Yo hace hace años que dije que esto iba muy en serio. Lo único que no me cuadraba con la mentalidad y la manera de hacer las cosas de los catalanes era que se tiraran tanto a la piscina con algo "ilegal". Y desde hace unas semanas, cuando vi el documental sobre el derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos, despejé mi incógnita, entendí que esto no lo va a parar nadie salvo los propios catalanes. O no se entienden con la CUP, o gana el NO en el referéndum (para que esto pase tiene que ser pactado), o se van a independizar.
Vaya, @Manu1001 , y por qué no citas la fuente? No será la misma que contaba lo de los 200.000 euros en sillas, no?
Pero bueno, que me da igual. Siempre he dicho que vuestra desinformación nos da ventaja.
La Generalitat difunde el acto a 'Le Monde', 'Frankfurter Allgemaine', 'Corriere della Sera', 'Le Soir' y 'de Standaard'
la Generalitat ha insertado este lunes publicidad de pago a toda una serie de periódicos de países europeos para anunciar la conferencia que este martes 24 de enero harán en una sala del Parlamento Europeo el presidente Carles Puigdemont, el vicepresidente Oriol Junqueras y el consejero de Relaciones Exteriores, Raül Romeva, para hablar sobre el hipotético referéndum de independencia. Los diarios elegidos para insertar esta publicidad son Le Monde (Francia), Frankfurter Allgemaine (Alemania), Corriere della Sera (Italia), Le Soir y De Standaard (Bélgica).
La circulación total de estos rotativos supera el millón de ejemplares diarios y la Generalitat, a través de la empresa Havas Media Group (representada en España por la familia Rodés) ha invertido un total de 127.810 euros para hacer estas inserciones publicitarias a toda página. Sorprende este esfuerzo de difusión del evento que hace el gobierno catalán con las dimensiones de la sala PHS 3C050 del Parlamento europeo donde se hará esta conferencia, con capacidad para "sólo" 350 personas.
Es una temeridad, que raya el despilfarro de recursos públicos, gastarse de esta manera tan alegre 127.810 euros. Pensar que un francés que lee Le Monde o un italiano que lee Il Corriere della Sera anulará, después de leer el anuncio de la Generalitat, su agenda de hoy para viajar a Bruselas para asistir a la conferencia de los tres mosqueteros del proceso independentista es, sencillamente, ridículo. Emplear soportes mediáticos que, como los diarios mencionados, llegan a millones de personas para llenar el aforo de una sala con 350 sillas resulta también chocante y surrealista.
La desproporción entre el gasto publicitario hecha por la Generalitat y la conferencia en formato de bolsillo que harán Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras y Raül Romeva en Bruselas llama poderosamente la atención y tiene un efecto boomerang. ¿Qué hay que pensar de un gobierno que promueve la independencia y que quema el dinero de esta manera tan irresponsable?
Venga, un par (elección a gusto del consumidor)
Puigdemont predica el odio a España en Bruselas ante un auditorio de acólitos catalanes
President of Catalonia vows to go ahead with independence vote – POLITICO
Puigdemont and the other officials who spoke — Catalan’s vice president and minister of economy and treasury, Oriol Junqueras, and the region’s foreign affairs minister, Raül Romeva — did not take any questions from the press, insulating themselves from the inevitable queries about how they might manage to pull off a ballot referendum that would be a clear violation of the Spanish constitution, let alone win support from Brussels in a separatist fight against the sovereign government of Spain.
Catalan independence event at European Parliament provokes Spanish MEP fury
An Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) MEP has accused Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont of using “lies” and “propaganda” to organise a conference at the European Parliament this evening (24 January) on the planned independence referendum. EurActiv Spain reports.
During an interview with EFE, Vice-President of the ALDE group Maite Pagazaurtundúa criticised the three Catalan MEPs that have organised the event (Ramon Tremosa, Josep Maria Terricabras and Jordi Solé), accusing them of doing so “in a personal capacity” and for using ALDE’s logo, despite only one of them (Tremosa) actually belonging to the political group.
“Normally, the logo is used when the group is funding the event but this is not the case, and it has been used to give an appearance of respectability. It is another trick, along the same lines as when they say they will not respect the laws or court rulings,” said Pagazaurtundúa, who is the Union, Progress and Democracy party’s spokeswoman.
President of the Catalan Generalitat Carles Puigdemont told a Paris conference that the EU would recognise an independent Catalonia, citing the example of Slovenia and the former Yugoslavia, as well as Scotland and its dissatisfaction with Brexit. EurActiv Spain reports.
The Basque politician added that “we are facing a very serious case of populism and what is an obviously an advanced form of political pathology”.
“I hope that they are not received as usual by European Parliament leaders, given the lies they have told through pure propaganda to get there. They have lied even about their own record, since they are ministers of a country that does not exist. It is very absurd.”
Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis said last week that Madrid will stand up to “any attempt to justify the unjustifiable”. But he later toned down his comments and said it was entirely “legitimate” for people to defend their political views.
The speaker of the Catalan parliament denied in court today (16 December) she had committed a crime by letting the assembly vote on whether to pursue independence, and said no court could stop the separatist movement.
Pagazaurtundúa believes that the secessionist movement is just “populism” and should be taken more seriously because, in her view, it is “extremely serious for the rule of law” as “we are talking about an illegal referendum” that is “not only bad for Spain but also bad for the wider European Union”.
She insisted that this evening’s event will be held by “people that lie, people that lie about what Catalonia is, speaking in favour of an illegal referendum, committing a crime and, by repeating and repeating it, it will spread, appear normal and that is absolutely ridiculous”.
Pagazaurtundúa regretted that “many politicians, many governments are capable of addressing far-right or far-left populism, but nationalist populism often passes them by unnoticed”.
She added that “in Spain, we have faced up to secessionist Catalan and Basque populism, which have often shown contempt for the law and used emotional topics to stir things up.”
Basque and Catalan nationalists, “years before the word populism appeared, were populist”, she claimed.
Papazaurtundúa reiterated that the event does not have the support of ALDE, which was also echoed by the group’s leader, Guy Verhofstadt, in a statement.
The European Commission cleared Spain on Tuesday (21 September) of any wrongdoing after investigating its granting of public subsidies to regional language schemes. EurActiv Spain reports.
Pagazaurtundúa is not alone in her criticism of the event and MEP Esteban González Pons (EPP) wrote to his Brussels colleagues saying that the referendum plans are “an unconstitutional act, which goes not only against Spain, but also against the deepest principles and values of the EU”.
Pons, who represents the Popular Party, urged fellow MEPs not to attend the event because “your presence could be used to create the false impression that the European Parliament supports this call for an illegal referendum”.
But Swedish MEP Bodil Valero (Greens/EFA) said she would attend and hoped that “many others would too”.
Puigdemont is expected to tell the 300 people predicted to turn up at the conference that Catalonia is still seeking an agreement with Spain to hold the independence referendum but that if Madrid still refuses to budge, the vote will go ahead anyway later this year.
The conference is taking place at the same time as a reception that is being hosted by new European Parliament President Antonio Tajani. It remains to be seen if either event will affect the attendance of the other.