Más que un hilo del FC BARCELONA

que paso? que os ridiculizó?

pero si ya estáis acostumbrados a ser un equipucho del monton
Algo habría hecho. :juas :juas

Ahora en serio, Cruyff estaba hasta las narices de no tocar bola gracias a la marca de Villar y le llamó hijo de puta. Villar le soltó el sopapo y se fue directo al vestuario, sin ver cómo le expulsaban. :aprende
Pedazo artículo en The New York Times sobre el Barça :atope

In Spain, Barcelona Is Winning With Style and a New Coach

BARCELONA, Spain — For some, watching F.C. Barcelona play soccer these days is akin to reading a book that is hard to put down. So much is working well that many fans do not want the season to finish and yet cannot wait to see what will happen in the end.

After losing its first game of the Spanish season under Coach Pep Guardiola, Barcelona has a 10-point lead.

At the heart of the plot is Coach Josep Guardiola i Sala, who is often called Pep and whose only experience guiding a team was one season with Barcelona’s third division squad. When he was chosen to replace the Dutchman Frank Rijkaard, making him the Spanish Primera Liga’s youngest head coach at 37, many were hard pressed to see the rationale.

The question gained urgency after the team scored only one goal in Guardiola’s first two games in charge — a loss and a tie. But then, his cure for the team’s ailments seemed to kick in: Barcelona won 15 of its next 16 league games (the other was a tie), scoring 48 goals. With a little more than half the season to play, it is on pace to surpass the season-high 107 goals set by Real Madrid in 1989-90. The team enters the winter break with 41 points, its most ever at this stage, leaving second-place Sevilla 10 points behind and rival Madrid, last season’s champion, 12 points back, a lead no team has overcome to win the title.

“This team has the possibility of being one of the best in Barca history, ranking with the best of Cruyff, if it can sustain it,” said Carles Rexach, a retired coach and a former assistant to Johan Cruyff.

Cruyff led Barcelona from 1988 to 1996, when along with four league titles, it won its first European Cup (now the Champions League) and erased Barcelona’s stigma as second fiddle to Real Madrid.

Considering that Barcelona finished 18 points off the lead last season, the team’s turnaround has been resounding. Even Joan Laporta, club president and staunch supporter of Guardiola’s promotion, expressed his surprise.

“We had all the confidence in Guardiola, but it was hard to expect that things would go quite this well,” he said.

The first order of business for Guardiola was to ship out two of the team’s stars — Ronaldinho and Deco — neither of whom had shown the same work habits and ambition after Barcelona won the Champions League in 2006.

“I’m going to try to seduce my players because I believe in the power of the word,” Guardiola said in June at a news conference. “They’ll have to learn that they’re not worth much alone, that talent and inspiration can only become great when they are at the service of the team.”

He has taken on less-heralded players, like the Brazilian international Dani Alves and Mali’s Seydou Keita from Sevilla, and the former Barcelona youth team player Gerard Piqué from Manchester United. He brought in 20-year-old Sergi Busquets, who played for Guardiola in the third division, demonstrating the vitality of the team’s farm system, which begins shaping players as young as 10 years old. Eleven of Barcelona’s 25-member squad come from that program.

But a majority of Barcelona’s starting 11 are the same players the team fielded last season. Almost three-quarters of the team’s goals have been scored by forwards Samuel Eto’o (15), Lionel Messi (10) and Thierry Henry (8). The veterans Eto’o and Henry had languished last season, for different reasons, but both attribute their resurgence to Guardiola.

“Giving Pep the credit is not an exaggeration,” said Henry, who scored the winning goal last weekend against Villarreal, the team’s most recent victim. “We needed discipline and his style of football, the Barcelona way.”

Guardiola grew up less than 40 miles from Barcelona, attended its youth academy, La Masia, and played for Barcelona for 11 years, six under Cruyff, who gave him his debut in 1990 at age 19. Until Cruyff, Barcelona had no distinguishable style, but since then the team has melded its identity with his philosophy. No one represents this more than Guardiola, “the first great player to come out of the Barcelona system with the Cruyff philosophy wired into his boots,” said Martí Perarnau, a sports columnist for El Periódico de Catalunya, a Barcelona-based newspaper.

Guardiola’s success is not so much a revolution as a return to the team’s roots. Though a terrific player, he had no great gifts of strength or speed, relying instead on hard work. As coach, his rigorous training sessions emphasize passing, possession and pressure.

“If the ball is in the opposite side of the field, I’m relaxed; if it’s in ours, I’m not,” Guardiola said, according to the Spanish newspaper El País.

Barcelona controls the ball for more than 60 percent of the game, well above every other team in the league — not merely controlling it but relentlessly and methodically pushing toward the opponent’s goal. Barcelona has given up only 10 goals in 16 league games this season, scoring an average of three a game.

The team’s slogan, més que un club — more than a club — has various interpretations. Once a symbol of democracy and Catalan identity during the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco, Barcelona is still a source of regional pride. As part of a five-year charitable commitment started in 2006, it donates more than $2 million a year to Unicef, whose name is emblazoned across the front of the team’s jersey, instead of selling the space to a high-paying corporate sponsor.

In the end, however, the sheer pleasure of its style of play is one of the reasons Barcelona has the most paying members, about 160,000, of any soccer club in the world, and more than 1,800 team associations around the world. In the United States, the club has also entered a bid for partial ownership of a new club in Major League Soccer, which would begin play in 2011 in Miami.

They and countless other fans are riveted by the sight of Barcelona’s intricate attacks, with passes caroming from one player to the next. Or by the sight of Messi charging to the goal with the ball, not so much running as skimming over the field like a water bug, luring defenders and leaving a streaking teammate open for the perfect pass. Style is the name of the game at Barcelona, and that, more than anything, is what makes it més que un club.
Estamos todavía en fase morcillona con tanto orgasmo blaugrana, pero Pep ya está dándole vueltas a reforzar al equipo tricampeón...

Con SIlvinho fuera, lo de Filipe Luis parece que está calentito. Estaría de puta madre tener un lateral izquierdo polivalente y darles minutos a Pedro o Jeffren con una cesión al equipo de Lotina.
Damos la bienvenida a Cizañas a nuestro hilo!!!
:palmas :palmas :palmas

v-mann, que opinas de Ribery? No crees que es realmente el jugador que necesita el Barça?
Por lo que le he visto, además de calidad, daría la mordiente que necesita la delantera si Eto'o finalmente se va (aunque yo preferiría que renovara). Y pillar a Forlan, que es una garantía de goles para al menos 2 años.

Como diría nogales, opiniones... :juas
Ribery es un pepinazo de jugador. Sería lo más parecido a Messi, pero mucho más feo, con menos gol y por la izquierda. Aunque tengo dudas sobre si todos los rumores son el típico humo para que el Bayern le haga otro contrato.

El ataque ideal sería:

Ribery -- Forlán / Benzema -- Messi

Iniesta -- Touré -- Xavi

Con Henry, Bojan y Assulin de recambios de lujo para la punta de ataque este sería un ataque de garantías, digno del TRICAMPIÓ.
Pongo a Benzema en la lista porque me parece que está en el momento justo para explotar y ser un goleador dominante. Además ahora es el momento para comprarlo, cuando el Lyon está de bajona y el jugador por fin sabe que tiene que salir para dar el paso definitivo el su carrera. El precio del kilo de Benzema ha bajado, ahora es el momento de comprar!
Según el mundo deportivo el barça ha cerrado un acuerdo con el inter por Ibrahimovic a cambio de eto'o+10 kilos. Falta el ok de eto'o ¿será verdad? ¿que os parece?

De acuerdo con vosotros que hay que traer a Ribery, debe ser el fichaje estrella de esta temporada y si hay que soltar cuartos, que los suelten...

El problema con Ibrahimovic no es entenderse con el Inter, sino el sueldazo estratosférico que cobra... y para cobrar menos, como que no va a venir. Yo lo veo imposible.
Ibrahimovic, no me convence, es bastante discolo. Más dificil de domar que Etoo.
Yo creo que debería fichar a unos cuantos españoles. Pero de segundo nivel...
Si los del Madrid son todos de primerísimo nivel. Pero vamos que lo haría para compensar... ¿Y esto es más que un hilo?
por cierto que Moratti le subió el sueldo este año. 12 kilazos netos! :sudor
Arriba Pie