Stanley Kubrick's Post

¿Cuál es la mejor película de Stanley Kubrick?

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Beethoven,Wagner, la pinta de la que canta en Aleman (parece una jodida monstruo de las SS)y el respeto feroz que muestra Mcdowell siendo Ingles !

lo de ULTRA-violencia puede ir por ahi ? cada dia descubres algo con Kubrick es impresionante !
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Pat Heavin’s Unique Photographs of Stanley Kubrick and Ryan O’Neal Featured in the Irish Times

Posted on 22 March 2015 by John Doheny
Mallow Camera Club

In 1973 MCC member Pat Heavin was living and working in Waterford when film director Stanley Kubrick and a host of well-known actors descended on the area to make the film Barry Lyndon. Among the actors was heartthrob Ryan O’Neal who had come to prominence in the film Love Story released a few years before.

Pat was a member of Waterford Camera Club at the time and managed to get on set during filming close to his house, even though the set was closed to the press.

During a lull in filming Pat approached Ryan O’Neal and asked if he could take his photograph. The actor agreed and following a chat Pat decided to ask Kubrick if he could take his photograph as well. All through his life Stanley Kubrick, who made many iconic films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange was notoriously camera shy and very few photographs survive of him.

To Pat’s astonishment not only did Kubrick agree to be photographed, but Kubrick took a photograph of Ryan O’Neal and Pat together with Pat’s camera.

In the intervening years the photographs remained in Pat’s private collection and were only shown to family. However when Pat heard that Ryan O’Neal was coming to Dublin for a special 40th anniversary screening of Barry Lyndon he contacted the festival office requesting them to pass on a copy of the photograph to Ryan O’Neal. The Irish Times heard about the photographs and contacted Pat – hence the article in the paper on Saturday 21 March.

Not only that but Pat and his wife Mary were also invited to the special screening of the film at the Savoy Cinema in Dublin and afterwards met up with Ryan O’Neal and other dignitaries at the post-screening bash where he had a good chat with the actor.

Pat’s comments on his meeting with Ryan yesterday “He’s still as nice a guy as he was 42 years ago, a true gentleman’.


Stanley Kubrick on the set of Barry Lyndon, Waterford in 1973. Photo by Pat Heavin.


Ryan O’Neal and Pat Heavin on location of Barry Lyndon, Waterford, October 1973. Photo by renowned film director Stanley Kubrick.


Ryan O’Neal and Pat Heavin meet again at the Dublin Film Festival on 21 March 2015 – 42 years after they first met on the set of Barry Lyndon.
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Ahora mismo estoy en el Phenomena. En 20 minutos empieza la proyección de una copia NUEVA de 2001 en 70mm
Ahora mismo estoy en el Phenomena. En 20 minutos empieza la proyección de una copia NUEVA de 2001 en 70mm

Yo iré el sabado 20, que ganas. También estaré en El resplandor, la naranja mecanica y la chaqueta metalica. Puede que tb en atraco perfecto...

Jamás hubiera imaginado que llegaría a ver a Kubrick en el cine... Simplemente monumental.

¡Ya contarás que tal la copia!
Playboy solo me interesa por los artículos.

En este caso, una larga entrevista a Kubrick:

Playboy USA - September 1968 (pag. 85)

Playboy: If life is so purposeless, do you feel it’s worth living?

Kubrick: The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning. Children, of course, begin life with an untarnished sense of wonder, a capacity to experience total joy at something as simple as the greenness of a leaf; but as they grow older, the awareness of death and decay begins to impinge on their consciousness and subtly erode their joie de vivre, their idealism—and their assumption of immortality. As a child matures, he sees death and pain everywhere about him, and begins to lose faith in the ultimate goodness of man. But, if he’s reasonably strong — and lucky—he can emerge from this twilight of the soul into a rebirth of life’s elan. Both because of and in spite of his awareness of the meaninglessness of life, he can forge a fresh sense of purpose and affirmation. He may not recapture the same pure sense of wonder he was born with, but he can shape something far more enduring and sustaining. The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death—however mutable man may be able to make them—our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.
Lo que sugiere Woody Allen en Annie Hall, la vida es una puta mierda y no tiene sentido, pero se hace tan corta ...

The Kubrick Stare (la mirada Kubrick)



There are a lot of ways for an actor to make a scary face, but there might be none scarier than putting the head down, the eyes up, and staring directly into the camera. The look is called the “Kubrick Stare,” after its repeated use in the movies of Stanley Kubrick (especially A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Full Metal Jacket), but as chronicled in this supercut made especially for Slate, it’s not unique to the director.

Many other movies seem to have followed Kubrick’s lead: Silence of the Lambs and Donnie Darko do the stare perfectly, while Jack Nicholson has shown his mastery of it in not just The Shining but in Tim Burton’s Batman. In fact, with its repeated use by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, it seems to have become a signature of the Joker character—we’ll see soon whether this tradition is continued by Jared Leto.


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que por fin me vi BARRY LYNDON y la primera parte de presentacion y auge, esta muy bien, no me esperaba esa ironia... pero la segunda con la caida del personaje me parecio un rollazo.

soy yo, no?
Elliott, no vuelvas a hablar de la foto de ninguna película.
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