Pero a efectos prácticos, el FLAC suena igual con ese error y sin el, ¿verdad?

Yo diría que sí, porque no son más que unos bytes añadidos al final del fichero. Pero siempre viene bien comprobarlo con el LAC para confirmar que no ha habido errores aparte de ése.
Nueva versión del DeezLoader Reborn.

Descargamos la versión que nos interese y para que los FLACS no nos den error con el LAC, cambiamos la función decryptDownload del fichero resources\app\deezer-api.js por esto:

Insertar CODE, HTML o PHP:
function decryptDownload(source, track) {
var interval_chunk = 3;
var chunk_size = 2048;
var part_size = 0x1800;
var blowFishKey = getBlowFishKey(track["SNG_ID"]);
var i = 0;
var read = 0;
var position = 0;

var destBuffer = new Buffer(source.length);

while(position < source.length) {
var chunk;
if ((source.length - position) >= 2048) {
chunk_size = 2048;
} else {
chunk_size = source.length - position;
chunk = new Buffer(chunk_size);
source.copy(chunk, 0, position, position + chunk_size);
if (i % interval_chunk == 0 && chunk_size == 2048) {
var cipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('bf-cbc', blowFishKey, new Buffer([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]));
chunk = cipher.update(chunk, 'binary', 'binary') +;
destBuffer.write(chunk.toString("binary"), position, 'binary');
position += chunk_size
return destBuffer;
Entonces, ¿con esto los archivos bajan 100% limpios? Contadme, que tengo unos cuantos teras que llenar. :juas

La versión 1.4.0 de SMLoadr ya está inhabilitada al haber baneado Deezer la cuenta que utiliza. El desarrollador promete arreglarlo para mañana, pero me da a mi que si no cambia de método, se acabará cansando...

as some of you already said v1.4.0 isn't working anymore because the account got banned...
I'll release a new version tomorrow which will fix it (you'll be able to add your own account then)
For now use v1.3.0, it works but downloads

La versión 3.0.1 de Deezer Reloader con la modificación de Visper funciona bien. No es tan elegante pero es una buena alternativa.

La versión 1.4.0 de SMLoadr ya está inhabilitada al haber baneado Deezer la cuenta que utiliza. El desarrollador promete arreglarlo para mañana, pero me da a mi que si no cambia de método, se acabará cansando...

Siempre puedes extraer el código fuente y compilarlo con el mail y password de una cuenta de Deezer que uses al efecto, pero teniendo el DeezLoader Reborn, con su buscador y la posibilidad de añadir discos a la cola de descargas, no veo ninguna ventaja en usar el SMLoadr.

La versión 3.0.1 de Deezer Reloader con la modificación de Visper funciona bien. No es tan elegante pero es una buena alternativa.

La programación no es lo mío, está claro.
Por más que trato de modificar el código, al ejecutar el programa siempre me sale un cartel con un montón de errores. ¿Alguien sería tan amable de poner una imagen con el formato correcto del código nuevo?, por que me da que es un problema mío al borrar el código original y poner el nuevo.

El Deezloader Reborn se cierra (crash), en cuanto le doy a descargar lo que sea. Al menos en Mac Os High Sierra.
Solucionado. Si se selecciona un tamaño de carátula de 1200x1200, el programa se cierra solo cuando se intenta descargar cualquier cosa. Basta seleccionar 1000x1000 para que todo funcione correctamente.
Sin aplicar la modificación de @Visper, no he podido convertir los ficheros FLAC a Apple Lossless con el XLD. Sin embargo, tras aplicar la modificación, todo ha ido perfectamente, y el archivo ha quedado correctamente empaquetado y editado en iTunes con su carátula de alta resolución embebida. :)
La versión 1.5.0 de SMLoadr ya está disponible y ahora solicita una cuenta de Deezer para poder funcionar.

He creado una nueva cuenta en Deezer usando una dirección deshechable en 10 Minute Mail y ha funcionado perfecto.

Entre otras novedades, le puedes poner una lista de URLs en un archivo de texto para descargarlas seguidas, y las carátulas ahora son de 1400 x 1400 pixeles de resolución.

A ver lo que dura ;)
¿De dónde se puede descargar?.

SMLoadr Downloads

Nueva versión del DeezLoader-Reborn. Incluye mi arreglo para los flacs corruptos así que no hay que editar nada y ahora es necesario usar una cuenta de Deezer.

Version 3.0.3
- Added auto login
- Added MP3 Fallback
- Added auto update
- Fixed login error not being triggered sometimes
Version 3.0.2
- Fixed crashes when songs could not be downloaded
- Added bpm tag
- Added logging system(Fixed same song downloading and some songs not being available)
- Fixed corruped FLAC's
- Added %year%
- Fixed dots at end
- Fixed undefined genre
Some Pain Points in the iOS 11 Music App

The iOS Music app has been controversial for a few years. It has received a lot of criticism — some deserved, some not. I’ve never been aboard the “I hate the iOS 11 Music app” train, but it still has a number of notable flaws that harm the experience for me. As a music lover, design enthusiast, and longtime Apple fan, I’d like to present a few pain points in the iOS Music app that I believe can be improved:

  1. Better discographies. Artist discographies should just display the main studio albums. The artist’s EPs, b-sides, singles, deluxe editions, and live albums should be in a separate folder. Right now, everything is thrown together and it’s far too cluttered and unorganized.
  2. A better playlist UI. The “Playlists” screen is far too big. The album art on the left doesn’t serve a purpose and just forces the text over to the right and makes each line much taller. This results in a lot of scrolling every time you want to find a playlist. A mere 4 line items on a 4.7" screen is a bit silly when I want to browse through my playlists. Even my new iPhone X only displays 5 items at a time. That’s a lot of scrolling.
  3. Greater information density. iOS strives for simplicity, but in a world where the iPhone is no longer a satellite device to your PC, the iOS Music app needs some of the power that you formerly relied on iTunes for. This includes more information about your music. For example, song lengths should be more visible. The fact that each line only includes the song title and iCloud icon just isn’t enough, in my opinion. Perhaps when you download a song and the iCloud icon disappears, it can be replaced by the song length and/or star rating. I’m not asking for a cluttered UI, but length and rating are two essential pieces of information for music lovers. For example, I love glancing at ratings as a reminder for which songs I love. It helps the user select what to play next.
  4. Shorter animations. The animation when you add something to “Up Next” is too long. Tapping “Play Next” or “Play Later” should be less intrusive. This is similar to the infamous iOS volume HUD criticism.
  5. Ratings. The 5 Star menu should be more easily accessible. While it’s nice that Apple brought it back after having eliminated it last year, hiding it away in a popup menu within the 3D Touch menu isn’t ideal. In my opinion, rating systems shouldn’t merely exist to improve the recommendation algorithms, but should also serve as flags on the user’s own library so that she can return to her favourite songs and albums. This connects to #3 above.
  6. An improved swipe gesture. The mini-player swipe gesture introduced in iOS 10 (and maintained in iOS 11) is a big step down from iOS 9. It used to have a one-to-one feel, where it smoothly transitioned as you raised and lowered the mini-player bar. This not only felt right, but was fun to fiddle with. iOS 10 changed that by giving it a more binary open/closed interaction, as opposed to following the motion of your thumb. This feels a lot worse and is less fun to use. (I should note that the iOS 11.2 beta improves the behavior, but only when you’re raising the mini-player. Lowering it still has the binary feel.)
  7. Finding songs we love. Songs we love are easily lost in our giant libraries. There should be a way to easily get back to our favourites. The ‘My Favourites Mix’ playlist is a start, but it needs to go much deeper than that. I’ve downloaded and ‘Loved’ or starred so many songs, only to have them get lost in my 15,000 song library, never to be played again. We need better tools to sort through and get back to the music we love. We can do that in iTunes via Smart Playlists, but there’s no iOS equivalent.
  8. Better matching. Apple still needs to do a lot of work with matching songs and displaying the correct one. For example, the ‘My Favourites Mix’ playlist, which assembles some of your favourite songs from your library, frequently uses alternative versions of a song, like ones taken from the Deluxe version of the album. So even though I have the normal album, that particular song will be treated as if it’s not in my library. I’ll frequently see the “+”, asking me to add it, even though I already have the song.
  9. Combined artist pages. When you tap an artist’s name (i.e. in red text at the top of an album or in the ‘Featured Artists’ circles below a playlist), you should be taken to that artist in your Library, not to that artist’s general page. Apple Music has two separate pages for every artist in your library — one for the artist’s main ‘page’ and one for your library of that artist’s albums. This separation is confusing and I think they need to be consolidated.
  10. Too much focus on recommendations. Apple Music focuses too much on treating artist pages like advertisements instead of like these folders that exist in your library. Across the entire Music app, there’s too little emphasis on the user’s own music library and too much emphasis on always recommending something new. Recommendations are important, but in my opinion, Apple Music hasn’t found the right balance yet. The entire Apple Music experience is far too skewed in the direction of ”Hey, check out these things you might like!” and not enough in the direction of “Hey, here are these things that you DO like.”
That brings me to my last and most desired feature:

  • Smart Playlists. This is directly related to #7 above. The Music app needs better sorting tools for your library. I’d love to be able to specify that I want to play my favourite songs by [Artist]. Imagine if you could say “Hey Siri, play my favourite songs by Johnny Cash” and you immediately get a playlist of all the Johnny Cash songs that you’ve ‘Loved’ or given high star ratings to or songs that have high play counts in your library. We should be able to do this via Siri or via filters in the UI (perhaps similar to the filters in Apple Maps when searching for POIs. I love the Maps UI for POIs). Apple’s curated playlists are nice, but those aren’t enough. Playing Apple’s ‘Pink Floyd Essentials’ playlist is NOT the same as being able to auto-generate playlists of my own favourite tracks by Pink Floyd. Think of iTunes Smart Playlists, but dramatically simplified for the iOS world. Instead of functioning like playlists that you have to create, manage, and delete, they’d operate more like filters that dynamically generate playlists on-the-fly from your own music library.

I’m excited for the future of Apple Music. It’s still a pretty new service that has only been around since 2015, and so it’s still navigating some growing pains. The matching and suggestion algorithms have clearly improved over the past two years and the big UI redesign with iOS 10 was a nice improvement over the previous version, whose interface was burdened by too many tabs, toggles, menus and switches, to the point that it affected the ease-of-use. But Apple Music has made some impressive progress in the short time it has been around and I hope it continues down this path, with Apple incorporating some of the proposals above.
Estaba claro que iba a suceder tarde o temprano, pero también se han cargado el DeezLoader-Reborn. Afortunadamente, tengo el repo a buen recaudo con el código modificado para usarlo como un servidor desde mi linux box y espero que dure :disimulo
Apple Music Videos

Apple is planning to introduce some improvements to music videos in the Apple Music app. According to Apple, Apple Music "will soon be the home for music videos." Users will be able to stream all the music videos they want without ads, and they'll also be able to view and create music video playlists.
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