"The amazing Spider-man 2"

Supongo que la decision de hacer 3 películas mas de Spider-Man habra tenido que ver. Habrán planeado una trilogia, y con esto decidieron cambiar las cosas.

Green Goblin Suit to Resemble Iron Man Armor in The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Sony's recent announcement that The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 4 were officially confirmed for 2016 and 2018 put a classic spin on the now in-production The Amazing Spider-Man 2. At first it seemed like the movie was stacked with far too many characters, and way too much action. Now its becoming clear that a strong narrative arc is being set up throughout all four movies, which means we'll be seeing stuff extended well into the future.

This should have fans sighing a breath of relief, as it means story arcs involving Rhino, Electro, and the Osborns don't necessarily need to be wrapped up in 2 hours and 20 minutes, with this saga taking a cue from the narrative arc on most TV shows nowadays. It also means we'll get some cool cliffhangers and teases at the end of both The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3, and even possibly The Amazing Spider-Man 4 if the movie series goes on into the future (though Andrew Garfield, like Tobey Maguire, will get old one day and the part will be re-cast).

What isn't known at the moment is exactly how much Green Goblin, aka Norman Osborn (Chris Cooper) is going to be in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It was originally teased that Osborn wouldn't become the Green Goblin at all in the second movie, but our story from yesterday revealed that Green Goblin actually plays a key role in the epic final battle that will serve as The Amazing Spider-Man 2 climax, which will most likely end on a cliffhanger. Possibly Gwen Stacy's demise. Is she alive or Dead?

Comic Book Movie previously ran a description of Green Goblin's suit, or costume if you will. It was described as black armor with spikes, and green accents. And that it would look like Ultimate Green Goblin.

We now have a more accurate description of Green Goblin's suit of armor, and apparently the costume designers are taking both a nod from Tony Stark's Iron Man and Christopher Nolan's Catwoman, which uses tech to resemble iconic signatures that might otherwise be ridiculous in a more realistic setting.

As previously reported, Green Goblin's suit will be made up entirely of matte black armor that resembles a hi-tech motocross suit. The suit will remain open-faced, and there will be no helmet at all. Norman will have green hair that is spiked high up. In his ears, he will be wearing a Bluetooth device that will make it look as though he has the Green Goblin's signature pointed ears, the same way Selina Kyle's goggles worked in creating the illusion that she had cat ears. The back of the armor has a spine. At the moment, there are no green accents. From a distance, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Tony Stark's signature Mark XLII armor had been painted black.
As previously reported, Green Goblin's suit will be made up entirely of matte black armor that resembles a hi-tech motocross suit. The suit will remain open-faced, and there will be no helmet at all. Norman will have green hair that is spiked high up. In his ears, he will be wearing a Bluetooth device that will make it look as though he has the Green Goblin's signature pointed ears, the same way Selina Kyle's goggles worked in creating the illusion that she had cat ears. The back of the armor has a spine. At the moment, there are no green accents. From a distance, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Tony Stark's signature Mark XLII armor had been painted black.

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm Y ahí vamos otra vez...

Esa escena de Spider-Man 3 son los peores cromas de la historia, lo vi en dvd no hace mucho y menudo bajón, cuando en el cine en su día me coló tranquilamente.
New Image and Official Logo for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Revealed

New Image and Official Logo for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Revealed

Source: Sony Pictures Classics
July 16, 2013

The official Facebook page for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has just released a new image of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man with our first look at the official logo of the title. Check it out below.

In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, opening May 2, 2014, for Peter Parker (Garfield), life is busy – between taking out the bad guys as Spider-Man and spending time with the person he loves, Gwen (Emma Stone), high school graduation can't come quickly enough. Peter hasn't forgotten about the promise he made to Gwen's father to protect her by staying away – but that's a promise he just can't keep. Things will change for Peter when a new villain, Electro (Jamie Foxx), emerges, an old friend, Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan), returns, and Peter uncovers new clues about his past.


Gracias por el vídeo. Dónde estoy no tengo sonido en el ordenador. A ver si en casa lo veo en condiciones :ok

Material de ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2′ de la Comic Con. Electricity a saco.

A la mitad del video se puede ver el trailer pero es screener así que... a vuestra elección.

<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x12fu5b"></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12fu5b_footage-the-amazing-spiderman-2-minuto-04-20_shortfilms" target="_blank">Footage The Amazing Spiderman 2 [Minuto 04:20]</a> <i>por <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/Adrimega" target="_blank">Adrimega</a></i>
Por lo poco que se ve me parece encontrar ese Spidey sobrado y cachondo que no se vio jamás en las de Raimi. BIEN.
Cierto, pero las de Raimi tienen un Spiderman que jamás volveremos a ver (seguramente) en la gran pantalla... uno que salta entre lámparas a lo orangután y que se pega bailoteos a lo Leonardo Dantés en la calle.

Superad eso, toma ya. Oh yeah.
Me lo parece a mí o la reacción del público de la Comic con es muy fría al terminar ese pase de material?.

Es como si les importase tres cojones, me ha recordado al capítulo de Los Simpsons en el que el bart hace eso de "yo no he sido" y todo el público está serio y sin reaccionar porque ya están hasta la polla de verlo....
Me lo parece a mí o la reacción del público de la Comic con es muy fría al terminar ese pase de material?.

Totalmente de acuerdo. También lo pensé ayer pero se me olvidó comentarlo. Vi una reacciones un tanto distantes cuando cualquier video tonto recibe vítores, aplausos e incluso casi desmayos a toche y moche. Como cuando el pase de la saga Crepúsculo y cosas por ese estilo.

En cambio este han sido aplausos en plan de "tenemos a la peña ahí delante y tenemos que hacer ver que nos ha entusiasmado pero es que no hay ganas".
Yo soy capaz de ni ir a verla, sinceramente estoy algo aburrido, y este reboot nunca me ha terminado de llamar la atención.

Is Jim Carrey Playing Carnage or J. Jonah Jameson in The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

Despite his stance on violence, actor Jim Carrey may be continuing his work in the very hyper-violent world of comic book movies. Its being revealed this morning that the Kick-Ass 2 star was on the set of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 earlier in the year. He was there during filming, but was he taking part in that filming? Or simply visiting? A super fan named Danny Browne snapped this picture on set.

Spider_man 2 Jim Carrey Photo
"It's Jim Carrey! #sorrynotsorry he came to the spiderman set today! I wonder what he's doing there!!!"

This tweet from March had gone unnoticed until an insider from the production started hinting that a major comedic actor had taken a minor role in the film that would lead to something bigger in The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 4.

With the Sinister Six rumored to be coming in future movies, its being speculated that Jim Carrey will make a cameo as Kletus Kassady in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 before turning into Carnage as the series continues. The other most logical character is that of J. Jonah Jameson, Peter's boss at the Bugle. What do you think? Who should Jim Carrey play in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise? Or should he just stay away from violent comic book movies all together?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 comes to theaters May 2nd, 2014 and stars Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Shailene Woodley, Sally Field, Dane DeHaan, Andrew Garfield, Martin Sheen, Felicity Jones. The film is directed by Marc Webb.
Después de salirse de la campaña de promoción de Kick Ass por la carga de violencia que tenía el film dudo que vaya a hacer de Matanza ( está claro que si este personaje aparece en el cine no van a sacarle tan sádico como en los comics, pero aún así).
Coming soon:

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to Debut a 3D Trailer Before The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Revealing that his knowledge of all things nerdy stretches far beyond the Marvel Universe, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 director Marc Webb just posted the following message to his Twitter account:


For those of you not up on the written languages of Middle-Earth, the message translates to:


The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the second part of Peter Jackson's new Middle-Earth trilogy, arrives on the big screen on December 13 while The Amazing Spider-Man 2 itself hits on May 2, 2014.

The film finds Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) leading a busy life. Between taking out the bad guys as Spider-Man and spending time with the person he loves, Gwen (Emma Stone), high school graduation can't come quickly enough. Peter hasn't forgotten about the promise he made to Gwen's father to protect her by staying away – but that's a promise he just can't keep. Things will change for Peter when a new villain, Electro (Jamie Foxx), emerges, an old friend, Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan), returns, and Peter uncovers new clues about his past.
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