"Vengadores: La era de Ultrón / Avengers: Age of Ultron"

Para innovación... ¡sale Andy Serkis en imagen real!


Edward Norton Reveals Why He Didn't Return as Hulk in 'Avengers'
Edward Norton says he turned down 'Avengers' because he wanted to have a more diverse career after 'The Incredible Hulk'.

When Edward Norton signed on to play Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk, Marvel's second Phase One adventure, many fans assumed that he would return for The Avengers, which was teased at the end of Iron Man. Edward Norton eventually turned down the chance to reprise his role as the Green Machine, paving the way for Mark Ruffalo to step in. While discussing his new indie hit Birdman, which is currently playing in limited release, Edward Norton explained why he decided to step away from Hulk in a new interview with NPR.

"My feeling was that I experimented and experienced what I wanted to. I really, really enjoyed it. And yet, I looked at the balance of time in life that one spends not only making those sorts of films but then especially putting them out, and the obligations that rightly come with that. There were just a lot of things-I wanted more diversity. I sort of chose to continue on my path of having a diversity of experiences. Maybe on some unconscious level, I didn't want to have an association with one thing in any way degrade my effectiveness as an actor, in characters. I think you can sort of do anything once, but if you do it too many times, it can become a suit that's hard to take off, in other peoples' eyes. And if I had continued on with it, I wouldn't have made Moonrise Kingdom or The Grand Budapest Hotel or Birdman, because those all overlapped with [The Avengers]. And those were more the priority for me, but I continue to be a fan and I'm really, really happy I got to do it once."

It's worth noting that his response is much different than the reasoning Marvel's Kevin Feige gave for the studio going in another direction with Hulk, in a statement from 2010.

"We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in The Avengers. Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks."

That statement was met with a response from the actor's agent, Brian Swardstrom, who spoke about the negotiation process.

"This offensive statement from Kevin Feige at Marvel is a purposefully misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light. Here are the facts: two months ago, Kevin called me and said he wanted Edward to reprise the role of Bruce Banner in The Avengers. He told me it would be his fantasy to bring Edward on stage with the rest of the cast at ComiCon and make it the event of the convention. When I said that Edward was definitely open to this idea, Kevin was very excited and we agreed that Edward should meet with Joss Whedon to discuss the project. Edward and Joss had a very good meeting (confirmed by Feige to me) at which Edward said he was enthusiastic at the prospect of being a part of the ensemble cast. Marvel subsequently made him a financial offer to be in the film and both sides started negotiating in good faith. This past Wednesday, after several weeks of civil, uncontentious discussions, but before we had come to terms on a deal, a representative from Marvel called to say they had decided to go in another direction with the part. This seemed to us to be a financial decision but, whatever the case, it is completely their prerogative, and we accepted their decision with no hard feelings."

Edward Norton himself responded with a statement of his own just a few days after Kevin Feige's announcement, and his agent's statement.

"As most of you know, I don't like to talk much about the business of making movies because it means a lot to me to protect the audience's fullest enjoyment of the 'magic' that films can have. But I am so appreciative of the outpouring of support from and of Hulk and The Avengers that feel it would be rood not to respond. So here it goes: It seems it won't work out for me to continue playing Bruce Banner for Marvel in The Avengers. I sincerely hoped it could happen and be great for everyone, but it hasn't turned out as i hoped. I know this is disappointing to many people and that makes me sad. But I am very sincerely grateful to Marvel for extending the offer and even more so for giving me the chance to be a part of the Hulk's long and excellent history. And I really can't thank the fans enough for how much enthusiasm you've sent my way about what Louis and I tried to do in our turn with the legend. It means a lot to me. I grew up with Banner and Hulk and have been a fan of every incarnation. I'm really proud, and very blessed, to have been one of them and will be thrilled to see him live on through other actors. Hulk is bigger than all of us, that's why we love him, right?"

Of course, Edward Norton's departure from The Avengers turned out just fine for all involved. Marvel's The Avengers, with Mark Ruffalo taking over the Hulk role, took in $1.5 billion worldwide in 2012, and Edward Norton has been thriving in critically-acclaimed indie roles such as the aforementioned Moonrise Kingdom or The Grand Budapest Hotel or Birdman. Regardless, would you have liked to see Edward Norton play Hulk in The Avengers and beyond? Or are you happy with the way things worked out? Chime in with your thoughts below.

Marvel presentará nuevo metraje de “Los Vengadores 2″ durante el próximo episodio de “Agentes de S.H.I.E.L.D.”

La idea era estrenarlo la semana que viene, pero las filtraciones hicieron que el tráiler de “Los Vengadores 2: La era de Ultrón” llegara antes de lo previsto, como sabéis. Pues bien, Marvel no quiere dejar huérfano de materiales de la película de Joss Whedon el siguiente episodio de “Agentes de S.H.I.E.L.D.”, así que ha anunciado que ofrecerá nuevo metraje de la mega secuela durante su emisión en el canal ABC el próximo martes 28 de octubre. Estreno en cines el 1 de mayo de 2015.
El trailer parece que enseña mucho, pero no se ve en ningún momento a Ultron hacer nada que no sea hablar. Estoy satisfecho, se guardan bastantes cosas en la manga, de momento.

Kevin Feige confirma que habrá cambios en la composición de los Vengadores tras “La era de Ultrón”

Atención. Todavía queda un montón para el desembarco de “Los Vengadores 2″ (ver tráiler), que se estrenará el 1 de mayo de 2015, y ya soplan vientos de cambio. Kevin Feige, presidente de Marvel Studios, lo ha confirmado a BuzzFeed. «Será igual que en los cómics originales», explica, «cuando cada personaje tenía su propia serie y de vez en cuando se reunían varios para un mega evento de doce números. Luego cada uno volvía a sus aventuras, y el equipo cambiaba para la siguiente ocasión. Lo mismo ocurrirá ahora, porque la lista de Vengadores cambia al final de esta película».
Paso de opinar de trailers, pero dos cosas.ultron esta hecho de adamantium como en los comics?
Y andy serkis esta caracterizado igual que ulisses klaw. No sabia que salia en la peli.

Enviado desde mi GT-I8160P usando Tapatalk 2
Paso de opinar de trailers, pero dos cosas.ultron esta hecho de adamantium como en los comics?
Creo que de adamantium no por aquello del conflicto con la licencia de los Xmen, pero si de vibranium que sería el otro material del escudo del capi. Creo que en Capi 1 ya omitieron el adamantium, pero no lo recuerdo de memoria.

Y el tema del vibranium también planta una semilla para Pantera Negra si no me equivoco.
Durante la presentación de las próximas peliculas que hará Marvel se enseño una pequeña escena de Era de Ultron. En ella, Steve Rogers y Tony Stark están partiendo leña junto a una casa en el campo donde parecen resguardarse los demás del equipo y se da esta conversación:

TONY: Thor didn’t say where he was going for answers?
STEVE: Sometimes my teammates don’t tell me things. Kinda hoping Thor would be the exception.
TONY: Yeah give him time, we don’t know what the Maximoff kid showed him.
STEVE: I don’t know what she showed you. Just know it made you do something stupid. Earth’s mightiest heroes. Pulled us apart like cotton candy?
TONY: Seems like you walked away alright.
STEVE: It that a problem?
TONY: I don’t trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned.
STEVE: Well let’s just say you haven’t seen it yet.
TONY: Banner and I could do research-
STEVE: That would affect the team.
TONY: That would end the team. Isn’t that the mission? Isn’t that the ‘why’ we fight so we can end the fight, so we get to go home?
STEVE: *log splits* Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts innocent people die, every time.

Idris Elba revela que Heimdall y Loki estarán en 'Vengadores: La era de Ultrón'

Justo una semana después de la aparición del primer tráiler de 'Vengadores: La era de Ultrón', sale a la luz un nuevo e interesante dato después de que Idris Elba haya revelado que tanto él en el papel de Heimdall como Tom Hiddleston en el rol de Loki, repetirán en la secuela de Los Vengadores que veremos el próximo año.

"Estoy en Avengers", reveló el actor a The Telegraph. "Estaré en una escena con Chris Hemsworth y Tom Hiddleston". El actor bromeó puesto que por esas fechas le ubicaban en el Ibiza Rocks House, pero parece que hizo una escapada para rodar la mencionada escena.

Dirigida por Joss Whedon, la película contará nuevamente con los superhéroes Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Capitán América (Chris Evans), la Viuda Negra (Scarlett Johansson), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) y Ojo de Halcón (Jeremy Renner), más la participación de Elizabeth Olsen, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Paul Bettany, Don Cheadle, Andy Serkis, Samuel L. Jackson y el villano, Ultron (James Spader).

En la película que veremos el 1 de mayo próximo, Cuando Tony Stark intenta impulsar un programa con el objetivo de mantener la paz, las cosas comienzan a complicarse y los héroes más poderosos de la Tierra, incluyendo a Iron Man, Capitán América, Thor, El Increíble Hulk, Viuda Negra y Ojo de Halcón, se verán ante la prueba definitiva cuando el destino del planeta se ponga en juego. Cuando el villano Ultron emerge, le corresponderá a Los Vengadores detener sus terribles planes, que junto a incómodas alianzas llevarán a una inesperada acción que allanará el camino para una épica y única aventura.
Jodeeeer. Spader for the wi...MASSACRE. Espero que el doblaje este mas cuidado.
video incluido en el Blu-ray de Guardianes de la Galaxia, sobre el rodaje de Vengadores 2

Tim Roth estuvo a punto de volver como Abominación en “Vengadores: La era de Ultrón”
En una charla con Crave Online, Tim Roth ha desvelado que Emil Blonsky/Abominación, el personaje que interpretó en “El increíble Hulk” (2008), estuvo a punto de regresar en “Vengadores: La era de Ultrón” (ver tráiler): «iban a hacerlo, es lo que pensaron. Que regresara en “Vengadores 2″ o algo así; hubo una película que pudimos haber hecho en cierto momento, pero cambiaron de idea. Supongo que lo barrieron todo bajo la alfombra, pero habría sido muy divertido». Vaya.
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