Xbox XBOX ONE: ya a la venta

Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Cuidado que vienen curvas: Amazon USA marca precios de 100$ para un par de juegos en sus versiones de Ps4 y X1: Assassin's Creed 4: Xbox One: Video Games Watch Dogs: playstation 4: Video Games

Vale, ok. Las tiendas inglesas Zavvi / The Hut ya empiezan a listar los juegos con price-garantee al mismo precio que la generación actual. Falsa alarma.

Ya de paso también marcan precio a ambas consolas: Ps4 y X1 a 500€
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Si se podrán revender o intercambiar juegos de Xbox One

Según información obtenida por el sitio Polygon, Xbox One utilizará un código de verificación incluido en cada disco de juego para validar la autenticidad del mismo; dicho código será utilizado constantemente por la consola para identificar al juego.

Si el usuario instala el juego en la consola de un amigo, el código será removido del Xbox One original para que el título pueda ser utilizado en el otro dispositivo; cuando el disco vuelva a ser insertado en el Xbox One inicial, el juego será verificado y la licencia será transportada nuevamente.Lo mismo aplicaría en caso de que el juego sea vendido, pues el código de activación sería transferido; Microsoft no cobrará por la reactivación del juego en una nueva consola, así que el mercado de segunda mano en juegos para Xbox One parece estar a salvo.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Creo que vieron venir la hostia y han modificado las condiciones... porque no se explica de otra manera el embrollo... :facepalm

Era tan fácil como decir que lo que vale es el código del juego y que se vincula a la consola. Si te quieres deshacer de él, se desactiva de tu cuenta y listo.

Las vueltas y mierdas de que la tienda tiene que estar registrada y eso... pues para meter en vereda la compraventa "comercial".

Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

A poco que la PS4 sea bonita, que le den morcilla al ladrillaco.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Pues agarraos que vienen curvas: Rumor: The PS4 Has Used Games DRM. :inaudito

Ciertamente no me sorprendería nada, el movimiento de capar la segunda mano me parece algo muy arriesgado si Microsoft no tuviera al menos claros indicios de que la competencia va a tirar por ahí. De hecho, me parece algo que incluso deberían haber pactado ambas compañías. Veremos en qué se queda la cosa al final. :sudor
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Yo creo que está claro que si Microsoft recula después de la que le ha caído encima, Sony no va a tirar por ahí. O ambas o ninguna, y después de la que se está liando parece que será la segunda opción. Y como bien han apuntado por ahí, no me parece bien que las grandes editoras se callen como perras, cuando tienen muchísimo que ver con esta movida.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Se comenta que ya se conocen 8 de los 15 exclusivos que presentará Microsoft en el E3:

- Ryse
- Forza 5
- Quantum Break
- Rare Game
- Lionhead Game
- Black Tusk studio Game
- Juego universo Halo
- Juego universo Crackdown
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)


Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Lástima, tenia ganas de enseñarles la chorra mientras jugaba.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Tranquilo, podrás hacerlo.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Xbox One uses cloud to render “latency-insensitive” graphics

Now people have had some significant details of both the Sony PlayStation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox One, opinions, preferences and choices are already forming. Most things I have read show that the PlayStation 4 is now a clear early favourite. This may be something to do with Microsoft’s TV/media focus during its reveal presentation, where games seemed to come last. Or it may be something to do with the hardware; the PS4 appears to have the edge over the Xbox One with a significantly higher number of GPU cores and faster system memory with many other aspects of the systems being similar. However, on the graphics side of things, I read today about Microsoft planning to use a cloud of 300,000 servers to render the Xbox One’s “latency-insensitive” graphics.

Ars Technica talked to General Manager of Redmond Game Studios and Platforms, Matt Booty about this server cloud. Ars wanted to know how “laggy cloud data” could help in a fast paced game. “Things that I would call latency-sensitive would be reactions to animations in a shooter, reactions to hits and shots in a racing game, reactions to collisions,” Microsoft’s Booty told Ars. “Those things you need to have happen immediately and on frame and in sync with your controller. There are some things in a video game world, though, that don't necessarily need to be updated every frame or don't change that much in reaction to what's going on.”

Booty gave an example of the utility of a powerful cloud computer with regard to in-game lighting where “things often involve some complicated up-front calculations when you enter that world, but they don’t necessarily have to be updated every frame”. Also physics modelling, fluid dynamics, and cloth motion can be handled by the cloud without adding lag to gameplay. Booty suggested that the power available in the cloud to a single Xbox One user would be equivalent to about three Xbox One consoles working together. Developers will have to decide for themselves in how to manage what is being offloaded to the cloud.

Turning to the use of internet and what might happen if an Xbox One user has a disrupted connection Booty said “If there’s a fast connection and if the cloud is available and if the scene allows it, you’re obviously going to capitalize on that”. If a connection drops the game will “have to intelligently handle that” he added – however that implies that graphics would suffer in this case. This is quite a lot different to how the Sony PS4 will use cloud computing to allow ‘backwards compatibility’, or rather streaming, of previous generation PlayStation games.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

All of this sounds bullshit to me.

Aparte de que no es para lo que sugirieron que iba a servir la nube en la conferencia...
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Procesar gráficos en la nubes desde un pueblo de Soria, ese concepto.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

De todos mi no entender:

¿¿tan difícil es hacer una presentación de una consola y mostrar todo lo relacionado con ella en vez de estar respondiendo desde el minuto siguiente a terminarla a todo quisqui??
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Ubisoft’s Alex Hutchinson on why E3 will be all about games for Xbox One – and what always-on means for developers

Last week’s Xbox One reveal event was for shareholders and the mainstream, but E3 will be all about games, says Ubisoft Montreal’s Alex Hutchinson.

He also had a word of warning for fellow blockbuster game developers – if the industry’s creators fail to produce compelling next generation games, the hardcore audience will ditch new consoles to play games on phones and tablets, he told us.

We caught up with Ubisoft Montreal’s creative director last night to get his thoughts on Xbox One’s connected features and what the next generation of Kinect means for game developers. Here’s what Hutchinson told us about Xbox One in full.

What are your first impressions of the console? What do you feel are the big positives and negatives?

There’s nothing more exciting than new hardware, and I love the smell of new plastic as much as anyone, but we need to remember that a hardware announce will never be that exciting by itself: it’s the games that will run on it that are important. The best thing about this generation is that with relatively stable platforms and dev friendly architecture, the success or failure of this generation is firmly in the hands of game developers. Great software will show why dedicated hardware is still the best platform for gaming, and poor software will open the door to phones and tablets. I firmly believe though that there are at least 50 million hardcore gamers out there, and that if you build quality, they will pick it up. And if you can’t make money selling to an install base that size, then you’re making games that real people don’t want or you’re not managing your budget properly.

What do Xbox One’s connected features mean for you as a games developer?

From a developer point of view, not much. It’s more of a political issue for the hardware makers: how can they legitimately protect the hard work of devs and themselves without alienating or pissing off the audience too much? It’s not really a question we’re involved in. We just need to work within the boundaries that MS and Sony define.

The reveal event was more about TV and services than games – do you think there’s more coming at E3?

I think the announce was for shareholders and an attempt at the mass market who may not usually be interested in a new games machine and you’ll see an E3 focused exclusively on games. Our level design director Philippe Bergeron was laughing that so many people were angry at the continued mention of TV but when he checked his friends online seven out of 10 were watching Netflix – so it is something people are using, but it’s definitely games and content that will drive early adopters so E3 needs to be big.

What can you tell us about working with the hardware? How powerful is it compared to a high-end PC or PS4?

Both systems are easy to work with this time round, so I don’t think you’ll hear many complaints, and it lowers the cost of entry for smaller or less technically savvy devs too, so hopefully more people can just make new experiences instead of spending too much time on the tech driving them.

How does the new Kinect fit into your plans? Can games developers choose not to use it if they don’t want to?

The biggest plus is just that it ships with every console: we can assume that players have the device, so we can include it as a core feature in the game whereas before you knew that most people didn’t have it so the feature had to be peripheral at best. I think you’ll see more games using it for bonus features, or at least acknowledging its existence than the current state of most games having zero support and then specific games being Kinect only.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One on paper – but Microsoft will catch up, says Avalanche Studios

PlayStation 4 currently beats Xbox One in terms of raw power and has a more mature developer environment, Avalanche Studios has told us.

The Just Cause creator is working with each next gen console right now, and says that in terms of pure specifications and working environment, PS4 is the preferable console. But with Xbox One’s cloud capabilities and further developer support coming, Sony can’t claim an early victory just yet.

We asked Avalanche’s chief technical officer Linus Blomberg how the two consoles compare. “It’s difficult to say, as it’s still early days when it comes to drivers,” he told us. “With each new driver release, performance increases dramatically in some areas. The PlayStation 4 environment is definitely more mature currently, so Microsoft has some catching up to do. But I’m not too concerned about that as they traditionally have been very good in that area. The specs on paper would favour the PS4 over the Xbox One in terms of raw power, but there are many other factors involved so we’ll just have to wait and see a bit longer before making that judgment.”

Chief creative officer Christofer Sundberg also told us that Xbox One’s connected play will allow Avalanche’s games to become more directly relevant to its players.

“We were one of the fortunate developers to get our hands on the Xbox One early, but the public reveal only confirms that Microsoft is staying on course with their plans – to make the Xbox One the entertainment center of the living room,” he told us. “The big positive was obviously that it’s a fantastic piece of hardware offering a huge range of possibilities for developers to connect with players in ways that have been close to impossible to date.”

“Next generation to me has always meant more than nice graphics,” he added. “I don’t really see any big negatives at this point. For me, the success of the new consoles will be determined by how much freedom developers will have to make our gaming experiences customized for our fans.”
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Solo faltan que no sean del tipo Kinect: lanzamiento de mocos.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

Donde dije digo digo Diego :doh:doh:doh:doh:

Sí, puedes apagarlo completamente. No usará energía y todo se apagará. Daremos más detalles sobre cómo funciona en el futuro.
Estamos diseñando el nuevo Kinect con regulaciones de privacidad que pueden modificarse facilmente, ofreciendo notificaciones y opciones sobre cómo la privacidad se usa, se almacena y se comparte.
Respuesta: XBOX ONE: ya es oficial (antes Xbox 720, Durango, Infinity...)

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