Dolby Atmos

Con un mucho diría yo. :doh

Lo de la barra... Yo era de vuestra opinión hasta que probé las Yamaha. De hecho, tengo una en casa de las básicas. No es comparable a un 5.1 de verdad, pero os aseguro que echo en falta muy poco. Quién lo diría.

Vamos, que si el modelo anterior sin Atmos se pone a precio goloso, igual me busco un problema con mi señora.
Tronco quiero de eso que fumas, o bebes o...

Tas mu contento últimamente ;)


A ver como te lo explico, tronco :garrulo Yo no he fumao na en toa mi vida, tío...y beber solo bebo agua Bezoya y Better Kas. Cuando salía con los colegas me llamaban el abstemio :facepalm

:ok :ok

Por cierto es BITTER KAS. :juas :ok

Ya lo habéis mentado 3 veces, espero que no delante de un espejo... después aparece y os quejáis...
Más títulos confirmados con Dolby Atmos en Blu-ray para finales de año:
  • Pixels (Sony)
  • Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Paramount)
  • Minions (Universal)
Acaba de llegarme MAD MAX y probando la 3D en VO desde la PS3 coge el Atmos como DD5.1 a 384; ¿será mejor configurar la salida de la PS3 para que hagas la decodificación y lo envíe cono PCM al ampli? ¿O recibiré la misma calidad?

Ojo, que para esos datos se escucha de lujo, pero jode un poco tener sólo DD.
No estoy seguro de que las PS3 soporten 3D + audio HD, ya que eso requiere HDMI 1.4. Si cambiando la salida a PCM te da un 5.1 ó 7.1 con la imagen en 3D entonces seguramente tendrás el audio Dolby TrueHD decodificado por la consola.
No estoy seguro de que las PS3 soporten 3D + audio HD, ya que eso requiere HDMI 1.4. Si cambiando la salida a PCM te da un 5.1 ó 7.1 con la imagen en 3D entonces seguramente tendrás el audio Dolby TrueHD decodificado por la consola.

Premio. En la PS4 (que no suelo usar para BD) sale como True HD. Es el HDMI 1.4.
Una vez más, gracias por la ayuda Dr_X. :birra

Que bueno.

Por cierto hay alguna recomendación sobre los altavoces para Atmos/dtsX sobre no ya ubicación, si no sobre su orientación. Por que en todas las instalaciones que he visto son con orientación neutra, pero luego he visto que alguno de los altavoces superiores tiene orientado el tweter. Por supuesto hablo de altavoces superiores, no los que se ponen encima del sistema de HC tradicional para que rebote en el techo, que eso está claro que ha de ir orientado.
Muchas, muchas gracias. Estaba confuso al respecto, pero me ha ayudado los gráficos. Los que voy a poner en el techo son bastante direccionales pero tienen margen de orientación.

Más quebraderos de cabeza me va a dar el hecho de que haya que ponerlos alineados con los principales. Suelo cambiarlos par hacer pruebas y cada altavoz tiene un punto dulce distinto...
Anthem MRX 1120: se presentará oficialmente a mediados de octubre con Dolby Atmos, DTS:X y 11 canales de amplificación (apto para 7.2.4).


En teoría también habrá un MRX 720 con 7 canales amplificados y procesamiento para 11.2.

Los rumores dicen que en UK el 1120 costará 3400 libras y el 720 se quedará en 2400 libras, aproximadamente 4600€ y 3200€ respectivamente.
Valoraciones de Juego de Tronos en Dolby Atmos:
  • Game of Thrones Season 1 Blu-ray Review
    Game of Thrones has been breaking records since it was first aired but with it's steelbook re-release on Blu-ray it passes a new milestone by becoming the first TV series ever to be mixed in Dolby Atmos. If you don't have Dolby Atmos capabilities then don't worry because you can still enjoy the core Dolby TrueHD 7.1 soundtrack, although for some reason the discs default to their Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack when first loaded. We tested the new soundtrack using a full Dolby Atmos setup with a 7.2.4 speaker configuration that consisted of three front speakers, four surrounds, four overhead speakers and two subwoofers. From the very first scene, as members of the Night's Watch leave the safety of the Wall and head out into the frozen north the new sound design makes itself heard. As the portcullis is drawn up the noises surround you and echo from above and when a White Walker appears later the whole soundstage is filled with the sound of cracking ice. It's as though the entire room is freezing and this is before we'd even got to the opening credits! From then on, it's simply more of the same with the added overhead channels creating a greater sense of realism and giving environments far more spatial dimension.

    Perhaps the best example of this is when Tyrion is held captive in the dungeons of The Eyrie, these fiendish cells have no outside wall, just a sheer drop. As the wind whistles around Tyrion, the sound design creates a real sense of height and you genuinely fear for his safety. However all the different environments in the show benefit from the new Atmos mix, whether it's the echoing castle halls, the bustling streets of King's Landing or the wind blowing through grass plains of the Dothraki. The scenes set in the north and especially the frozen wastes beyond the Wall feel colder and certainly believe 'winter is coming'. Although there actually is that much action in the first season, when it does happen the Atmos mix takes full advantage of the extras channels to place you in the melee, whether it's at the jousting tournament of Ned and Jamie's fight outside a brothel. Unlike many TV show's, Game of Thrones also makes full use of the LFE channel to deliver plenty of bass to proceedings and the wonderful score fills the front soundstage. However crucially for a series where what someone says can be as important as what they do, the dialogue remains clear and centred throughout. Quite simply the best soundtrack for a TV series that we've ever heard.
  • Game of Thrones Season 2 Blu-ray Review
    Game of Thrones has been breaking records since it was first aired but with the steelbook re-release on first season on Blu-ray it passed a new milestone by becoming the first TV series ever to be mixed in Dolby Atmos. If you don't have Dolby Atmos capabilities then don't worry because you can still enjoy the core Dolby TrueHD 7.1 soundtrack, although for some reason the discs default to their Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack when first loaded. We tested the new soundtrack using a full Dolby Atmos setup with a 7.2.4 speaker configuration that consisted of three front speakers, four surrounds, four overhead speakers and two subwoofers. As with the first season, this new Dolby Atmos mix is a revelation, elevating what was already a superb sound design to another level.

    The added overhead channels and the object-based design of the mix simply give every scene a greater sense of environment, it's as if the walls of the room just disappear and you are standing on the frozen wastes of the north or down in the bustling streets of King's Landing. The addition of dragons is a sound designer's dream and they take full advantage of the added dimensionality of Dolby Atmos to breathe life into Deanerys's 'children'. However it's the Battle of Blackwater Bay where the sound design goes for broke, filling the soundstage with massive explosions, raining debris, flying arrows and clashing swords. The lower frequencies get a serious workout but in amongst the chaos of war, the dialogue and music always remain clear. The new Dolby Atmos soundtrack is a triumph of audio design and simply makes the best show on TV even better.
En resumen, amplifica la sensación de espacialidad en momentos puntuales atmosféricos. Supongo que hay que probarlo para ver si merece la pena o no, pero como sea como el salto del 5.1 al 7.1...

“What I notice with Atmos is you really have the sense you’re moving forward with the people on the screen,” says Ladarola, a Hollywood re-recording mixer. “In the opening sequence, Max has run off and he’s being chased by a car that’s taking a leap over a precipice and the sound starts in the back, goes overhead, and then lands in front of you on the screen. I mean that’s the best thing you can do—sort of transcend the space you’re in and it feels like you’re right there.”

Video: Mixing Mad Max in Dolby Atmos
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