El Hobbit: Un Viaje Inesperado -CRÍTICAS-

Respuesta: El Hobbit

Lo que han aplazado al verano es el comienzo del rodaje, no el estreno, mendruguillos! :p
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Creo que el estreno en navidades de 2011 es totalmente posible. Estamos hablando de 2 pelis y no de 3 como ESDLA y GDT no es un director tan meticuloso y detallista como PJ, así que los estrenos no peligran... GDT OUT OF NZ.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Bueno a lo mejor el tiempo del detallismo se corrige con una mejor planificación, cuantos miles de guiones hizo PJ?
Respuesta: El Hobbit

En ESDLA lo de los guiones era una chapuza... iban improvisando sobre la marcha... tres archivadores nuevos de cambios cada noche, dice John Rhys Davies...
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Por eso lo digo duss, es que hay algunos que tienen a PJ en un altar que en determinadas cuestiones no se merece. Y chapucero es un calificativo que a mí me vale mucho.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

El resultado me gusta mucho, pero hay que reconocer que el rodaje de las tres pelis FUE UN CIRCO, con los actores perdidos, los de Weta al borde del colapso y a contrarreloj, Jackson a punto de sufrir tres ataques al mismo tiempo...
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Bueno bueno, que el guión de Casablanca también se iba improvisando y mirad lo que salió.

(Sin ánimo de comparar, que os veo venir...) ;)
Respuesta: El Hobbit



On the heels of writer-producer Peter Jackson's remark that shooting will not start on his much-awaited "Hobbit" until summer 2010 comes word that the two-part movie will be delayed a full year.

Executives close to the project said that Warner Brothers is now likely to release the first film at the end of 2012, and not at the end of 2011 as had been hoped for by the fans.

The second part would be pushed to 2013.

"While it is still possible that it could come out in December 2011, it looks more likely to be 2012," an executive close to the film told WaxWord.

As for the budget, executives on the film presume it will cost somewhere between $200 and $300 million to produce. If it is anything like "The Lord of the Rings," which grossed some $2.9 billion when all the tallies were done, that will be just fine.

The delayed scheduling makes some sense because the project is still being written by Jackson and Philippa Boyens, and worked on by director Guillermo del Toro. It has not been cast or budgeted. The studio New Line and likely cast member Sir Ian McKellan (who said so) have read a draft of part one. But the second script has not been delivered and is not likely to be before the end of the year.​
A representative close to Jackson said that no official release had been determined. "What we’ve been told in conversations is that a decision about the release won’t happen until screenplays and budgets and schedule are done and everyone could look a it."

New Line declined to comment on the report.


Respuesta: El Hobbit

Peter Jackson tranquiliza a los fieles y dice:

Do you know the two years you guys are aiming for with The Hobbit to come out.

Jackson: Nothing has changed as far as I am concerned. Somebody wrote something on the internet and a lot of nonsense happened. You don’t want to believe everything you read on the internet. We were due to deliver the scripts and be shooting sometime around April and now I think I said in an interview we were shooting in June. And somehow people are now saying the film is delayed. As far as I am aware, they are not delayed at all. I am not even sure when we are going to start shooting…we are delivering the scripts just after Christmas they’ll be finished and we’ll be shooting as soon as we possibly can. But you need a certain amount of time to finish the pre-production.

So you believe in December 2011 the first part is going to be in theaters.

Jackson: At this stage, that is certainly the plan. Yeah.

El resto en Collider, donde Jackson también habla de los blu-rays de El Señor de los Anillos (no dice gran cosa, tranquilos).

El loco del fagot como siempre con sus alarmismos :garrulo
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Venga...pues el loco del fagot os trae un par de noticias más...


Via aicn.

Again an awesome Hobbit casting rumour from Aintitcool’s “AICN: Downunder” column, From Latauro’s post: AICN-Downunder: your one-stop shop for HOBBIT casting news. There’s nothing like breaking the (admittedly-unconfirmed) news about Brian Cox getting all dwarf-like to bring your old sources out of the woodwork. Another trusted anonymous name from way back — who, I might add, had heard the Brian Cox rumours before I published them — has another name to add to the pile: Tom Waits. As much as I’d like to say he’s a lock, I’m told he’s simply someone the production is talking about — but they seem to be talking about him pretty seriously. But how inspired is this? So very left field, yet oddly perfect. And here I was thinking Cox was the coolest guy they could hand an axe to.


Respuesta: El Hobbit


It is confirmed, casting is under way on the Hobbit and that is news enough. There have been rumors but now we have confirmation from a source that told us other details about casting as well. In addition to all of that, we have this juicy bombshell: They are casting one female role!

It seems likely that casting at this early stage would be for a featured role, not an insignificant bit part and we don’t have further details so while we can speculate plenty – the ‘Hobbit’ community will do so in our chat room and on our message boards – that is all that is known. Is it for a voice actor which will be needed for creatures? Is there a female dwarf among Bilbo’s companions? (After all, Tolkien never said explicitly that all were male!)

This casting information is somewhat of a surprise because of Peter Jackson’s insistence in media interviews that the two-part ‘Hobbit’ film has not been given the ‘green light’ status that a film needs to receive funding from the studio. Over the summer at Comic-Con he was clear that nobody had been cast and couldn’t be cast because there wasn’t an approved budget from the studio, contracts and offers couldn’t be extended to actors. But our source says without doubt that the casting process is underway, including details we can’t reveal until we get confirmation from other sources.

Then, checking past e-mails and interview notes from past sources to see if this information shed any new light on old information, one sentence from the best of sources stood out. It said: “Budget, casting and schedule need to be approved by the studio to be greenlit.”

In light of this new information that sentence now seems to mean that Executive Producer Peter Jackson and co-writer and director Guillermo del Toro are preparing a budget, a cast and a schedule that along with their script, may go to the studio for one-package approval. This is interpretation of course, but that sentence and this new information leads us to believe that the studio is letting Jackson (likely with constant input) get everything ready for a final “go” from the studio all at once. Jackson’s role as producer includes shepherding all those details with likely studio conversation.

Auditions often involve multiple sessions, readingsor interviews and for films of this size the net would likely be cast wide causing the process to be a lengthy one. Likely cast members are called back to read with other actors to test for chemistry and rapport, extending the process for weeks or even months. So that, along with estimates of a post-Christmas script hand-in (according to Jackson in the media), and casting going on now means that bigger news might be due after the beginning of the year. This all could happen together as the studio approves not only the scripts but the cast, schedule and final budget all at once. Jackson and del Toro have mentioned that while writing the script they discussed potential cast members which may shorten the process somewhat, depending on previous conversation with potential talent.

It has been stated publicly numerous times that Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis will reprise their roles from the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

As more and more agents, actors and supporting talent are either involved or turned down, and in the age of the magic thing called the internet, word travels face out here in cyberspace. If anybody knows more please let us know at Spymaster@TheOneRing.net.


Respuesta: El Hobbit

Arrhhgg... ahí está Jackson mostrando su peor parte como adaptador, modificando la historia para hacerla mas popular, es algo igual a lo que hizo en ESDLA, darle protagonismo a Arwen (cosa que no hizo Tolkien y jackson explicitamente dijo en los extras que lo hizo para vender más).

Esperemos que le hagan entrar en razón como pasó con su loca idea de hacer pelear a Arwen en Helms Deep.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Hombre, un papel femenino en THE HOBBIT es completamente viable...puede meter a Arwen de nuevo, a Galadriel, a alguna mujer importante de La Ciudad Lago... Aunque tambien se rumorea que no todos los enanos que acompañan a Bilbo sean enanos masculinos...
Respuesta: El Hobbit

SI ponen a una enano tía sería el despiporre, por favor. O quiere buscarle novia a Gandalf?
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Eso tiene que ser realmente grotesco...una enana, y si la hacen estilo gimli-bufón ni quiero imaginar que engendro puede salir.

Que se limiten a adaptar lo que hay y si hacen el famoso concilio blanco espero que las mujeres sean un simple cameo o rol secundario, nada de protagonistas femeninas ni amores rancios/palomiteros... :fiu
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Guillermo del Toro se equivocó en un año nada más y nada menos para decir lo del casting, dijo que sería las Navidades pasadas, menuda cara.
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