El Hobbit: Un Viaje Inesperado -CRÍTICAS-

Respuesta: El Hobbit


Fili y Kili en la pelicula animada de El Hobbit
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Joder, me hicieron acordar lo desagradable y bochornoso de las bromas de merry y pipin en la comunidad del anillo, incluso peores que gimli y legolas.
Respuesta: El Hobbit


[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]So, now that PJ's Lovely Bones tour is almost over, I thought it wise- seeing how some can whip up into a frenzy- to drop by and chat a bit. [/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]A) About ONLY 3 actors returning: I think the emphasis on "only" is what slant the news the wrong way. I cannot imagine Gollum being played by anyone but Andy and in the second script there is still much in discussion to lock everything for now. Both PJ and I chime in on things "as they are at the moment" and, of course, things change. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]I, for one, understand where Peter's coming from since 30% of my STRAIN tour questions, HELLBOY II, ORPHANAGE promotion questions, etc, etc where about the Hobbit. At different time we have been closer in locking on a piece of casting or hoping to get a script delivered, etc and things simply changed as we went along. So, don't etch this in stone or anything we both have said in the past, in stone since we communicate what we can when the window of exposure to the press and fans happens. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]I still prefer to keep the dialogue open- inexact as it may get- that to remain mum or one-sided with the community that can really understand this project. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]B) The target for production. Its simple: we may say what we want but until there are two scripts delivered and budgets and schedules to support them we will be all under a yellow light of development. THAT we have not stopped. As I have reported in the past, we are scouting, designing (my last 3 hour meeting with Weta was this morning) and will not stop. BUT the greenlight and thus commencement can only be granted by the studio. Pete as producer and me as director will do everything we can in the meantime. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]C) Is there any trouble brewing with WB? Not at all. All I can say is that they reacted to our delivered script with great delight and we have been receiving strong support in our development. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]Smaug is being animation tested, we are editing the previs, doing final selections on Dwarven War Artifacts and Gear and starting many fabrication tests for armies, prosthetics and wardrobes, etc [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]However, I do plan to be less and less in the public spotlight for two simple reasons: One: I am damn busy prepping this two Behemoths. Two: quite likely, I'll have very limited, if any, promotional time for "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" or "The Fall" (Second Strain book) myself but fear not- I will drop in as much as possible, as always. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]Love [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,helevetica][FONT=verdana,helevetica]GDT [/FONT][/FONT]
Respuesta: El Hobbit


It still isn’t a confirmation but it is a good indication that AintItCool was on the right track when they claimed a source told them actor Brian Cox was potentially involved in the two-part film adaptation of “The Hobbit.” One of our world-wide network of spies was able to ask him face-to-face if the rumors were true that he was involved with the film and he answered with a chuckle and said, ‘I’m not at liberty to talk about that’. It proves nothing but that sure wasn’t a denial. A guess here would be that Cox is being considered for Thorin Oakenshield. Some of us certainly hope so!

Respuesta: El Hobbit

Me encanta Brian tanto en Troya como en Bourne como en Xmen me ha gustado con papeles dispares, un pin para Gussander
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Funciona hasta como Ood el tío. Pruebas de maquillaje ya tiene experimentadas...
Respuesta: El Hobbit

¿Oiste el úlyimo jachonedeo de antena 3? En Hollywood se le s están acabando las ideas y están alargando las sagas. Entree otros ejemplos, citaron la inminente cuarta entrega del señor de los anillos... :garrulo

El chiste del día.
Respuesta: El Hobbit


Recuerdo que cuando murió Arthur C. Clarke, ellos se refirieron a un tal "Arthur Clay"...

PD: la noticia de hoy, Jacksonada, es que Tobey Maguire puede ser Bilbo., aunque por lo visto algunas fuentes lo niegan.
Respuesta: El Hobbit


Peter Jackson has recently sat down with The Hollywood Reporter to talk about the casting process for his upcoming film "The Hobbit" that has taken place. Claiming it is not easy to find the depicters of the lead characters, including the hobbit, dwarf and elf, the filmmaker explained, "They have to have a particular type of physical appearance."

During the same occasion, Jackson also affirmed previous statement that the script for the second part of the movie will be delivered around Christmas. Meanwhile, the production is expected to be kicked off in March or April 2010. However, he noted that the schedule could be changed because the shooting should wait for a green light from the studio.

"The Hobbit" will re-create the scenes of the novel, with additional events that make an impact to "The Lords of the Rings", such as the expulsion of Sauron from Mirkwood by The White Council. The first of the fantasy movie is scheduled for December 2011 U.S. release, while the second film, "The Hobbit 2", is expected to hit theaters a year later.

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