El Hobbit: Un Viaje Inesperado -CRÍTICAS-

Respuesta: El Hobbit


The search for Bilbo Baggins has begun.

Casting on “The Hobbit” begins this week, with wide auditions expected for each part except Gandalf, which is being reserved for Ian McKellen, who played the wizard in “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

“We’re auditioning for every role,” Jackson said in an interview, adding he is a big believer in casting a wide net to better match actors with the roles.

“What we’ve done over the years is discover a lot of interesting actors, like Orlando Bloom (in 'Rings'), Kate Winslet (in 'Heavenly Creatures'), Saoirse Ronan (in 'The Lovely Bones'). So if you start looking and auditioning seriously, it’s amazing what incredible talent you’ll find out there.”

Jackson denied that he had settled on any actors besides McKellen and pooh-poohed Web chatter that he has approached James McAvoy for a key role.

“Apart from Ian McKellen, who we obviously want to return as Gandalf, we are not really offering any roles to anybody until we’ve done a casting sweep,” Jackson said.
Casting is being handled out of Los Angeles and London.

The filmmaker, whose adaptation of “The Lovely Bones” opens Friday, said although he and director Guillermo del Toro have casting approval on the two “Hobbit” movies, he feels no pressure to cast stars in major roles.

“(These movies) have never been a star-driven vehicle. The star is (author J.R.R.) Tolkien and the world he created. We are not under any pressure. We want to find the right people. Casting someone to portray a hobbit is not as easy as you might imagine. They have to have a particular type of physical appearance and a sensibility. And the same with an elf or a dwarf. These are fantastical characters, but you’ve got to find the right people to play them, the right humans to translate these characters.”

Jackson also denied earlier reports that production on “Hobbit” was delayed.

“It’s not,” he said, adding that the script for the first movie is completed and that collaborators Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and del Toro are in the middle of writing the second. They hope to deliver drafts to Warner Bros. and MGM, which are jointly backing the films, around Christmastime.

“We were always planning to shoot around April or May next year, and as far as I’m aware, we’re pretty much on target for that. It depends on how quickly the studio greenlights the film. It’s not in our hands. But as long as we‘re shooting next year, we’re fine.”


Respuesta: El Hobbit

Y la noticia del 15 será... que esperemos al 1 de enero. :juas

Por cierto, gracias, Jackson (forero) por tener esto al día. ;)
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Mi trabajao empieza con la pre producción.

NO postearé ningún tipo de fotografía cuando haya comenzado el rodaje... Quiero tener la misma experiencia que tuve cuando vi en 2001 La Comunidad del Anillo, ya que por aquel entonces no tenía internet... Y NO QUIERO QUE ME PASE COMO CON INDY IV, QUE ME SABIA LA PELI ENTERA ANTES DE VERLA JODER.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Pues yo lo siento pero también quiero que me pase como cuando la vi en 2001 y eso quiere decir todos los spoilers posibles y más :D

Las dos noticias de hoy las he leido a primera hora. La primera es la más interesante, la segunda ya sabemos que debe ser lo de los BluRays y que WB la sacará pues el proximo año o lo mismo para navidades, aunque lo dudo.
Respuesta: El Hobbit


Pero aquí ya sabes cómo termina... el arquero mata a Smaug... los enanos sacan el tesoro... Bilbo vuelve rico a casa... el Anillo al final resulta que es malo... Resines lo ha soñado todo...
Respuesta: El Hobbit


Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" movies thrilled millions of moviegoers, endeared themselves to us, and touched fans so deeply that many feel like Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey, Aragorn, and the rest are members of the family. It's no surprise, then, that they've spent the six years since "Return of the King" wondering if we'll ever see those characters onscreen again. Now, Jackson is hard at work prepping a return to Middle-earth with "The Hobbit" and has revealed to us that three — and only three — of the "Rings" actors will be returning for the family reunion.

"Gandalf, being a 2,000-year-old wizard, is still around and plays a major role in 'The Hobbit,' and we're having Ian McKellen reprise," explained the filmmaker, who is executive-producing the flick and writing the screenplay. "There's a couple of other characters: Elrond, who was played by Hugo Weaving [in the original films], and there's a possibility of Galadriel, who was played by Cate Blanchett."

With that, the fiercely loyal-to-J.R.R. Tolkien filmmaker shot down any talk of folks like Orlando Bloom, Sean Astin, Dominic Monaghan, Viggo Mortensen or John Rhys-Davies being shoehorned into the prequel via flashback, flash-forward, dream sequence or any other Hollywood trickery — as much as some fans might like to see them again.

"In some respects, it's a prequel," Jackson said of the flick, which he plans to begin filming in mid-2010. "In book terms, the world of 'The Hobbit' takes place 60 years before 'The Lord of the Rings,' as it was written by Tolkien. So, not a lot of the characters actually feature, because they weren't around yet."

As for the film itself — the first of two planned "Hobbit" flicks — Jackson gave us an update. "Guillermo Del Toro is the director of 'The Hobbit' — we're producing it for him — and I'm involved in the scriptwriting, which I love," he explained. "Screenwriting is my favorite part of the whole process. I'm very happy being one of the writing team on 'The Hobbit,' and we've written the first script. It's two movies, and we've written the first script, which the studio responded well to. And we're now halfway through the second script."

"At this rate," he said, "we're on target to begin shooting the first half of next year."
As for his returning stars, the filmmaker, whose "The Lovely Bones" hits theaters later this month, said McKellen is onboard, and he has no fear that Weaving and Blanchett would be willing to return as well.

"They are elves, so once again, in the realm of Middle-earth, they're immortal, they don't age," he said of Galadriel and Elrond, the only returning "LOTR" main roles besides Gandalf in his script. "We have a process that would start with showing them the script. We're not [beginning] any official process until we have the 'official' script that they can read."


Respuesta: El Hobbit



No tengo ni idea de quienes son este par...

John and Edward Grimes, the Irish teenagers who became an unlikely sensation on the ITV talent show, have been invited to do a screen test for the movie, scheduled for release in 2011. A report in The Sun says staff working for film producer Peter Jackson contacted the twins’ manager Louis Walsh with the invitation.

If the 18-year-olds are successful, they will be flown to Los Angeles to meet Jackson and film director Guillermo del Toro.They could be offered the roles of twins Fili and Kili – part of a band of dwarves who accompany wizard Gandalf and hobbit Bilbo Baggins on a mission to reclaim treasure from a dragon.

A film insider told the newspaper: "Peter is keen to see if Jedward have any acting ability. He needs twins for these parts and they have a perfect look for the film.
"But the characters have very prominent roles. They are the youngest dwarves and are sent out scouting a lot."The big question is whether Jedward could settle down on a major shoot because they are so excitable and hyperactive."

The Hobbit, based on the JRR Tolkein book, is due to be released in 2011 and filming will begin in the summer.Among others rumoured to taking part is singer Tom Waits, whose voice could be used for the part of Smaug, the dragon faced by Bilbo Baggins at the climax of the tale.


YouTube - The X Factor - John And Edward - Live Show 5: GhostBusters !!!
Respuesta: El Hobbit

TORn no ha dicho nada, si van a empezar a escoger a esta mierda para hacer la película vendible apaga y vámonos. Los enanos no son críos coño.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Los caretos de esos dos afirma mi sospecha de que el grupo de enanos será totalmente bufonésco, vamos, gimli multiplicado por trece.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Hay que empezar a firmar peticiones para que esos dos ni se les permita ver la peli...
Respuesta: El Hobbit

huzo sabes de lo que hablo no le des la vuelta. Frodo no era un niño, y mira que Frodo era demasiado joven para mi gusto, y los enanos cuando fueron a por Bilbo tampoco.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Hombre, si hay algo en que le veo un ciertecillo sentido, es en el hecho de que son un PORRÓN de enanos, y hay que sacarse cosas de la manga para que las audiencias los sepan diferenciar facilmente. Son tantos, que a lo mejor los colores de pelo/barba, las expresiones de los ojos, el vestuario y otros detales visuales no son suficientes, de modo que crean conveniente también mezclar enanos de edades bien distintas.

Pero de ahí a contratar a dos PAYASOS famosetes que ni pelos en los güebos deben tener, dista un universo (y ya no digo nada de ese rumor avergonzante de meter a una ENANA...). Parece que el Jackson y sus dos mujeres piensan que la peli necesite dos nuevos "Merry y Pippin" para el alivio cómico. Maldito zopenco Ciñatiesa de Casadura...
Respuesta: El Hobbit

de modo que crean conveniente también mezclar enanos de edades bien distintas.

Es que en el libro, hay MUCHA diferencia de edad entre los enanos. Si no recuerdo mal, Fili y Kili eran 50 años más jóvenes que los enanos más viejos del grupo.

Lo de diferenciar a los enanos unos de otros no sólo lo veo esperable, sino necesario. Y lo de contratar a estos dos, pues bueno... mientras estén sólo para hacer bulto y no hagan más gracietas que el Gimli de Rhys-Davis, no lo veo mal.
Respuesta: El Hobbit

Parece que el Jackson y sus dos mujeres piensan que la peli necesite dos nuevos "Merry y Pippin" para el alivio cómico. Maldito zopenco Ciñatiesa de Casadura...

Ahí está. Pienso lo mismo. Están buscando unos nuevos "Merry y Pippin", jóvenes y que hagan las gracias de la película. No me gusta, pero el hecho de que el Hobbit sea un libro más infantil (mucho más) y algo alejado de El Señor de los Anillos (una lástima) hace que esto tenga mayor fuerza.

Ojalá me equivoque pero me parece que podemos tener más momentos bochornosos que en la trilogía anterior.
Arriba Pie