Un buen vídeo que explica la tecnología, pero que al usuario lo deja más confundido que otra cosa, porque plantea los problemas de la tecnología como si fuesen problemas para el usuario final cuando no lo son.
De hecho, el propio ingeniero lo deja escrito en un comentario fijado, en el que se defiende de si mismo y dice lo más importante: que te olvides del tema, porque hagas lo que hagas las baterías durarán mucho tiempo y no tienes que pensar en el tema.
The challenge with this kind of video is always that people will translate this to: EVs aren't ready, EVs are too complicated, etc. The purpose of this channel is education at a deeper level than you'd get from an owner's manual. Cars, whether ICE or EV, are extraordinarily complicated. Most people don't think about their ICE car's best practices, and yet they can still last a very long time. The exact same is true for EVs. As mentioned, cycle life of LFP is very good, even under challenging conditions. You don't have to think about it. You can just drive it, and it will last a really, really long time. EVs have much less regular maintenance, you really don't have to think at all to drive these cars. But if you're a dork that's way too curious about cars (that's me), then this is the kinda content that satisfies my curiosity. There are ways to make something that's already going to last a long time, last even longer. There are practices that can dramatically decrease life as well (same with a gas engine, don't hold it at redline, change the oil regularly, etc). My '18 M3P is six years old at this point, still under warranty, and still has great capacity remaining. I also have a new 6-speed coming to the garage soon - stoked to have a manual back in my life!