Bring your Dramamine, because Ang is besotted by a new process that combines 3D with something called 4K, which produces 120 frames per second. Not only do you have to wear special glasses for it, but when the main character keeps asking for Advil in the film, you will be too. This process means ultimate clarity, according to Lee. Forget it. I don’t care how many frames there are per second in a movie, and no one else does. We just want a good movie, well acted, that looks great with an interesting story.
“Billy Lynn” fulfills little of the above. First of all, whatever this new process is– please, no one use it again. It makes the screen look like a video show or a soap opera. It has that HD effect you’re always trying to fix on your Smart TV. I don’t know what Ang Lee was thinking. He said before last night’s screening that he was very nervous. And he did say, “I am not crazy.” But something sold this Oscar winner on a pig in the poke. The lighting is bad, close ups are horrendous, no favors are given to even good looking actors, forget old ones are homely types. Steve Martin, a handsome man, should sue.