El post del 3D, IMAX, Dolby Atmos, nuevos formatos...

Respuesta: La útima peli que voy a ver en 3D..

yo no estoy a favor del 3D al menos hasta que la técnica se haya depurado más, por asi decirlo. Nos están vendiendo algo en versión 1.0. Cuando la cosa esté en 5.0 pués ya veremos, creo que me entendeis jejejee.. por cierto las gafas ahora las regalan, al parecer son de usar y tirar, mucho más higienico.

En muchos momentos de la pelicula preferia verla sin gafas por que ya estaba cansado..:mmmh

Yo diria que estaria en versión 3.0 por lo menos. El 3D ya viene de lejos, no es una novedad. Lo que pasa es que Avatar lo ha vuelto a poner de moda.

y lo malo es cuando vas a un cine y ves que para especificar que tienen 3D te ponen el poster en de Avatar...:inaudito
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Es que nos toman por tontos, a algunos quizás, al parecer.
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El cine es igual que un parque de atracciones en cuanto a que es un negocio que lo que busca es obtener un beneficio.

Cuando los parques de atracciones sean considerados teóricamente una forma de arte, dadme un toque al móvil.
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joder que raro es esto pero desde el sabado que vi la pelicula tengo leves mareos y vista cansada.. yo cada vez pienso mas que el 3D es más perjudicial de lo que pensamos..:fiu

además recuerdo que al salir del cine y coger el coche aun tenia la vista como fatigada..:mmmh
Respuesta: La útima peli que voy a ver en 3D..

yo no estoy a favor del 3D al menos hasta que la técnica se haya depurado más, por asi decirlo. Nos están vendiendo algo en versión 1.0. Cuando la cosa esté en 5.0 pués ya veremos, creo que me entendeis jejejee.. por cierto las gafas ahora las regalan, al parecer son de usar y tirar, mucho más higienico.

En muchos momentos de la pelicula preferia verla sin gafas por que ya estaba cansado..:mmmh

Yo diria que estaria en versión 3.0 por lo menos. El 3D ya viene de lejos, no es una novedad. Lo que pasa es que Avatar lo ha vuelto a poner de moda.

pues llegar al 3.0 les ha costado unos 50 años. de aqui a 2040 posiblemente estará en 8.0 o 10.0, entonces si valdrá la pena ;)
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joder que raro es esto pero desde el sabado que vi la pelicula tengo leves mareos y vista cansada.. yo cada vez pienso mas que el 3D es más perjudicial de lo que pensamos..:fiu

además recuerdo que al salir del cine y coger el coche aun tenia la vista como fatigada..:mmmh

Yo es que paso de ir a ver una película en 3D precisamente por eso (además de porque no me hace ninguna gracia que me cobren más dinero que en una sesión normal, y porque no necesito 3D para disfrutar de una película). Yo siempre que he entrado en alguna atracción de estas en 3D de los parques temáticos he notado una cierta sensación de mareo (aunque soportable al durar unos pocos minutos la película), y como que no tengo ganas de experimentar un mareo de dos horas.
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Además, el 3D no sé porqué pero me hace forzar la vista en varios momentos para poder captar bien el efecto y luego pasa que me duele la cabeza. Si el resultado es marearse pues sinceramente, prefiero el 2D.
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por toda la escuadra!

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¿Quién puñetas es este tal Señor que mencionáis cada dos por tres? ¿Existió de verdad? Yo es que no soy muy de fútbol :juas
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James Cameron: "3D Will Replace 2D in Less Than 25 Years"

If James Cameron's vision of the future becomes reality, I'm going to be living a technology-free existence in 3-25 years.

SFGate reports that James Cameron zipped off to Seoul, South Korea last week to speak at the Seoul Digital Forum. In his speech, he said that 3D would replace 2D as the standard in less than 25 years, and he wasn't referring only to cinema, but also to sports and music shows on TVs and laptops. He's, of course, the guy to talk to because Avatar made so much money and was not "just a fad but a revolution." I'm not so sure that I agree, but Cameron says: "Quite simply, where they had a choice, the audience was selecting for the best possible way to see the movie. And they saw 3D as the premium viewing experience." One must assume that he's referring to all of the recent 3D choices, and not just Avatar, since the latter came with the widespread message of see it in 3D or don't bother.

Cameron notes that the big hurdle right now is the content gap: "If you play all the 3D movies in existence on your fancy new 3D TV, it will keep you entertained for about 3 days." SFGate writes: "Cameron also said he intends to personally dedicate himself to helping the industry adopt 3D without creating a consumer backlash." This opinion of upping 3D content is an interesting counterpoint to the director's recent comments about the rush to 3D. He said: "The problem is these decisions should be made by filmmakers, they shouldn't be made by studios, because if it was up to studios they're going to sacrifice quality for lower cost."

James Cameron can't have it both ways, nor can he be the spokesperson for all filmmakers. His comments do not leave the choice up to the filmmaker, he's trying to create a future where everyone will have to fall in line or be deemed irrelevant. And oh, the problems with this whole mess... Keeping 3D around is one thing -- it's still pretty easy to avoid it. But attempting to make it the way we watch film and media? It is the most absurd thing I've read this month, year, or decade.

Think about it, folks. Yeah, Avatar looked pretty in 3D. But do you want everything that way? Do you want to have to sit just so, wearing those glasses, to watch a movie or TV? It takes the convenience out of home viewing, where one can get up, do chores, do work or homework, whatever they please. It makes for an ever-increasing amount of waste with 3D glasses. It immediately eliminates that five to twelve percent who, like me, find watching 3D a challenge (if not impossible). In essence, it will render many with sighted viewers unable to go to a film or watch a television show.

And what of the artistry of cinema? The history will fall even further away, or be ravaged by studios in the way Cameron recently protested. It also removes the power from the viewer. We can sit in that theater seat and let our eyes gaze the whole image, moving from part to part, focusing on the actor or surroundings, reveling in environment just as much as performance. With 3D, you watch where the film pushes you, the outskirts often quite blurry or ill-defined. That was certainly the case with Avatar. And of course, there's the case of relevancy. When sifting through 3D commentary, fans seem to like it for the big genre picks, but even those folks know 3D's limits. Would you want 3D for the dramas and everything else as well?

Is this the future you want? Do you want 3D to replace 2D as color replaced black and white? If no, speak now, opt for 2D now, or you won't have a choice, if Cameron has his say.
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Pues lo que he dicho yo: en 2030, cuando vuelva el 3D por cuarta vez... anda, Cameron, que pa decir esto...
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Palabra de Cameron. Vaya, este tipejo se cree que por haber tenido un bombazo con Avatar se cree un genio del 3D... :fiu
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El 3D desembarca con fuerza en España según Variety:

Stereoscopic 3D cinema is proving a gamechanger in Spain.
After grossing a stratospheric $100 million B.O., "Avatar" marked a tipping point for the exhibitors' resistance to digital conversion, leading to Spanish digital screen numbers skyrocketing 400% in 2009.

By March, there were already more than 325 digital screens in Spain; 265 were 3D. Forecasts say Spain will have 500 digital screens by year-end, 350 in 3D.

Last year, the country's top three movies at the B.O. were all 3D, powering an overall 9% B.O. growth. And 3D fever continues: "Alice in Wonderland," which opened April 16, bested "Avatar" as the best 3D opening ever in Spain ($10.3 million).

Measured by the number of 3D screens, Spain ranks sixth in Europe, behind France, U.K., Germany, Russia and Italy, says Screen Digest' s Charlotte Jones.

Germany and Spain will lead Western Europe's S3D theater conversion in 2010, predicts Jean Mizrahi, founder of digital facilitator Ymagis. One reason is Spain's growth potential given its low 8% digital penetration in theaters.

"This year, almost all new digital installations will be for 3D screens; 2011 will be the year of full digital deployments," forecasts Tomas Naranjo, general manager at exhibition services company Kelonik.

Beyond a current lack of projection equipment, Spain's main 3D growth problem is financing.

Local circuits have already invested more than $43.2 million in digitization, says exhibitor lobby FECE.

For the moment, at least, most Spanish exhibitors are paying digitization costs out of their own pocket.

Spain's top local loop Yelmo Cines converted 39 of its 400 screens to 3D by teaming with London-based deployer Arts Alliance. Project was directly financed by Yelmo, without involving VPFs, says Yelmo CEO Fernando Evole.

"We are digitizing exclusively with own finance," says Francisco Garcia, managing director at Barcelona-based circuit ACEC, which has converted 36 of 349 screens.

Given the pace of the 3D box office, "recoupment on digital theater investments could be quite fast," says Pablo Nogueroles, managing director, Warner Bros. Pictures Intl. Spain.

Europe's biggest circuits, Odeon-Cinesa-UCI and UGC, have announced plans to make over their Spanish theaters.

Terra Firma-owned Odeon, which operates 383 Spanish screens, is upgrading its entire network through inhouse company Digital Deployment Associates.

France's UGC inked in February with Ymagis to facilitate UGC digital conversion of all its 605 screens, including 88 in Spain. Agreement sees Ymagis acting as a third-party investor and third-party VPF collector.

"VPF deals are complex and negotiations are drawn-out," says Evole, who predicts first VPF deals for Spanish exhibitors by the year's end.

Ymagis is finalizing VPF agreements with some Spanish cinema loops, Mizrahi reports.

A big question is how Spanish indie distributors will access digital screens under VPF deals with the studios.

Currently, a few 3D indies are inking pic-by-pic deals, with distributors paying extra fees to exhibitors for digital prints, and, in some cases, also a small fee for the 3D glasses.

"The 'Avatar' effect caused a bottleneck in Spain's 3D theaters, making it more difficult to release indie films," says Ignacio Puebla, who's partnered with international tech company Xpand to handle 3D pics in Spain via SolotresD. SolotresD's first release, animated "Garfield's Pet Force 3D," has been delayed to June 11.

"The 3D boom hit independent production about six months ago," says Jorge Vazquez, general manager at Spain's top indie distributor Aurum Producciones, which plans to release two 3D films a year. Its first 3D pic, musical "StreetDance 3D," bows this month; later, the James Cameron-produced drama "Sanctum."

With nearly all of Spain's 3D theaters dominated by the studios' big titles, 3D indie distributors and producers have had to revamp initial release plans according to the international agenda.

Handled by Filmax Entertainment, Jordi Llompart's fantasy tale "Magic Journey to Africa," opened in May after delaying the release date. Dygra's 3D animated Christmas farce "Holy Night!" will launch in December, a year later than previously announced.

Initially skedded for a July 23 theatrical release, Fernando Cortizo's 3D stop-motion pic "O Apostolo" has moved to August-September, avoiding "Toy Story 3."

" 'Avatar' has refined film audiences' tastes, raising the bar for 3D film production," says Morena Films producer Alvaro Longoria.

"Spanish production companies, not only toon houses, are enthusiastically encouraging 3D training," says "O Apostolo" producer Isabel Rey at Artefacto Producciones.

Locals Get On Board

3D projects are sprouting like mushrooms in Spain. Here is a selection:

• Alex Colls's animated pic "La tropa de trapo," produced by Galicia's Continental and Abano, and Catalonia's Anera. Alta Films release bows in the fall.

• Bigas Luna is developing apocalypse drama "Segundo Origen," adapting Manuel de Pedrolo's novel, produced by Antartida Prods.

• Miguel Bardem is prepping a 3D adaptation of comicbook "Mortadelo & Filemon," the third part of a local B.O. hit saga that Warner Bros. will release in December 2011.

• Kandor Moon, Antonio Banderas' joint-production venture, has attached Emmy-winner Erik Jendresen ("Band of Brothers") as the screenwriter of animated movie "Goleor, the Scale and the Sword." The $29.7 million epic adventure will be delivered by 2012.

• Madrid-based Illion Animation Studios aims to produce a yet-to-be-titled 3D toon project for 2012. Like Illion's first pic, alien comedy "Planet 51," which grossed $110 million worldwide, new toon feature targets international auds.

• Debutant Enrique Gato is directing animated pic "Tadeo Jones 3D," produced by Ikiru Films. It begins production in the spring.
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Eso son los especuladores del euro, que ya andan soltando noticias difamatorias...
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RealD Announces Kid Friendly 3D Glasses For TOY STORY 3

Good move! RealD has announced that kid sized 3d glasses will be available in USA and Canada for the release of TOY STORY 3 on June 18.

"The little ones will be able to comfortably enjoy the great summer movies coming out in RealD 3D wearing glasses designed just for them," said Joseph Peixoto, President of Worldwide Cinema at RealD. "Kid-sized RealD 3D glasses are made to the same high-quality standards as adult size RealD glasses with each individually packaged in sealed bags ensuring they are clean and fresh for every moviegoer."

And remember, these are not surgical instruments - they will have common, everyday germs on them just like everything else in most cases. The sealed bags help even more with cleanliness. Don't believe thenegative hype about anything else.

This is a thoughtful move by RealD and will be appreciated by parents everywhere.

Black Eyed Peas, los nuevos avatares de James Cameron

Will.i.am ha confirmado la intención del grupo de rodar uno de sus conciertos en 3D. Es más, la idea de la banda no es una grabación al uso, sino que James Cameron, que se encargará de la dirección, escribirá un guión para ellos.
"Ahora mismo estamos planeando una película 3D de nuestro tour", ha explicado Will.i.am en una entrevista a Vibe Magazine. La gira internacional de los Black Eyed Peas pasará por los cinco continentes, aunque prevén hacer la grabación durante la etapa sudamericana del mismo.
El músico ha revelado que el encargado de dirigir la producción será James Cameron. "Tenemos al mejor director porque somos el mejor grupo del planeta. Lo filmaremos en Sudamérica. La gente podrá vernos en los cines con las gafas 3D y todo eso", ha añadido Will.i.am.
No será una grabación de un concierto al uso, ni de imágenes del backstage, sino que James Cameron está preparando "un guión" que les tiene que enseñar a los Black Eyed Peas. "Será una película de largo metraje basada en nuestras actividades dentro de la gira", ha explicado.
"Hemos visitado desde Norteamérica hasta Europa, pasando por Oriente Próximo, Sudamérica, Asia y África. No vamos en plan 'somos internacionales, haremos conciertos en Londres y París', no, eso son sólo dos ciudades, queremos dar la vuelta al mundo", ha añadido el músico, que también ha negado cualquier discrepancia con la cantante, Fergie.
Recientemente se publicaba que Fergie podría estar pensando en abandonar la banda debido a los problemas de comunicación con Will.i.am, algo que el artista ha negado categóricamente, señalando que la cantante tiene intención de grabar un disco solitario, pero que ahora todos están centrados en el grupo.
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Garcí si que puede poner el 3D a la orden del día. El 3D empieza con La Regenta. Avatar tan solo fue un ensayo para que el genio español nos muestre el camino a seguir.
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¿habéis puesto el artículo de Roger Ebert -29 de abril- o es un gol de Señor?


Está muy bien el artículo, con verdades como puños... PERO pierde toda la fuerza al final cuando dice que si Scorsese u otro (no lo conozco) ruedan en 3D, que lo van a hacer, entonces puede que merezca la pena "bien usado". Entonces en qué quedamos ¿vale o no vale? :pensativo


P.D: Que conste que a mi me gustaría un 3D bueno, "real", no lo que nos están vendiendo.
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Es tan, tan, tan gratuito... No hace más que casualizar aún más el cine, apostando cada día por un cine de peor calidad frente a dignos entretenimientos de calidad. Sí frente a la "película" en sí, la principal atracción es la aberración del 3D, muy mal vamos.
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Porque aun no habéis visto airbender en 3D. Vaya estafa al espectador. Hubo varios trailer que sí tenían efectos pero airbender ni UNO SOLO. Un desvario
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