GRAN TORINO la nueva pelicula de Clint Eastwood

Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

Pues ya firmaba yo al menos una de estas películas normalitas normalitas al año :yes
Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

Su sencillez juega a su favor, Eastwood está sensacional, pero creo que le falta algo para hablar de clásico. De hecho me gustó mucho más El Intercambio.
Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

Podeis quitar ya lo de Eastwood prepara...... :juas
Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

Será "racord". Cuenta, cuenta... :cool

Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

Me has salvado. Yo iba a hacer un chiste aún peor...
La verdad es que el siguiente proyecto de Mr. Eastwood se me antoja muy maravilloso. A ver si alguien busca información y se renueva ese "Eastwood prepara..." que efectivamente está ya obsoleto.
Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

Ya está rodando, el muy... :palmas

Lo he puesto en este hilo para no mezclar temas.
Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

¿Cual es el fallo de racord?

En IMDB la lista de goofs:

Lo pongo en spoiler:

* Revealing mistakes: When Walt gets angry and punches his hand through the glass cabinet you can tell the glass is a prop piece.

* Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): In the bath tub scene he says he never smoked in the house, yet he was smoking before the priest came in his home before they drank beer.

* Boom mic visible: When Walt and Sue start to sit to talk on Walt's back porch, the boom mike appears ever so slightly.

* Revealing mistakes: Walt's medical form lists DOB as February 1930, yet, when his family celebrates his birthday with him, it is in the summer, green grass, and he joins his neighbors for a cookout. It isn't February in Detroit.

* Continuity: After Walt has his tantrum and breaks his kitchen cupboards and cupboard glass, everything has been miraculously fixed by the very next morning as if nothing ever happened.

* Continuity: In the scene where Thao goes along with Walt to the barbershop, the barber's jacket zipper changes position several times.

* Continuity: When Kowalski is seen at the medical office, the physician introduces herself as Dr. Chu but the credits identify Dr. Chang.

* Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Walt says he used the M1 Garand rifle that he points at Thao, in Korea. US Military Personnel are not allowed to keep their weapons, as they are government property. However, specific rifles, identified by serial number, were available for purchase after they were deemed obsolete or unfit for service through the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

* Continuity: When Walt goes over for the cookout, the meat looks as if it has just been placed on the grill. When the camera angle changes all the meat is flipped and looks well done.

* Continuity: The medical form shown while Walt is on the phone shows his address as 1962 Delco St, while the number on his house is 238.

* Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Walt confesses his sins to the priest, Walt never says the Act of Contrition, a mandatory step in the Confession process according to Catholic tradition.

* Revealing mistakes: When Sue invites Walt into her home to eat and meet her family members, Walt reaches into their refrigerator, grabs a Tsingtao Beer, and twists off the bottle cap. Tsingtao Beer is not sold in twist off caps. There are close up shots of the beer bottle in later scenes that validate this fact.

* Continuity: During the entire movie, one of the balusters in the railing on the front porch of the Hmong house is missing. At the end of the movie when the brother and sister get into the Checker cab to go to the funeral, you can see that the house still has bullet holes and boarded up windows, but the missing baluster reappears.

* Revealing mistakes: While Walt is on the phone to his son, the medical forms show Detroit and a Michigan ZIP code but lists the state as California.

* Revealing mistakes: In the scene where Walt is working Thao, and it is raining, but you can see the blue sky in the reflection of the house windows.

* Continuity: When Walt goes downstairs during the barbecue, he places his beer on the washing machine. In the next shot he has his beer in his hand.

* Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When asked about the emblem on his cigarette lighter, Walt misidentifies his military unit as the "First Calvary". No one who served in a CAV-al-ry unit would make such an error.

* Continuity: When Walt is drinking the beer in Sue's kitchen the level of the beer gets higher the longer he drinks it.

* Boom mic visible: In Walt's son's house, above the kitchen table, while he talks to his father (their second phone conversation, while Walt is reviewing the medical records.)

* Continuity: In the scene where Walt challenges the gang hassling Sue and her date, he asks the boy she was with 'what's with all this 'bro' shit?', however he wasn't present when the boy called one of the gang members 'bro', and arrived later, so wouldn't have known that he had used this term.

* Continuity: During the closing credits with the prolonged shot of the cars driving by the lake, the Gran Torino actually appears a second time.

* Incorrectly regarded as goofs: The medical form shows Walt's marital status as "Married", which is not possible since his wife's funeral is the opening scene of this chronologically told movie. However, this is the first time Walt has been to the doctor since his wife died, and based on the conversation with the doctor, it had been more than 3 years since his last visit. With all that was going on in his life at the time of that visit, it is not unreasonable to believe he just forgot to update his marital status.

* Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): The hospital admittance form shows his age as 68, yet he said that he got his Silver Star in 1951, which would have made him 11 years old when he got the medal.

* Continuity: After Walt punches in his kitchen cabinets and is sitting in the chair smoking, both of his knuckles are bleeding. At one point his right hand appears without blood while his left is still bloody (dried at this point). In another shot of the same scene, where he's talking with the priest, both hands are bloody again.

* Crew or equipment visible: In the bathroom scene when he is bathing and smoking, the reflection of the camera mans legs are visible on the bathtub.

* Factual errors: The Gran Torino's Michigan license plate number has 3 letters, followed by 3 numbers, followed by 1 letter. This style of Michigan license plate actually has 3 letters followed by 4 numbers.
En la barberia, la cremallera, arriba, abajo, arriba, abajo, igual que la famosa corbata de pretty woman.
Pues, no me dí cuenta. Estaba más por el diálogo tarantiniano :lol

Severus, pedazo de avatar :juas
Dawson, ¿lo de dialogo tarantiniano lo dices porque había muchos tacos?
Normal que a algunos no os gustase Death Proof si esa es la imagen que teneis de Tarantino.
Re: Eastwood prepara nueva pelicula, GRAN TORINO

Queda poco que añadir.

Lo que es capaz de hacer este hombre con un viejo, un porche y poca cosa más.

Eastwood no debería de dejar de hacer películas nunca, pero lamentablemente una de ellas va a ser la última, y él lo sabe, y nos lo está diciendo.

Master piece.
Peliculon con mayusculas, lo mejor que he visto en tiempo.Esta es la mejor del año y El Intercambio del año pasado, dios mio, Clint no te mueras nunca. :hail :hail
La película que más me ha gustado en todo el año.

Una película que demuestra que lo importante del cine no es la historia en sí, sino la forma de contarla.
LoJaume dijo:
La película que más me ha gustado en todo el año.

Una película que demuestra que lo importante del cine no es la historia en sí, sino la forma de contarla.

Bueno tampoco llevamos demasiado... Joder ya estamos en Marzo, dentro de nada otra vez tenemos campaña para los Oscars... :doh Cada vez los años pasan a más toda hostia.
Acabo de verla y la ropa todavía me huele a cine.
Poco que añadir a lo aquí comentado. Solo decir que es una pena que para verla en pantalla grande haya que hacerlo con la versión doblada. Los de la banda parecían doblados por el del canto del loco no digo más.
Pues yo la ví en pantalla grande y en versión original :yes

Y en los subtítulos se mantiene lo de "Atontao", "Yogur", y algunas licencias artísticas que se ha permitido la traductora.
VMM dijo:
Pues yo la ví en pantalla grande y en versión original :yes

Y en los subtítulos se mantiene lo de "Atontao", "Yogur", y algunas licencias que se permite la payasa de la traductora.
Y los que la habeis visto en V.O, como hace las traducciones porque tonto en ingles no tiene nada que ver con Tao :?
La he visto hoy en pantalla grande. ¡Dios Mio! He terminado llorando. ¡Que grande es Eastwood! El día que muera me suicidaré. En serio, acojonante como sabe hacer cine este hombre.
en una palabra: ACOJONANTE.

creo que es de las primeras ocasiones en que he estado a punto de llorar en una sala de cine, por cierto en la sala gente de todas las edades, me congratula ver el respeto que se le tiene a este señor.
Arriba Pie