La III Guerra Mundial o la II Guerra Fría

parece cada vez más dudoso que el misil fuera israelí, es lo que tiene informarse directamente a través de la agencia de prensa de Hamas.
Lo de la información es horroroso, no te puedes fiar de casi nada, ya lo vimos con Rusia - Ucrania. Guerra de propaganda pura, cuando ves a alguien escorado a un sitio ya puedes desconfiar automáticamente.
eso es lo que está pasando aquí: os indignáis y rebuscáis argumentos en vuestro armario de retórica para justificar ese posicionamiento, que por supuesto tiene que ser del lado de Israel, que son los buenos porque son amigos de los EEUU y, claro, son los que salen en las pelis salvando el mundo.
No, por aquí (dentro y fuera del foro) muchos se ponen del lado de Israel porque:
  • Los progres e izquierdosos están en contra de Israel, ergo hay que ir con Israel a muerte.
  • En realidad odian a los judíos, pero odian aún más a los musulmanes, y con tal de ir contra el enemigo mayor...
Pero tengo claro clarinete que, si mañana los progres se pusieran del lado de Isrsel, y los musulmanes desaparecieran todos a la vez del mapa, la mayor parte de los que hoy están con Israel estarían empezando a insinuar la necesidad de una segunda y definitiva Shoah...

Un saludete.
no deja de llamar la atención que los políticos y medios de izquierda que se pasan el día dándonos la puta brasa con las "fake news" y el peligro que conlevan se hagan eco de estas con absoluta celeridad cuando les conviene a su relato de mierda.
La gentuza asquerosa de los "bebesfake" que exigían las pruebas de degollamiento y masacre de niños secuestrados, aquí oye, a pies juntillas lo que diga un grupo terrorista. Y por supuesto en pocos minutos ya sabían las cifras de muertos.

ajajaj pero que el hospital sigue en pie, que ayer vi yo cien mil cadáveres sacados en bolsas.

Última edición:

"By contrast, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates condemned Hamas, with the Emirati government calling the group’s actions a “serious and grave escalation” and declaring that it was “appalled” by the attacks on civilians."

"Over the weekend, several countries altered their initial statements as details of the attack unfolded. The UAE, Bahrain, and China all modified their primary statements to include explicit condemnation of the killing and kidnapping of Israeli civilians. The UAE and Bahrain also revised their initial statements to specifically condemn Hamas."

Hay más, pero no me voy a molestar en ponerlos porque supongo que te va a dar igual.
De tu enlace:


¿Cuántos países islámicos ahí se posicionan contra Hamas de forma explícita?
The Saudi-based Muslim World League warned against “dangerous escalation between a number of Palestinian factions and the occupying Israeli forces” and called for both sides to stop violence and return to peaceful methods of solving the conflict.
Como no decir nada.

Mansour Abbas, an Arab Israeli politician who heads the United Arab List, called on the leadersof Palestinian factions to take a “moral, humanitarian stance reflective of the values of Islam” and to free all of the hostages: “This is the time to prove a valuable human stance according to which it is forbidden to hurt the innocent and kidnap women, children, and the elderly. To free them would have a positive and human impact.”
El único, el líder de un partido político árabe-israelí minoritario... en Israel.

Mamosta Salahadin Mohammed Bahadin, General Secretary of the Islamic Union of Kurdistan,wrote a Facebook post that starts by condemning “oppressors,” but then wishes that the Palestinians would not break international law or “violate the rights” of the captives. Yet he also criticized human rights organizations for not taking into account the past seventy years of Palestinian oppression, claiming that this led to the Hamas attack and declaring that “peace in the time of oppression” is impossible

Turkish Minister of Religious Affairs Ali Erbas stated immediately after the attack that the solution to the whole conflict is for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian lands. Noting “it is our greatest wish that innocent people are not harmed,” he also affirmed solidarity with the Palestinian people and offered a generalized wish for peace. A few days after the attack, once Israel’s air campaign in Gazahad begun in earnest, Erbas called for Friday services to pray for “the souls of the innocents who were murdered in Palestine, the healing of the injured, the liberation of all the oppressed people of the world from the oppression of the oppressors, the peace and tranquility of all Islamic lands, especially Jerusalem.”
Otro que justifica.

The Egyptian institution al-Azhar remarked that Palestinians, not Hamas, were defending their homeland and Islamic nation: “al-Azhar salutes with all pride the efforts of the resistance of the noble people of Palestine.” Further, it called on the international community to blame the Israeli occupation for the attacks, then said recent events have revitalized hopes that the Palestine issue is not over.
Más duro les tendrían que haber dado.

Iraqi Shia Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani called on the world to stand up to the Zionists and keep them from attacking the Palestinians. He further condemned the shelling of Gaza and siege of the Strip, calling it an attempt to “take revenge on them and compensate for their devastating loss and great failures in the recent confrontations.” He also says that the end to the “tragedy of this honored people” will only come if they “attain their legitimate rights and end the occupation of their land”; without that, the resistance would continue.
A por ellos.

Ahmed al-Khalili, the Grand Mufti of Oman, tweeted that the Palestinian victory in defense of its territory comes from God. He also called on all Muslims to stand behind the Palestinian resistance. Moreover, he emphasized that the resistance must adhere to the Islamic prohibition against mutilating corpses, calling on all Palestinian groups to heed to this rule. Finally, he asked God to protect the resistance and destroy their enemies, just as he destroyed Pharaoh, Ad, and Thumud.
Los musulmanes unidos jamás serán vencidos.

Abd al-Ila Ibn Kiran, Secretary-General of the Moroccan Justice and Development Party (PJD),stated that the Hamas attack was a “natural and legitimate reaction to daily abuses carried out by the Zionist enemy and the racist and extremist Zionist government policies,” and that resistance to occupation is a “legitimate right guaranteed by divine sharia and international conventions
Este directamente, a saco, ni se inmuta.

The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood stated their solidarity in the fight against “occupiers,” as they are currently fighting Iranian and Russian occupation. They also declared their intention to stand with the Palestinian resistance “during the good times and the bad.” “Your fight with the Zionist enemy is the fight of all Arabs and Muslims,” the group declared, calling on Palestinians to rally around the Hamas leadership and provide all methods of material and spiritual support to the Palestinian people.
Hamas lucha en nombre de todos los árabes y todos los musulmanes.

The International Union of Muslim Scholars initially issued a statement declaring that “resistance to the occupiers by our people in Palestine—including the most recent Gazan resistance—is legitimate according to all divine sharia law and international laws, and it is rather an obligatory and legal obligation in Islam,” citing Quranic verse al-Nisaa 75 as proof. In a second statement, the union explained why “Zionists” are not civilians, noting that (1) every member of Israeli society is drafted into the military, (2) warfare has expanded beyond infantry and tanks, so people who carry out technical roles still contribute to the war through flying unmanned drones, (3) “in an occupying country, anyone who lives on its land is an occupier,” and (4) the “philosophy of occupation” is present in every member of Israeli society. The statement then cited Quranic verse al-Baqarah 217 as proof.
Autodefensa legítima. Lo dice la sharia.

Rabitat Ulama Ahl al-Sunna, a signatory group of twenty-nine Islamic bodies from Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, Algeria, Mauritania, Turkey, Senegal, Indonesia, Lebanon, and Iran as well as twenty four religious scholars from Palestine, Yemen, Senegal, Iraq, Syria, Morocco, Bangladesh, and Iran,argued that “scholars clearly and unequivocally state that every Zionist soldier or settler is permissible for blood wherever he is in Muslim countries—in Palestine and outside of it in any Islamic country—and his entry into Islamic countries based on peace or normalization agreements with the Zionist enemy does not matter.” Furthermore, it stated that every Muslim must support the resistancethrough money or active fighting, citing Quranic verse al-Hijrat 15 as proof.
Otros que no se esconden y van a saco.

American Sunni imam Yasir Qadhi posted on YouTube that the condition of Palestinians is worse than apartheid, speaking solely about their suffering without mentioning the Hamas attacks specifically. He claimed that for everyone who supports apartheid, “God almighty will take care of them,”asking God to grant victory to those who have been oppressed for decades.
Lo mismo, pero por lo bajini.

Syrian jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham praised the “heroes of Gaza” for their determination to “reclaim their land from oppressive occupiers.” It also declared that the Palestinian “resistance” hasserved as inspiration for the Syrian people in their battle against the Assad regime.
Qué van a decir estos...

Yemen-based jihadist affiliate al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) congratulated Hamas’sIzz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades for the “blessed victories” and “daring operation.” Addressing Muslims closest to Israel—particularly in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan—the group urged them to support militants in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel proper “with whatever means possible. Give them whatever they need: men, money, food supplies, and moral support.” It also told Muslims not to be discouraged by “obstacles” imposed by their governments.
Lo mismo, qué van a decir, a por ellos, cuenta con mi hacha.

The Somali jihadist group al-Shabab stated that Palestinian Muslims have “comforted the hearts of the believers. Muslims, wherever they are, were pleased that your hand reached and revenged against the criminal Zionist.
Cuenta con mi espada.

¡Vaya! Es verdad, veo reacciones claramente contrarias a Hamas, a sus torturas y a sus violaciones, en el mundo islámico y árabe...
Si hasta un tio occidentalizado como no sé, Benzema no ha tenido los cojones de decir nada sobre secuestros,asesinatos del sábado negro imaginad el resto de fanáticos y turba.

Se salvan cuatro, cuando no son tibios o cobardes.
Hay otra incoherencia de segundo grado. La que deriva de observar cómo a derecha e izquierda se desgañitan defendiendo a Estados extranjeros (el soñado de Palestina o el de Israel) con un ardor y una falta de límites que aquí no se les conoce en defensa de lo propio.
Que un país que ha sufrido sumisamente más de 800 asesinatos de ETA, la matanza de doscientas personas en Atocha, que ve cuestionada su unidad e integridad, que ha sufrido un golpe de Estado separatista y una campaña internacional contraria, que ve amenazada las ciudades de Ceuta y Melilla, que tiene una colonia inglesa que crece a costa de sus aguas o que padece inquietantes tensiones migratorias en Canarias; que un país así, que además ha de sufrir todo esto aceptando la orden del enemigo, siendo incluso mandado por su enemigo, en las formas más humillantes y serviles, tenga que presenciar cómo su derecha y su izquierda, que lo han acostumbrado a la servidumbre, piden las más enérgicas acciones (el terrorismo, masivos bombardeos) para la salvaguarda de estados extranjeros resulta asombroso. Ver la cantidad de tiempo y energía que medios, políticos y analistas dedican, por ejemplo, a justificar las posiciones históricas de imperios ajenos o de gobiernos que difunden la más negra leyenda española resulta pasmoso.
Esto evidencia lo que se sospechaba: la inexistencia de una opinión pública española. No sólo la acción política, el mismo debate está dominado por intereses extranjeros, por unos discursos prefabricados en el exterior que personas a sueldo o simplemente incautos distribuyen en España.
Pero a ver, qué es esto de acordar ayuda humanitaria como acuerdo y no hablar de cosas que explotan? La noticia es que hablan de pasos a dar, no sacos de arroz, que eso se da por supuesto como propaganda.

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