No hombre no... Que se lo tienen merecido. Que lo dice la ONU
No hombre no... Que se lo tienen merecido. Que lo dice la ONU
Me imagino que Hamas utilizará el combustible para la guerra. No la va a utilizar para temas hospitales, infraestructuras, bombeo de agua, etc.
NoooooooLa ONU no dice eso, pero bueno, tampoco sirve de gran cosa.
los ataques del día 7 “no vienen de la nada”, sino tras “56 años de ocupación asfixiante”
Los titulares es lo menos fiable hoy en día.
Él mismo cita sus propias palabras en las que condenaba los horribles atentados de Hamás.
Que en un momento posterior hubiera dicho que la violencia no sale de la nada no significa que justifique nada.
The first days of October were silent, no one got killed and there was no war. Then on oct. 7th thoudands of Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and murdered, burned, slaughtered 1,500 people, babies, kids, women, girls were raped and executed, entire families got burned, and the worst thing I had ever heard on my life - they cut the belly of a pregnant woman and shot her infant on her belly. Furthermore 214 babies, kids, women, old and men were kidnnaped. I am Israeli, I am a son of the Jewish nation, all the people if Israel are heart broken in ways I cannot even start to describe. This was purley a declaration of war and it was obvious that this war will cause many more innocent victims. I hate wars, they are brutal, unjust, they make your reality impossible. It is also impossible to be a member of Orphaned Land in times of war. One thing I hate more than wars, and it is Antiaemetism & Nazis. I played in Turkey around 25 times, we got 3 peace awards in Turkey, we donated an income of our show to earthquake victims. There are many wars in the world. I never saw a sign forbidding Russians, Americans, Arabs or any other nation to enter a shop. Jews always gets this amazing privlige and honor, cause Antisemitism was always there. And Antisemites and modern Nazis are my new mission and instead of devoting myself to peace, I will devote myself to fight these racists, on our nexr songs, albums and the new model of Orphaned Land. I know this does not represent Turkey, I got houndreads of messages from beloved Turks, Turkey had always been home to me, but this shop runs by a pure Antisemite.
By Kobi Farhi.