MadmeasureHDR Optimizer in V3.0.0
- GUI for Target nits /static & dynamic reorganized / renamed
- Removed Neo-XP and Manni01 algo for static nits since "Flo" was providing similar or better static target nits which scaled nicely with the "real display peak" of the user already
- Added: "Flo Scene" and "Flo Chapter" in addition to "Flo" algo
-->All 3 algos are identical for static target nits but different for the dynamic target nits
- "Flo": same as before: rolling avg over the whole movie
-->Avantages: never jump & respect brightness change one scene to the next
-->Issues: can sometimes display rapid brightness change /pumping
- Flo scene using "old" flo dynamic algo, but reset the rolling avg at each scene defined by madshi in the measurement file
--> Avantages:
- very dynamic
- no lag or pumping
-->Issues noted with this approach:
- with false positive when a new scene is detected but you are actually still in the same scene, you can have a distracting brightness jump
- Sometimes you loose the brightness relation between 2 following scenes since it has been resetted and one person with the previous scene can look much brighter than the next (example when 2 people are discussing together in the same room and the camera keeps switching between them)
- Flo chapter also uses "old" flo dynamic algo, but you can define yourself "what change in %FALL" from one frame to the next defines the start of a new chapter --> basically it takes madshi scenes, and filters them to only give the one showing a %FALL relative change > %FALL threshold you set there (default 100%)
So "Flo chapter" enables you to play with the relative %FALL change for chapter detection.
- With 0%, you will end up with all "madshi" scenes (same as "Flo scene")
- With 10000%, you will (likely) end up with the movie being one single chapter ( Same as "Flo" )
- With 100%, it stabilizes over longer period of time than the old "scenes" eliminates false positive.
So "Flo chapter" is the more evolved algo and should combined the benefits from "Flo" and "Flo scene" without their respectives issue
Also: minimum target nits & real peak nits have been merged for more simplicity.
- Dynamic Target Nits Tuning [50-100] is the old field to change from algo 1 (50) to algo 2(100).
Algo 1 giving lower target nits than algo 2 for relatively dark scenes. But algo 1 and algo 2 should give equal target for bright scene like in the outside scenes in the movie "The Meg".
Here the new look: